Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 29 May 2002, Best Wheels, C 8

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DOES YOUR CAR WAX GIVE YOU BETTER PROTECTION THAN YOUR CUT-RATE CAR INSURANCE? Docrt m u t just anyone r= r= l IA I I J Wayne M c G ill iM < W )rcroft Rd #21, Oakville ·u a s rs e p s r 90^ 47-5671 An Oakville Beaver Automotive Feature · To advertise in this section call 905-845-3824 or Fax 905-337-5568 \ \ l I > \l S| >.\Y. MAY 2 ` > . J< # >2 · P a ^ c ( H BEST WHEELS OAKVILLE NISSAN F lM k sJ zS lP J ? 616 York St. O a kville Bob M cIntosh n Direct: 9 0 5 -8 2 7 7 1 9 1 We lease all makes and models. Tiburon for sports-coupe fanatics By Malcolm Gunn W H E E L B A S E C O M M U N IC A T IO N S T he arrival o f H y un d ai's newa n d -v e ry -m u c h -im p ro v e d T iburon should be cause for great celeb ratio n and rejoicing for sports-coupe fanatics everyw here. T h a t's because the c a r 's very e x is tence is, in m any w ays, a special treat if not a dow n rig h t surprise. In a sea teem ing w ith SU V s, p ic k u p s, m in iv an s and an e v e r grow ing assortm ent o f boxy w agon sh ap e s, th e lo w ly sp o rts co u p e seem s as forgotten and forlorn as a lost puppy. W hen you exclude all those m eg a-d o llar Jaguars, A ston M artin s, P o rsc h e s, F e rra ris and o ther m odels o f th eir ilk, th e re 's really very little left to choose from w hen shopping for an affordable 2+2 that not only has plenty o f pep, but fulfills its fu n -to -d riv e m andate w ith ease. Indeed, the ran k s o f com p act sport coupes seem to be thinning. For 2002, the H onda Prelude was lost to us and the M ercury C ougar is now on its last legs. T he C hevy C am aro and Pontiac Firebird may o r m ay not fit into this class o f car, depending on y o u r view point, but they w ill also be gone after this year. T h e re m a in d e r, and the real so u rc e o f c o m p e titio n fo r the T iburon, includes the A cura R SX , Saturn SC, and Toyota C elica. An argum ent could also be m ade for inclusion o f the C hev ro let C av alier and Pontiac Sunfire coupes into the m ix, but th a t's about as far as it stretches. T he first-g e n e ra tio n T ib u ro n (1997-2001) ow es its popularity to a variety o f factors. It has alw ays d e liv e re d fu n , a ffo rd a b ility and value, all w rapped up in a w ellbuilt, good-looking package. A nd, H yundai figured out how to push all the right buy-m e buttons w ith the vital youth m arket. F or 2003, T iburon (the nam e is S panish for shark, by the w ay) is keeping up w ith the tim es w ith an even m ore pleasing body style and an additional pow er choice. The look now is cleaner and edgier, with a shape not unlike a Ferrari 456M done in three-quarters scale. O nce inside, th e re 's m ore room for front- seat passengers, thanks to a longer and w ider platform . H ow ever, any one choosing to ride in back should prepare for the usual confined q u a r ters typical o f cars in this group. In term s o f m uscle, the T ib u ro n 's previously standard pow erplant, a 1 4 0 -h o rsep o w e r 2 .0 -litre D O H C fo u r-c y lin d e r u n it, c a rrie s o v er unchanged. H ow ever, you can now pick a 2.7-litre DOH C V6 that increases output to 181 horses, p u t ting the coupe on a par w ith the 180-horsepow er T oyota C elica GTS. W ith the V6. h o w ev er, the T iburon should prove torquier for b etter around-tow n cruising. The 2.7 is also used in tw o o th e r H yundai p ro d u cts: the S o nata sedan; and Santa Fe sport ute. A long w ith the new en g in e option com es three transm issions choices. Both the 2.0 and the 2.7 can be ordered w ith a five-speed m anual tran sm issio n , o r optional fo u r-sp e ed au to m a tic . F o r som e extra cash, a six-speed m anual can be specified w hen ordering the 2.7 V6. F o r the C an a d ian m arket, H yundai has seen fit to offer four separate m odels o f the T iburon: base; SE; G T and G S-R . T he base ju st m anages to sneak under the $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 b a rrie r by k ee p in g the standard-equipm ent list to a m in i m um . Still, features such as a CD play er, fo u r-w h eel disc b rak e s, floor and overhead consoles and p o w er w in d o w s and d o o r locks keep the car from earning a barebones label. The SE adds som e o f the m issing pieces, including air, cruise control and a tinted w ind shield, w hile the GT has the V6, A B S, sport-tuned suspension and leather seats and steering w heel as part o f its standard stuff. Finally, specifying the G S-R ver sion loads up the Tiburon w ith the six -sp e ed g ea rb o x , sid e-im p ac t a irb a g s, prem iu m au d io sy stem , traction control and a larger w heeland-tire com bo. O verall, the new Tiburon is an attractive and com pelling package that will appeal to people prepared to let their sporting desires get the better o f them . G ood looks -- even b etter in person -- m ore pow er and expanded features should keep this sh ark o ff the e n d a n g e re d -sp o rtcoupe list. DaimlerChrysler, Hyundai, and Mitsubishi form engine design agreement D aim lerC h ry sle r AG, H yundai M otor C om pany and M itsubishi M otors C o rp o ratio n have form ed a jo in t venture com pany fo r the d esign, dev elo p m en t and e n g i n eering o f a new fam ily o f in lin e fo u r c y lin d e r g a so lin e engines. G lobal E ngine A llian ce L.L .C . w ill jo in tly d e v e lo p th ese en g in e s th ro u g h the co m b in ed reso u rces o f all three com panies. T h e e n g in e s w ill be used in future g e n eratio n s o f v ehicles o f the C h ry sle r G roup, M itsubishi M otors and H yundai M otor. T he new jo in t venture co m p a ny w ill be ow ned equally by all th re e c o m p a n ie s and w ill be located in the U nited S tates. U n d er the new jo in t v en ture, H y u n d ai w ill have the lead re sp o n sib ility fo r im p lem enting the d e cisio n s o f the jo in t venture com pany fo r design dev elo p m en t and en g in eerin g . T he engine w ill be a state-o fth e -a rt a lu m in u m e n g in e w ith d isp la ce m en ts o f 1.8, 2.0 and 2.4 litres in the range o f 125 to 160 horsepow er. Each com p an y w ill produce the en g in e fo r its ow n veh icles w ith th e to ta l p ro d u c tio n o f en g in es ex p ected to approach 1.5 m illion units annually, m aking this en g in e one o f the m ost uti lized in the industry. T h e c o m p a n ie s e x p e c t th a t th ro u g h sh a rin g a c o m m o n d e sig n , the a g g re g a te v o lu m e w ill p ro v id e o p p o rtu n itie s fo r syn erg ies based on eco n o m ies o f scale that w ill ben efit each c o m pany. S T f 2000 PONTIAC FIREBIRD CONV f 1997 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONV. f 1999 FORD MUSTANG CONV B U Y S f E Stk#8-51531 f 1999 SAAB 9-3 CONV. 1998 BMW 740i 0 IIW / - 0 3 0 0 0 Stk#9-48783 Stk#9-60007 \ J 2 6 ,9 0 0 Fin 3 1 1 y 1 9 ,9 0 0 Fin. *228 Pmt. \* 2 2 ,9 0 0 Fin. *265 Pmt. V 2 8 .9 0 0 Fin * 3 3 1 Pmt V 3 4 .9 0 0 Fin. *399 Pmt. f 1997 BMW 740 i 1997 JAGUAR XK8 CONV? f 2000 CHEV MONTE CARLO S f f 1998 FORD F150XLT 4.6L Stk*0-43961 oiro-o^oio ________________ F in .* 3 9 9 Pmt. y 4 6 ,9 0 0 Fin Inquirepmt \ * 2 1 .9 0 0 Fin. 2 5 2 Pmt. V 2 2 .9 0 0 Fin. *265Prr V M 9 .9 0 0 A /O S t M l-08637 f V I V / W iE A / T S C O M P A C T CAM S 1999 MAZDA 626 ES fln n ' 1 3 ,9 0 0 ` T IL . . . . . . _______ . . . I V 0 1 / t A 7 B E §=t 2 0 0 2 1998 iNFiNin 045 Stk#8-05081 Stk#8-87439 Stk#9-13263 Black, 69,470 km 2001 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 1996 SATURN SL1 Stk#6-05240 Red, 72,528 km .... S 1R 1 Fin. 1 6 1 Pmt Slk/9-40642 Green, 77,560 km 16,900 Fin. 195 Pmt. 9UU Fin.I . . . Fin / 4 Pmt. son onn Y9,9UU 19,900 t1,90U Dnn ___ . . . Rn. Rn. Fin. Fin. Rn. Fin. Fin *342 Pmt. *228 Pmt. *252 Pmt *228 Pmt. *399 Pmt. *342 Pmt. *342 Pmt. *228 Pmt. *243 Pmt. 1999 FORD EXPEDITION (etl) SIW9-45917 Stk#9-21414 .................... .................... *27,900 Fin *320 Pmt *28,900 Fin *331 Pmt . . . 1999 V01V0 S70 Stk#9-99995 Blue. 58,946 k m £0, 1998 VOLVO S70SE B la ck ........................ Green, 37.390 km . . Black, 101,015 km . 1999 D00GE DURANGO SIT ._ nnn . / , 9 0 0 Fin. Inquire Pmt. Fin. 1998 BMW 7401 StW8-51531 .............................. 34,900 C A Ii 399 Pmt $9nR . . . . 1999 MERCURY GR MARQUIS LS 1999 SAAB 95 Stk#9-02869 Stk#1 -62719 Stk#9-77846 Stk#8-05081 P IC K U P S 2000 Ford F150 XLT Stk*0-13803 Colour? 58,764 km *12,900 1998 F0R0 ESCORT S t SPORT Stk#8-38519 Stk/8-41286 J149 Pm, M -|_ , Stk#0-00038 M ill S I / I 2000 CHRYSIER CONCORDE LXI B la ck ...................... $n . . . Blue.43,858k m ......... * 9 , 9 0 0 Fin. 1 1 7 Pmt. Black ..........................9 , 9 0 U Fin. 1 1 / Pmt. * 1 / ,9 0 0 H 7 ,1 7 Q n n Fin. .19,900 34,900 29,90U Q n fl VI ,9UU Fin *I3,9UU . . . . . . Fin. . . . jO C O C .D £ Pmt. 2 U bPmt. 2001 VOLVO S60 2 .4 .............................. ................................ .............................. 1997 CHEVROLET SILVERA00 Stk#7-23160A Green .................... . . . . 1990 PLYMOUTH IKON 104 Pmt. * 1 1 ,9 0 0 Fin. * 1 3 9 Pmt 1999 AUDI A 4 1.8 T QUAnRO 1998 INFINITI 045 . . . 2000 F0R0 F150 XL StMO-06243 Stk#9-62899 Stk#9-36647 Colour? 64,562 km R e d ........................ Gold, 59,789km .. Black, 104,641 km . an fo » focus ns s13 km . . . 90Q R n$161 P m t Fin. 1999 0LDSM0BIL INTRIGUE GL StteW-21847 5 2 K ... ZESST& 1999 PONTIAC SUNFIRE SE StW9-77743 Stk#9-20509 Stk#0-42168 1/ , 9 0 0 onn nnn jo n c . Fin. 1 f ,9UU fin .... lb ,9 U U Y U b Pmt. Pmt. Fin. V JO D P m t SOQ 1999 DODGE RAM 2500 8.01 1999 FORD FI 50 XL 4.21 J11,900 . . . 9 ,9 0 0 *139 Pmt. ....._ 1996 MERCURY MYSTIQUE 1999 BUICX CENTURY CUSTOM ..... *29,900 t 4 , 9UU Fin. Y O O M ftc . . . c t o Stk#6-32738A Green, 57,389 km . . . . 8 , 9 0 U Stk#9-21847 Stk#9-23818 White .................... Silver,62,580km . fflq U in ! Pmt, Stk#9-00783 StW9-08701 Stk#6-44773 Stk#8-06893 Stk#9-03604 Stk#9-03687 Stk#9-49246 StK#9-02528 Stk#9-08524 Pmt S I M I I t l I I I II 11 Y 4 X V S 1999 ISUZU R0DE0 ............................ ............................ Black ................... White. 86,426 km . Black, 50,564 km . Red. 76.104 km . . . Black, 75,091 km . Blue .................... White .................. Black, 92,138 km . Maroon ................ T a n ...................... Blue .................... ............................ Silver, 66,979 km . . . Fin. 1 1 / Pmt. Fin. 1 1 / Pmt. 1 1 ,9 U 0 .... nnn ..... Fin. 1 . J 9 Pmt. I Fin. 1 9 0 P m l. Pmt. *19,900 *20,900 Rn. fin. 1999 GMC SIERRA LS4.8L Stk#9-09402 $1Q 1999 SATURNSC1 Purple ...................... * 9 , 9 0 0 1999 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE nn- 1 8 , 9 U U Fin. 2 1 1999 NISSAN PATHFINDER 1996 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 1 9 , 9 U U Fin E H ir . i'f t W ir / ir r a 1999 GMC 3500 CUBE 7.4L Stk#9-15432 Stk#0-67785 White, 66,000 km Grey. 74.073 km 2000 FORD FOCUS ZX3 IIV I I M I I tl S A 2000 HYUNDAI TIBURON StWO-73989 Stkl0-01245 Stk#6-02851 Stk#7-51096 Stk#7-34453 Stk/7-33872 ........................ B la ck ................ B la ck ................ Black, 69,500 km Blue .................. Black, 65,517 km nnn I III1I1IM A N S 1G 1 1997 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT Stk#7-25014 .............................. Black.35.203mi TM rT Red, 24,130 k m _____ 1 o , 9 0 U Fin. l b ! Pmt * 1 4 ,9 0 0 Fin. 1 7 2Pmt .... nnn sooo iC O .... . . . *10,900 R nIn q u irep m t. *17,900 *22,900 *16,900 *17,900 *21,900 *17,900 *29,900 *19,900 *16,900 *14,900 *39,900 Rn. Fin. Rn. Fin. Fin. Rn. Fin. Fin. fin. Fin. *19,900 V o ,9 U U Rn Fin. *228 Pmt. so, . t/4 P m t 1998 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 1999 NISSAN PATHFINDER 1999 CHEVROLET BUZER 1999 CHEVROLET BLAZER LS 1999 FORD EXPLORER EB *16,900 *21,900 *17,900 *27,900 *9,900 *38,900 *29,900 *11,900 *13,900 *21,900 *29,900 Fin. Fin. *195 Pmt. *252 Pmt. *319 Pmt. 1997 CHRYSIER SEBRING CONV. Stk#7-85833 2 sS 1 9 , 9 U U Fin Pmt. *206 Pmt. *265 Pmt. *195 Pmt. *206 Pmt. *252 Pmt. *206 Pmt. *342 Pmt. *228 Pmt. *195 Pmt. *172 Pmt. 2000 FORD E350 XLT C W 15 PASS s o o n f t n 2000 H0N0A ACCORD EX 1996 VOLVO 850 TURBO WAGON 1997 BMW 5281s 1997 MAZDA 626 DX 1997 MERCEDES BENZS320 1998 V01V0 V70RAW D Stk#8-22348 Silver, 97,171 km -- S1W9-62873 B g m w ? im n i7 iT 7 a -- . . . fin * S 0 " ^ " !AR * 1 2 , 9 0 0 Fin * 1 4 9 Pmt * 1 5 ,9 0 0 Fin * 1 8 4 p m t 1999 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER L £ . ,, 1997 FORO AEROSTAR XLT Stk/7-27008 Stk#9-58947 Stk#9-44760 StWO-52891 Stk#9-68056 Stk#9-73939 Stk#1 -49806 j - . . * 2 2 8 Pmt F m .In q u irep m t. Fin. Fin. * 1 1 7 Pmt. n 9 ,9 0 0 JQ n n n S117 Fin. 1 1 / Pmt. 2000 W ^ C G R A N O PRIX GT 8 g Q Q Rn * 2 1 7 Pmt Green. 73,829km . . , , 9 , 9 U U 1999 DODGE CARAVAN P u rp le ...................1 0 , 9 U U fin. 1 b l Pmt. * 1 9 ,9 0 0 Fin * 2 2 8 Pmt F inIn q u irep m t. Fin. Fin Fin. Fin. Fin. I IIX IIK Y U A H S 1997 MERCEDES S320 Stk#7-33872 Stk*9-77846 Stk#5-49047 B la ck ........................ 1999 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 1999 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY Sll Stk#9-03108 Stk#9-50394 Stk#9-02148 Stk#9-86806 Stk#0-82946 1 9 9 9 FORDWINDSTARCARGO 2000 CHEV VENTURE . . . . . . Fin. l b l Pmt. White .....................l 0 , 9 U U *342 Pmt. *139 Pmt. *161 Pmt. *252 Pmt. *342 Pmt. 38,900 onn Fin. l i p f e Pmt. .............................. * 1 J , 9 U U Fin. 1 b l Pmt. 1998 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF Stk#8-23800 Stk#8-39678 Stk#8-25457 Stk#8-59958 Red .................. Blue, 72.559 km Silver, 64,766 km Black, 82.712 km 1 9 9 9 AUD11 .8 7 QUATTRO Silver, 3 6 K .............. 2 9 Blue ...................... ,9U0 Rn. nnn nnn o42 Pmt. , ,o n c 1999 FORD EXPLORER XLT 1999 GMC JIMMY SLE 1999 JEEP CHEROKEE 2000 CHEVY TAHOE LT 1999 CHEVROLET VENTURE 1999 FORD WINDSTAR LX 2001 PONTIAC MONTANA 1999 FORD WINDSTAR IX StW9-52673 , Qnn so. nnn , J 0 i7 sooc 2 8 5 Pmt. 1 8 4 Pmt .............................. 1 0 , 9 U U Fin. " 8 4 Pm t .............................. 1 8 , 9 U U Fin. 2 1 / Pmt. * 2 4 , 9 0 0 fin ............................ * 1 5 , 9 0 0 Fin 1998 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF K2 1998 VOLVO S90 SE 1998 AUDI A6 2 .8 OUATTRO 1995 MERCEDES BENZ E420 1997 OLDSMOBILE AURORA 23,900 ,9UU Rn. Inquire Pmt Fin. Stk#7-27128A B la ck ...................... 1 / S M 7 4 0 4 0 8 * la c k , 104.379km . 2Ub Pmt. *16,900 fin*195pml R n . In q u irep m t. N o payment till N ovem ber 2002 on approved credit. 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