Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 24 Apr 2002, B4

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B4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday April 24, 2002 O u i i o n energy Home Comfort Advisors Are you looking fo ra weekend job? Exp carriers needed to deliver newspapers early Sunday morning Reliable vehicle required, excellent commissions available Call Jim 905-336-8940 A R E yo u a people person a n d in te re s te d in h e rb al remedies*> C o m e |oin are p o s itive te am of health counselors in O akville Will tram that special applicant. C a ll 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -4 5 3 2 H e rb al Magic___________ ____________ F/T position In equestrian wholesale co. Jo b includes co m p u te r inputting, o rdo rp ic k in g , s h ip p in g , te le p hon e se rvice . Succe ssful candidate will be energetic, re lia b le , w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly . h a ve g o o d te le phone m a n n e r, som e heavy lifting In vo lv e d . Horse experience an asset F ax resum e 9 0 5 -8 7 6 -0 3 9 7 or can 905-878-8890 R E Q U I R E S for M a y & Ju n e 2002. after school ex tended care helper to work with children 3 to 8 years. Fax resum e: Sandrine Lescure/ 905-257-5954 or Call/ 906-257-5965______________ · C R E O I T C o lle c tio n C a re e rs. N a tio n a l C o m p a n y base d in B u rlin g ton is e x panding' If you are aggres sive & goa l-orie n ted , look ing for an In fla tio n Pro of C a r e e r? T h e n let s talk. A b o v e a v e ra g e w a g e s , c o m m issio n , ben e fits. E x p e rie n ce d co llectio n offic e rs , tra in e e s w e lc o m e to a p p ly . M r. H a rrio tt. 9 0 5 N E W B u rlin g to n g ro c e ry store requires full/ part-time help. Experience necessary in produce/ deli/ cash. Call/ le a ve m e s s a g e : 9 0 5 -6 3 3 8034 P R O T O T Y P E B U IL D E R R e q u ire d fo r 6 m o n th c o n tr a c t, For a u to m o tive parts m a nufacturer. E ng i neering Technician Diplom a or w orking to w a rd s s a m e . D e m o n s tra te d m e c h a n ic a l a b ility a n d a s tro n g te a m p la y e r. M u st have own vehicle as travel is required. Fax resume to 905-825-8425 SENIORS FOR SENIORS Union energy offers a complete range of energy solutions to residential, commercial and industrial customers across Canada. Union Energy is a member of the E P C O R group of companies and we are currently looking for Home Comfort Advisors. Experienced MLT/Venipuncturist Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories is one o l C an a d a 's largest providers of clinical laboratory services. W e have num erous positions available in the Burlington area for e x p e rie n c e d v e n ip u n ctu re te c h n ic ia n s w ith a m inim um o l thre e yea rs e x p e rie n c e . P re vio u s c o m p u te r/d a ta e n try e x p e rie n c e an asset. W e also have num erous positions available in the Burlington area fo r M e d ic a l L a b o ra to ry T e c h n o lo g is ts . S u c c e s s fu l a p p lic a n ts must have a m inim um of 3 years recent experience in Hem atology and Chem istry and certified with CMLTO. S uccessful a p plica nts w ill be patient focused w ith previous experience in a clinical laboratory environment. Interested applicants should fax a resume to: 905-790-8932 · · · · Do You have the following qualities? · H igh energy; · Sales; · R esults focused; · 3+ years successful sales experience; · E xcellent w ritten, verbal and presentation skills; · A bility to learn quickly. Are you looking lor a company that supports you with the following? · G enerous c o m pe n sa tio n package; · C om prehensive be n e fit and pension plan; · O n-going tra in in g and professional developm ent; · Q ualified leads an d app o in tm e n t scheduling; · E xcellent oppo rtun ity fo r grow th. If this is you, w e w ant to ta lk to you im m ediately. W e are grow ing our staff to handle the increased M arket dem and fo r o ur products in B urlington, O akville and H alton region. P lease respond via fax to 1 -9 0 5 -5 7 5 -1 6 4 6 . A ttn : S a le s M a n a g e r, o r b y e - m a il to pburgin @ unionenergy.com We thank all applicants for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. has positions avail tor HANDY PERSONS HOME CLEANERS HOMEMAKERS GARDENERS Would suit retired or semi-retired persons. 905-572-6162. EXPERIENCED RECEPTIONIST Req. by a progressive Insurance Brokerage located in Oakville. Must be able to manage a multi-line switchboard. Computer skills required, knowledge ol Agency Manager an asset Fat resume to: Maria Mattia 19 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 5 0 3 0 R E A L Estate Agents want ed N ew agents w elcom e. R e c e iv o p e rs o n a liz e d training from a broker that h a s tra in e d o v e r 150 a g e n ts p e rs o n a lly . Profit sharing. C all Bryer Realty Corporation. 905-333-3449 C O M M ISSIO NED sales help wanted Marketing and a dm inistra tive a ssista n ce required. Sales experience an asset C all Bryer Realty C orporation 905-333-3449 U P B E A T , frie n d ly and cheerful Inside Sales Rep. needed Sales experience required. Must enjoy talk ing on the phone. $ 10/hr. plus co m m ission, full-time d a y s , p e rm a n e n t. C a ll Michele at Sandtron A uto mation. 905-827-8230 F O R cleaning house keep ing. cooking, shopping, tak ing care of elderly people. C a ll C h ris tin e . E x p e ri enced and re fe ren ce s. Call 639-3936 540 hotel restaurant 540 hotel restaurant 545 teaching opportunities Getting busier & we need your help F U L L -T IM E & P A R T -T IM E K IT C H E N H E L P Excellent benefits package and wages Please apply in person at 1011 Upper Middle Road LOCATII No phone calls please JO SEPH S now h irin g part-time positions for waitstaff. service bar, and dish w a she r F o r appt ca ll A n thony 905-465-3855 2-5pm C O U N T E R h e lp re q u ire d in office cafeteria. 5 d ays Expe rien ce d preferred, but w ilting to tra in . C a ll 4 1 6 821-3342 ask for Lou B I S H O P a nd F irk in P u b lo o k in g for fu ll-tim e B a r tender. A pply with resum e. Ask for Todd. S P L A S H N ig h t c lu b - B u r lington N o w H iring : B u ssers. Waitstaff Bartenders & Secunty. Call to arrange an interview 905-333-3474 HOUSEKEEPER/ M a id re q uire d at C la p p is o n Inn. W a te rd o w n . F T / P T $7.25/ ___ hr Apply in person E- mai l: classifiedd halton search.com Internet: www.buriingtonpost.com ww w.oakviliebeaver.com suites chalet MONTESSORI CASA TEACHER Mornings EXPRESS C le a n in g S e rv ic e s . R e a so n a b le ra te s. C o m m e rica l/ R e s i d en tia l. N e w cu sto m e rs welcome. For free estimate call 905-520-1447 EXTENDED CARE SUPERVISOR Afternoons Waterdown Montessori School Call: 905-609-2171 Fax: 905-689-0859 S TEPP IN G S to n a s it lo o k in g for e n th u s ia s tic . E C E 's & A ss is ta n ts . T o d dler/ Floater/ S u p p ly p o si tions 905-842-6280 J U N K rem ovalA light m ov ing. grass cutting. Reason a ble ra te s, se nio r d is c o u n ts . re fe re n c e s . 9 0 5 847-1741 ask for Frank Become A looking for mature independent merchandisers to service product displays in: Big Box: Stores in Ontario. P/T con tract work. Vehicle required. In s to re S erv ices C U S T O M - M A D E d ra p e r ies va la n ce s, sheers, bed/ table/ c h a ir c o -o rd in a te s , fa b ric s, installation. lO yrs exp. S h e n y- 905-634-6706 Fax resume to 905-507-1282 or e-mail architec@on.aira.com E X P E R I E N C E D liv e in o v e rs e a s ca re g iv e rs/n a n n ie s. N o fee to e m plo yer. D e ta ils w w w .liv e -ln -n a n ny.com /partner/sadocos or 416-236-9070 M E E T B u rlin g to n S in g le s ! Try us absolutely free! Ent e r co d e 4 0 9 4 H a m ilto n (905)-297-6666 · Nobody in tha world tells more root d M i A o n I t M u ogcirf or liteased assistant 1 4^WMffusUp programs bvoiJb6/b BILINGUAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE Are you fluent in English and French? Do you enjoy a challenge? II you do. than this may be the position tor you. SaletyCare Inc is an international company which produces and distributes its own range of Safety Training Videotapes and manuals Working out of our Burlington Ontario office, we provide companies throughout Canada with quality aids to help train their staff in health and safety This is a new position. The successful applicants re sponsibility will be to develop new business, exclu sively in the Quebec market All the sales activity is done over the phone. The person we are looking lor does not need specific qualifications but should be able to demonstrate a stable history with a personal or business background that indicates persistence and determination. We offer a basic salary, plus commissions and health benefits, with potential first year earnings of $30.000-$40,000. If this position interests you please call Ed Aasman at SAFETYCARE INC. 905-631-6070 the dominant n o t ' if" SUPERVISOR/ CLEANER P/T, 5 mghls/week Burlington medical building. Mon-Thurs. 7-11pm, Sun.2-6pm Must speak fluent English & be bondable. Exp. required SlO/hr. Fax resume to: 416-384-2233. No phone calls please Only those selected will be contacted. E X P E R I E N C E D landscape co nstructio n p e rso n ne l for e s ta b lis h e d la n d s c a p e company To p wages paid to qualified persons A pp ly in person at: 3077 Guelph Line or fax resum e to: 9 05 -3 3 5 2316 F I salon & spa help Community Notices Graft Sale F..C. D R U R Y H IG H S C H O O L · f i t r h s g Hientoriag Program. (h r fi professionals help fast-trotk your Deaths _______________ ANNUAL PINEAU, James Alvin (Member of Canadian Forces 1945-1946, Halifax. Nova Scotia. Retired 33 year employee ol Ford Motor Company, Oakville) Peacefully on Saturday April 20. 2002 at Oakville Lifecare Center, after a long illness in his 77th year Jim, beloved husband of Joan. Loved father of Ann and Alex. Robert and his wife Darlene and Michael and his wile Lisa. Dear grandfather of Christopher. Kylie. Jeffery. Ray. Sara and Stephanie James is one of the youngest ot 13 from Prince Edward Island. Fondly remembered by his sister-in-law Lyla Martin and all his nieces and nephews of Orillia. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville from 7-9 p.m Wed nesday (today). Funeral service in the chapel 1 p.m. Thursday. Interment Glen Oaks Cemetery. Special thanks to Dr. Gabriel, Dr. Pandya and all the staff at Oakville Lifecare Center for all their care and support. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Oakville Lifecare Activity Fund. WOOD. Joseph "Art" (A Veteran of World War II and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #114) - On Friday April 19. 2002 al the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Art in his 81st year. Beloved husband of Florence for 55 years. Dear father of Janice (David) Ellis and Robert (Debbie) Wood. Loving grandfather bf Leona Ellis and David. Ben, Andrew and Jesse Wood and great grandfather ol Taylor and Alyssa Will be sadly missed by brother Bill (Mary) Wood and sister Marg (Ted) Overland. Art was special 'Pop' lo Eloise Stevens. A Private Family Service was held. Interment St. Jude's Ce metery. For those who wish memorial contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. · Re. Max par open 1 compensation h w ar double the industry o n r a f · Ongoing training ami support This iM am exdttm g opportunity to a /u tm lo u * ca reer h t re a l n l n f r u t!e \ To fin*! o u t m o tt ple a t* a tte n d o a r ... C areer inform ation m g m ^ H o lid ay In n , H a lto n H a ll 3 0 6 3 South S erv ic e R d ., B u rlin g to n THURSDAY, A PR IL 2 5 , 7 :0 0 P M TO 9 :0 0 P M D C / i i l K V Register now by calling Bill Lawson, Manager GIANT CRAFT SALE OVER 110 TABLES Food and Beverages available ' ^ rls ^ ( r a f t s I r u m .iti o ss ( )n l a ri o 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -3 5 0 0 ST CATHARINES 905 641-1110 FONTHILl 905 892 9090 GRIMSBY 905 945 0660 BURLINGTON 905-333 3500 WATERDOWN 905 689 1717 -C H IL D R E N F R E E 10 am - 4 pin A P R I L 27 & 28 215 Ontario Street South. Milton. Ontario All proceeds go to E.C. Drury High School Technology Education Projects S I . 00 OFF ADMISSION W ITH TH IS AD SHIPPER/RECEIVER Distribution company requires a Shipper/Receiver tor fast paced warehouse. We otter positive work envi ronment & need a team player that is interested in helping us achieve our goals. F/T- Mon.-Fri. Must have basic computer skills & able to lilt SOpounds. S A L V A T I O N A rm y OakvM *. office a s s is ta n t. 6 -m o n th H R D C fu n d in g . F e m a le u n d e r 3 0 . p re f e re n c e for single parent or recognized d isa b ilitie s. F a x :9 0 5 -8 2 7 8 7 3 6 or drop-off to: 1225 R e b e cc a S t.. O a kville L6L 1Z1 by Monday. April 29th I HAIRSTYLISTS i ! Bur1.yMil./V/aterdown; | »Top pay guaranteed ! j hourly plus ! commission & bonuses | ! · Fun place to work ! j ·Excellent benelits package ·| ` Advanced updating ! ·Equipment provided I *No clientele required I j · F/T & P/T Positions ; Available j i · Flexible Work Hours | Deaths BROWNE. William (Bill) C.- Peacefully at his late residence on Monday, April 22,2002, in his 76th year. Bill Browne ot Cambridge (formerly of Oakville), beloved husband of Bemett. Dear father of David & his wife Laura. Murray & his w ife K im . S cot & his w ife Lisa, and predeceased by a daughter Betty Jane Nicol's (199 2). C herished grand father o f Stacey, Jamie, Brian Jr., Megan, Jeffrey and Justin. B rother of Bob, Douglas and Norma Huras and predeceased by a s iste r M argaret and a brother Allen. Friends w ill be received at Little's Funeral Home & Cremation Centre, 223 M ain S t.. E.. C am bridge to r a M e m o ria l Visitation on Thursday evening trom 7-9 p.m. Memorial Service will then be conducted at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Grand Avenue, N.. Cambridge on Friday, April 26, 2002 at 11:00 a.m . w ith Rev. Andrew Paulsen officia tin g . Cremation has taken place. Remembrances to the Heart & Stroke foundation of Ontario would be appreciated by the family. CARSON, Gladys M. - Passed away peacefully at home on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at the age of 65. Beloved wife of the late Gary M. Carson. Loving mother of Neil and his wife Tina, Gary and his wife Tina, Kathleen and her husband Todd, and John and his wife Krista. Cherished grandmother of six granddaughters. Survived by her sister Maureen Walker. Predeceased by her brother Jack Foreman. The fam ily w ill receive friends at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr St.) Oakville on Thursday April 25 from 2-4 and 7-9pm. A funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Friday, April 26, 2002. Please call the fun era l home fo r tim e 9 05-8 42-2 252. Reception to follow the service in the Oakview Funeral Home Family Centre. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. GIBSON, Betty - Passed away on Sunday April 21, 2002 at O akville T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H ospital. B etty, beloved w ife o f N orm an. G rea tly loved m o th e r o f G aynor and her husband Bruce, and Graham. Dear Nana of Brigitte and Natasha Funeral service 11am Thursday April 25. 2002 at Knox Presbyterian Church. 89 Dunn Street. Oakville. Cremation. In lieu of flowers those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Ontario Heart ana S troke F oundation. A rra n g e m e n ts entrusted to Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. j WANTED i METROLAND SALES POSITION We have an opening for a: INSIDE SALES REP. Wholesale Distributor of Marine products requires an Inside Sales Representative. Individual must be reli able punctual, have excellent communication skills and pleasant phone manner F/T salaried position in fast paced positive work environment. Interested individuals should send their resume by' fax or email to. Fa* 905-825-0202 or email tomSpaynesmarine.com W anted Labourer lor light con struction and clean-up of class A ottice build ings. This would be part-time work Effec tive immediately until labour day. College and university students welcome Please fax resume to: R K Reimer Developments. 905-336-7936 B U S Y M oving co m pany re quires helper/mover im m e diately, duties include load ing a nd unloading of m o v ing truck, som e heavy lifting will be involved, expenence is preferred, but not neces sary. Call or leave m essage at (9 0 5 )5 8 0 -0 6 3 2 C A B I N E T M a ke rs. F in is h e rs a nd P re p -s a n d e rs re quired for O akville c o m p a n y . M u st be re lia ble and hard wortdng. 9 0 5 -4 6 5 -1625 PHOTOGRAPHER for portrait stu dio at T h e B a y B u rlin g to n . E x p e rie n c e d part-tim e, good hourly pay 905-984-6431 D E T A I L E R re q u ire d for busy shop. Must have valid d riv e r's lic e n s e . D ro p re sum e off at 1084 King R d .. Unit 3, Burlington, between 8 -9 a m o r fax to 9 0 5 -3 3 6 1244 M A R C E L L O ' S Banquet and Conference Centre requires ba n q u e t s u p e rv iso rs w a itstaff, b a rte n d e rs , kitc h e n prep, and sanitation. Please fax resume to: 905-332-9475 Of caJI 905-332-0163 H A N D Y M A N with own tools & transportation, full or parttim e. Burl/O ak ./ H a m ilto n area Call 905-719-3141 RETAIL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Print Advertising/ Flyer Distribution ARE YOU AN ACHIEVER? We have an excellent opportunity for the right candidate. Qualifications: ·Fast & efficient work pace ·Excellent interpersonal skills ·Ability to prospect & develop new accounts ·Strong telephone skills & confident speaking style ·Assertive, locused, & goal oriented ·Dedicated skills for follow through Compensation includes commission, salary and car al lowance. Experience in media sales is an asset. Send a complete resume to : Print Advertising Sales Representative Box 1899 c/o Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street. Burlington. ON. L7R 2E3 ' ! Call 905-308-6118 ! I H A I R S T Y L I S T re q u ire d Full Tim e / Pari Tim e . Call 905-338 -1237 B u d d y im p o r te d c a rs Busy Auto dealer requires Customer Concierge Your qualifications · Energetic · Excellent communicalion skills · Leadership qualities · Sell molivated · Proficient in Excel and Word Please deliver resume to; Christina Ferreira 2400 South Service Rd West, Oakville, Ont., L6L 5M9 Between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. IMAGES ikfE^NATIONAl In Memoriams John Cochrane, 1919 - 2001 Deep in our hearts You will always stay Loved and remembered Every day Peggy. Sue and Nick, Jackie and Michael, and all the grandchildren COME JOIN OUR TEAM B ro w n P a c k a g in g in B u rlin g to n h a s an opening for an O akville Town Centre I & N ew L o c a tio n at Upper O akville Shopping Centre NOW HIRING F/T & P/T Please note that only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. HAIRSTYLISTS Min 3 yrs exp Please call Judy at 905-338-3333 AFTERNOON SHIFT SUPERVISOR This opportunity is ideal for someone with: ·Previous supervisory experience; ·Knowledge of the corrugated industry; ·T he a b ility to u n d e rsta n d th e fu n c tio n s and capabilities of our machinery; ·Exceptional communication, organizational and problem solving skills; · Team player. E-mail resume: am urdoch@ brow npak.com or fax: 905-335-8911. Include all of your qualifications and salary expectations. 0 M CARE ^ K A L T H SERVICES F ULLTIM E Im m e d ia te C N C P u n ch P re ss O p e r a tor. C N C Plasm a Operator; W ith e xp e rie n ce in se t-u p and operation. Sheet Metal A ssistan t. Ab le to operate shear & brake press & read blueprints. Shift work m ay be re quired. Fax resum e: 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -7 2 9 9 (N o p hon e " * 1 NOW RECRUITING Positions include: PSW. HCA. Home Support Level 2 & 3. Student Nurses are also welcome If you are interested in working in the Community of Halton, please fax resume to: (905)521-0829 Att: Alecia Matteson Rem em ber w ith a donation __ 1-888-939-3333 toll free · 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week ACTORS/MODELS Summer filming has begun. Toronto production is exploding Scouting new people, (no experience needed) with different looks, shapes and sizes, (newborn to senior) for commercials, TV Shows, Movies. Catalogs. MTB will be holding Auditions in your area on Sunday Apr 28th by appointment only. Audition fee of $34 50 +GST is refundable il you do not quality. To schedule an audition phone 519-2490700 between 9-5prr Model and Talent Bureau SHIN GLER n e e d e d for established O akville -b a se d roofing com pany. Full-time, perm anent position. Drivers lice n se re q u ire d . P h o n e 906-847-5823.______________ FULLTIME POSITION AVAILABLEDOES THIS DESCRIBE YOU? · Positive attitude · Incredibly organized · Team player · Did I mention you need to have a positive attitude? · Multi-tasker · Computer literate · W illing to go that extra mile · Interested in alternate health care · Oh. and you need to have a warm and welcoming personality and smile' Please call Linda or Tanya on Friday, April 26, between 10a.m. and 1p.m ONLY PLEASP. 905-335-3901 CHRISTOPHER TERRACE Retirement Home H Y G I E N I S T re q u ire d lo r Oakville family dental p rac tice, T u e s d a y s & W e d n e s d a y s , no e v e n in g s . Or. Vrbensky. 905-829-4530 www.cancer.ca WANTED: Store & Counter Help Apply in person: M A N U A L m illing m ach in e o p e rator re q uire d for c u s tom work in Oakville. Min. 5 y e a r e x p e rie n c e . F a x re sume:(905)842-8453 _ R E Q U I R E D IM M E D IA T E L Y . lic e n s e d te c h n ic ia n . C h ry s le r e xp e rie n ce d p re ferred C o n ta ct Al B a nks. S ervice M a na g e r 9 0 5 -8 4 5 6653 t y L l office-clerical C anadian C ancer Society Soci£t£ canadienne d u cancer 2410 Lakeshore Rd. West, Oakville BUR LIN G TO N T a n n in g s p a n e e d s fu ll-tim e staff. S a la ry co m m issio n . Fun e n v iro n m e n t. F a x re sum e to 905-319-5955 EXPLOSIVE GROWTH Ask about our Bridal Show Bridal Show Student Scholarship Program. Motivated comm unicators required. Paid by piecework. Compensation enumeration type work. No experience necessary. We train accepted applicants. Call Human Resources for interview STUDENTS CALL NOW! Summer Work! $18.05 Base/Appt · Interview now-start after finals. ·Scholarships avail. · Full training provided · Cust. sales/service · Conditions apply 905-842-8045 workforstudenis com/on 2 5 Pe op le W a n te d to lose up to 30 pounds In 30 days Natural/ G u aranteed/ D o c tor Recom m ended. ww w.uwillbeslim.com H A R D W O R K I N G re lia ble p erso n re q uire d for s w im m ing pool installations and landscape work. Fax 9 05335-1404 W O O D W O R K IN G com pany requires hardworking, ambitious trainees, fulltime. B e n e fits. C a ll S te p h a n F o s te r. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -1 2 9 6 , E x t .2 2 3 , e -m a il: s te p h a n fO s h lp w a y s t a irs . co m S h ip w a y S ta irs. 1795 Ironstone Dnve. Burttnqton LABOURERS re q u ire d fulltim e by M is s iss a u g a co m pany to lay interlocking brick. Experience preferred. Call 905-569-8727 905-525-5948 C A N D Y and nut co m p a n y looking for comm ission dis trib uto rs fo r o u r p ro d u c t line. C all S te ve , 9 0 5 -8 2 9 4779 CLEANERS P a rt-tim e evening positions available im m e d ia te ly P re v io u s c le a n in g and/or ja n itoria l exp. an asset. W e offer a co m p e titive co m p e n sa tio n p a c k a g e . P le a s e fo rw a rd re su m e to: A IC G ro u p of F u n d s . A ttn : A n n a m a ria M acaluso. 1375 K erns Rd. Burlington, L 7 R 4X8. Fax: 905-319-1985. email: amacaluso C atcfunds.com L A N D S C A P E co n tra c to r requires energetic p e rso n n el e x p e rie n c e d in la n d s c a p e c o n s tru c tio n p re ferred but we will train. Fax re su m e s o r ca ll. F a x 9 0 5 7 0 2 -8 4 8 6 p h o n e #905702-9878____________________ S P O T L E S S D ry C le a n e rs re q u ire s P re s s e rs , S h irt Pressers & Q u ality C ontrol for B u rlin g ton plant A lso , m atu re C u s to m e r S e rv ic e Representative & Office A d m inistrator able to w ork in fa s t-p a c e d e n v iro n m e n t with accounting payroll, M i crosoft Office e xp e rie n ce . P le a s e fax re s u m e . 9 0 5 333-6374, attention: Kathy Vaillancourt. O F F I C E C o -o rd in a to r re q u ire d for su m m e r. M ay · A ugust A pprox. 30 hours per w e e k, M o n d a y -F rid a y . Must be self starter, able to w ork u nsu pe rvised and be well orga n ized . Te le pho n e m anners and accurate typ in g skills an a sse t. C a ll 905-847-1693 _____________ R E A L Estate Legal se cre ta ry re q u ire d b y F u rlo n g C ollins In our Milton office. M in im u m 2 ye a rs e x p e ri ence M ust be currently or very recently employed in a law office. F a x re su m e to 9 0 5 -8 7 8 -2 5 5 5 . All a pp lica tio n s h e ld in strict c o n fidence.______________________ S EC R ETA R IA L/ R ecep tion position for personable individual (d a ys. 1 0-I5h rs/ w k ). on -contract. A ccu ra cy a n d p ro fic ie n c y In W o rd and W o rdP erfec t. Frien d ly telephone m an n er Ability to m u lti-ta sk . E m a il c o ve r letter and resum e attention Bos. asap to iw alleyO pathc o m .c o m . d ro p at 234 9 F a irvie w St , fax 9 0 5 -3 3 3 0724 P A R T - T I M E w a re h o u s e position a va ila b le at local m a rk e tin g c o m p a n y In* v o lv e s p ic k in g , p a c k in g , shipping, m ust be able to lift h e a v y weight on o c c a sion. Flexible hours, u p to 10/hours per week, flat rate S i 00. per week Immediate start, please fax: 9 05 -3392374 attention Sue RN or RPN PART-TIME NIGHTS Computer experience an asset. Competitive rates, good benefits. Fax resume: Attention: M. deBoer Fax: 905-632-5074 D E N T A L A s s is ta n t. C e r ti fied re q uire d for g ro w in g . N orth O a k v ille D e n ta l O f fice. Full-time. Needs to be frie n d ly, o u tg o in g a nd a team player. Evenings and Saturdays required. Please mail resume P.O. Box-86033. Oakville. L 6 R 5 V 6 _________ D E N T A L Hyglenist required p e rm a n e n t P /T for b u s y Milton general practice. Fax resum e to 9 05 -876-3278 or call Southview Dental Clinic at 905-876-4701 ___ 10 I ceptionlst in M edical Facil ity. Flexible hours. Fax re sum e to: 905-842-4865 R N - R P N p o sitio n a v a il able at V illa g e M a no r R e tire m e n t H o m e in W a te rd o w n . 5 7 J o h n S t. W e st. Please fax resum e to 905* 689-9535 ^ c · D o n 't M is s T o ro n to 's F o re m o s t B rid a l E v e n t LITTLE C A E SA R 'S N O W HIRING si A > P/T & F/T A s s is ta n t M a n a g e r > > > KIDS/ Te en s & Petltes F/M all a g e s for S prin g / S u m m er w o rk in fa shion /ha lr sh ow s, m o v ie s , ca ta lo g work. S20-90tv 906-336- 5455 GENERAL L a b o u re rBurlington. S9/hr, m ust be able to w o rk d ays/ a fte r n oo ns & n ig h ts. A p p ly on person to: I.T .S . 533 Brant Street, Burttnqton.___________ O R D E R Pick ers/ W a lkie O p erato rs, O a kville . Days/ A fte rn o o n s , S 10/hr. ow n transportation is an asset. Apply In person. I.T .S . 533 Brant S t , Burlington._________ WEEDMAN re q u ire s L a w n C a r e T e c h n ic ia n s . Tra inin g provided. D river's abstract required A pply in person U m t«5 . 2400 W ye croft Rd. Oakville; call 9058 2 7 -1 4 4 1 . fax 9 0 5 -8 2 7 1499 Please apply at: 511 Maple Grove Drive Oakville 905-842-1114 L I N E C o o k s . Fu ll-tim e / part-tim e. S o m e breakfast e x p e rie n ce p re fe rre d A p ply In person: Russell W il liams Restaurant. 20 Plains R d . E . (W a te rd o w n R d ). Burlington N O W H irin g ' part-tim e e x p erie n ced B a rte n d e rs and S e rve rs. F a x re sum e: T h e Duck & Firkin. (Ford/ Royal Wlndoaor). 905-337-7497 W A I T Staff for busy d ow n tow n O a k v ille re sta u ra n t. E x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . G o o d w a g e s / F le x , hours. 905-580-9028 U M . September 6-8, 2002 · International Centre, Airport Rd. Name ______________________________________________________ Address, City Phone Wedding Date. I .Postal Code. Fax. .Email S E N D T H IS FO R M FO R Y O U R 2 FO R 1 A D M IS S IO N C O U PO N BY F R I.. AUG . 23. 2002 Send to: National Bridal Shows c/o Premier Consumer Show 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 war a d iv is io n o f

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