Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Mar 2002, Best Wheels, D 1

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OAKVILLE NISSAN Flee & 616 York St. O a k v ille Dir*ct: 9 0 5 ^ 2 7 -7 1 9 1 We lease nil m ak es and m odels. BEST WHEELS An Oakville Beaver Automotive Feature · To advertise in this section call 905-845-3824 or Fax 905-337-5568 W I-ID N K SD A Y . M A R C .I I 2 7 . 2 ( * Y 2 · W \ £ c 1)1 DOES YOUR CAR WAX OIVC YOU B fT T IR PROTECTION THAN YOUR CUT-RATE CAR INSURANCE? Donl trust jw x anyone p! Wayne McGill 2345W v«n*RJ. 921.Oakville 90V847-5S71 Relaunch of new MINI - nostalgic and fun To celebrate the Canadian market launch MINI Oakville had their own party so you could test drive and see up close what all the talk is about. , Three colours zoom ed by. Indy Blue, Pure Silver, and L iquid Yellow all belonging to the new M INI. ·I For the last year, every car b u ff and nostalgic w as talking about this blast from the past, w aiting im pa tiently for a glim pse o f the.relaunch of the 6 0 's racing legacy. The old M IN I C o o p e r S w as known for its superior handling, a low centre o f gravity, a rigid body, . long w heelbase and a w ide track for a car o f its size, w heels-to-the-corner a rc h ite c tu re and sh o rt o v e r hangs; 63/3 7 p ercen t fro n t/re a r weight balance; a tw o and a h alf turn, lock-to-lock, electrically -p o w ered go kart-like steering system ; and a taut S ports PLU S suspension. To celebrate the C anadian m arket launch, M IN I O ak v ille had their own party so you co u ld test drive and see up close w hat all the talk is about. The private party fo r m edia and em ployees w as M arch 22. The public view ing w as the follow ing ciay. "The M ini takes m e back to 1973, when we first o pened the dealership. I rem em b er th e M IN I c le a rly because it w as the first c a r w e sold. I sold it for $1495. T he M ini is neat, fun, and nostalgic. It's exciting that 28 years later w e're relaunching the new Mini brand," says D arryl B udd, ow ner of M IN I O akville, and d ealer principal o f B udds' BMW. The new M IN I m anages to w rap all of the above q u alities in a p ack age that pays tribute to the past while offering m odern levels o f p as senger safety, personal com fort, and pedal-to-the-m edal perform ance. W e'll see tw o version o f M INI in C a n a d a th is sp rin g - the M IN I C oo p er and its sportier sibling, the M INI C oo p er S. But although you w on't find a BM W badge anyw here on the M INI, the w ealth o f BM W engineering, construction quality and technologi cal innovation that brings the M INI into the new M illennium obviously d em onstrates the com pany's pride o f product. E sp e c ia lly w ith fea tu re s like: standard dual front and side im pact a irb a g s w ith sta n d ard A dvanced H ead P rotection System for a grand total o f 6 possible airbags; 4-w heel A BS d isc brakes w ith Electronic B r a k e D is trib u tio n (E D B ) and The new MINI Cornering manages to pay B rake C ontrol ... . . . (C B C ); stantnbute to the past d ard A SC + T while offering tractio n con- modem levels of . passenger safety, r 3 " tro1' not to personal comfort, and pedal-tothe-medal performance. m ention a selfmonitoring ru n -flat tire sy stem , av ail- S t a b i l i t y C ontrol (D SC) and op tio n al navigation sys tem to nam e ju st a few. The M INI C ooper S harnesses a sam e-size 1.6 L 4 cylinder engine but ups the horsepow er and torque via a R oots-type supercharger and intercooler system that m axxes out pow er to 163 hp @ 6000 rpm and 155 lb-ft o f peak torque. T hat pow er is delivered to the front w heels via a chunky 6-speed m an u al sh ifter. A c cele ratio n is steady and quick. The M IN I C ooper S distinguishes itself from lesser M IN Is through an air intake scoop on the hood, bodycolored bum pers, low er side sills and slats across the radiator grille. A long the sides, chrom e-plated inlet grilles are m arked w ith an integrated "S" w hile the rear show s a roof " ble D y "amic Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver RELAUNCH OF A LEGACY: To celebrate the Canadian market launch of the new revamped MINI, MINI Oakville had a private and public launch. Shown here with the Cooper S is Darryl Budd, owner o f MINI Oakville, and deal er principal of Budds' BMW. spoiler, "C ooper S" logo on the hatch lid and two chrom e pipes in the m iddle o f the rear, replacing the sin g le tailp ip e and m arking the M INI C ooper S as som ething spe cial indeed. Inside, the retro details continue: the 2-spoke steering w heel, classic B ritish to g g le sw itch e s, eyeball vents and the centre console dow n tubes and door crossbars that hint at MINI'S roll-cage racing history. The interior is, like the original's, surprisingly room y and, yes, even this six-footer can fit in front or back. The rear seats even fold flat to m ake a little cargo space go a little longer way. T hey say a great artist can paint a great picture on even the sm allest canvas. A nd as a com pany o f auto m otive c ra ftsm en w ith o u t peer, B M W has alw ays su cceed ed at b len d in g tec h n o lo g ica l p recisio n and lu x u rio u s c o m fo rt w ith the excitem ent o f perform ance and h an dling. Nice to see them add a splash o f fun. The 2002 M INI lineup starts at a very reasonable $24,950. The 2002 M IN I C o o p e r S co m e s w ellequipped for $29,600. F or further C anadian info check out the w w w .m ini.ca website. And, fo r an in fo rm ativ e and in-depth source that includes 3-D engineering view s and designer insights, surfing M IN I'S A m erican w eb site at w w w .m iniusa.com With file s from Rob Beintema A U T O P A R K 'S U l V J W M A K E A U T O P A R K Y O U R F IR S T J U O JL A D V A N T A G E S Y O U D ID ! SELECTION & PRICE! S lte .' T O U L L B E G L A D THE S E L E C T I O N HA S N E V E R B E E N B E T T E R 100's of Vehicles*Price Guarantee*Exchange Policy*Computerized Showroom*90 Day Warranty* 110 Point Check SPORT UTILITIES 1 9 9 8 Isuzu Trooper Stock #8-00150 1999 Chevrolet Lumina LTZ , . Stodi # 9 34707 *1 6 9 . *1 7 ,9 0 0 1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo t Stodc #7-25329 *1 2 2 1 999 Olds Intrigue stodc # 9 07590 1996 Mercury Mystique Stock #6 11005_________ . *1 4 9 «. *1 2 ,9 0 0 *1 5 ,9 0 0 1998 BMW 528i Stock #8-56346___ 19 9 7 Volvo 8 5 0 GLE Stodc #7-56124 19 9 9 Volvo S 7 0 T 5 stodc #9-08850................. *338 *35,900 *178 *18,900 272. 28,900 375. 39,900 4 3 2 . 45,900 159. 16,900 *469 *49,900 *13,900 *9,900 *10,900 *8,900 *10,900 *6,900 ` 11,900 *11,900 PASSENGER VANS 1 9 9 7 Chevrolet Venture LS . Stock #7-14440____________ 1996 GMC Safari Stock #6-29035....... 215 22,900 244 *25,900 *262 *27,900 ^ . - ___ 19 9 6 Toyota Tercel . . Stodc #6-11495 .................. 8 7 ... 2 0 0 0 Honda Civic Stodc #002887 2 0 0 0 M azda Protege SE Stodc #0-98188 .... t , 8,900 . _ 131 *13,900 *19,900 *12,900 *15,900 *15,900 *1 1 ,9 0 0 *8,900 1 9 9 9 Nisson Pbthfinder LE Stodc #9-03291........................... 1 9 9 9 Ford Expedition X U Stock #9-34436 1 9 9 9 Fbrd Explorer X U Stock #9-50394___________ _ ....*114 *11,900 187. 19,900 ___ 140.. 14,900 ` 1 1 ,9 0 0 . . *77 *7,900 stodc#7-91655...... 19 9 8 BMW 540i Stodc #8-94960 ................. 1997 Buidc Pork Aw. . Stodc #7-12676 ............... 2 0 0 0 Ja g X38 Stodc *3 .9 4 0 4 , 19 9 7 BMW 540i 19 9 9 Plymouth Gr. Voyager LE Stodc #9-65873____________ 1 8 7 19 9 8 Chevrolet Astro . Stodc #8-92355____ ________ 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 Wlndstor LX Stodc # 0 0 7 0 1 8 ............ ........ ....* 1 4 9 19 9 9 Fbrd Wind star , Stodc # 9 3 2 9 7 8 ....__________ 1 4 9 1997 Plymouth Voyager LE Stodc #7-34920 1 14 1997 Fbrd Aerostor Stodc #7-27011 ......... `87 1 9 9 8 M azda 6 2 6 LX Stock #8-03987_____________ 1 1 4 ` 187 *19,900 , Sto* #0-6531? *0**206544 2 0 0 0 Fbrd Explorer Sport 1999 Toyoto Rav 4 1 9 9 9 Fbrd Explorer Sport 1999 Fbrd Taurus . r Stock # 9 81169 ........................ ' 1 3 1 . 1 3 , 9 0 0 1999 Mercury Sable LS « Stock #9-30707 ................... _ 131 1 999 F\>ntioc Grand Am SE Stock # 9 40466 J ___ 1999 Fbrd Taurus Stodc #9-81169 1997 Eagle \fision Stodc #7-25036 ............ « * *1 3 ,9 0 0 SPORTS CARS 1 9 9 7 Chrysler Sebring Cony -- stodc # 7 ^ 3 3 *1 8 7 ` 1 9 ,9 0 0 1 9 9 9 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24. « Stodc # 9 53204 *1 2 2 *1 2 ,9 0 0 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24. « ,, ,, Stodc #9-72046 *1 1 4 *1 1 ,9 0 0 1994 Chevrolet Camara Z28 t _ __ stodc # 429 059 ............ Inquire. *14,900 2 0 0 0 Fbrd Mustang *169 *17,900 Stodc #0-38605 1 9 9 9 Mercury Cougar t . _ _ _ Stodc #9-33399 *1 4 0 *14,900 19 9 9 Mercury Cougar . __ . ________ Stodc # 9 321 74 *149 *15,900 1 9 9 7 Ford T-Bird LX Stodc #7-66815 ... 122. 12,900 ' 187 ` 19,900 *131 *21,900 e c * , - _ 140 *14,900 *13,900 104. 10,900 *11,900 «. * stock r x x Z r 1999 Fbrd Explorer XLT Stock #9-00833 1 9 9 9 Ford Expedition X U *169 *17,900 *262 *27,900 *187 *19,900 . *131 ECONOMY CARS 2001 Sunfire Coupe SE t Stodc #1-27952.............. 131 1 9 9 9 Saturn SC1 Stock # 9 2 0 5 0 9 _________ 96. 1 9 9 9 Saturn SC1 Stodc #9-29454_____________' 1 0 4 1 9 9 8 F\>ntioc Sunfire * . _ Stock #8-69163 ______________ 8 7 1 9 9 9 Fbntioc Sunfire SE t Stock #9-10279_____________ 1 0 4 1996 F\?ntioc Sunfire Stodc #6-26533_________ I n q u i r e 1999 Fbrd Escort SE Stodc #9-13827__________ 1 9 9 9 Fbrd Escort ZX2 Stodc #9-08677 ........... 1999 Fbrd Escort ZX2 Stock #9-09399__________ 2 0 0 0 Fbrd Focus SE Stodc #0-29760__________ 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier Stock #9-04547...... ....... ..... 114 11 4 *187 *19,900 stock#934436 1 9 9 8 Fbrd Explorer XLT Stock #8-49506 CARGO & CUBES 1995G M C Vondura 2 5 0 0 Stodc #5-03967A ........ ...... *114 1 9 9 8 Volkswogon Golf K2 t Stock # 8 39678 ..........1 31 IM PO RTS/EU RO PEA N S *13,900 *14,900 *9,900 *18,900 *31,900 *22,900 *19,900 *23,900 *12,900 *9,900 *21,900 MID SIZE CARS 1999 Fbrd Contour Stodc # 9 0 7 3 5 3 _____ LUXURY CARS 1998 Volvo S 9 0 S E Stock #8-25457_____ 1997 M ercedes S 3 2 0 Stodc #7-66074_______ 1 9 9 9 Mercedes ML320E Stock #9-75993 ................ 1 9 9 7 BMW 528i . Stodc #7-51096 ________ 1998 Land rover Discovery Stodc # » 7 8 7 1 3 __________ 1 9 9 9 Hyundai Tiburon SE Stodc #9-37801 ________*140 2 0 0 0 Nissan Maxima Stodc #0-14484.... ........ 1997 M azda 6 2 6 DX Stodc #7-34453 *104 *10,900 ` 9,900 ..` 187 ` 19,900 ...' 215 *22,900 *17,900 .` 206 *21,900 *140 *14,900 *13,900 1 9 9 8 Mercury Mystique G S «^ Stodc #8-18874 ....................*96 1 9 9 8 Olds Aurora Stock # 8 20938____ 1 9 9 9 Olds Aurora Stock #9-18692____ *206 ` 21,900 *375 ` 39,900 375 ` 39,900 272 *28,900 *37,900 *234 *24,900 *291 *30,900 ..` 281 *29,900 .` 140 *14,900 ` 187 *19,900 ` 234 *24,900 *234 *24,900 _.*96 PICK U PS 2 0 0 0 Chev 2 5 0 0 5.71. Pidcup. stodc #002184 *225 1 9 9 9 D odge Flam 2 5 0 0 8 .0 L Stock # 9 ^ 9 9 234. 1 9 9 8 Subaru Forrester S AWD Stodc #8-55351 _______ __ ___ 1 7 8 2001 Subaru Legacy Outbad^ Stodc #1-20266............ ............ 2 9 9 1 9 9 9 Volkswagen GT1 VR6 , _ Stodc #9-43277........................ 2 1 5 2 0 0 0 Volkswagen Jetto 6LS . Stock #000000 .................. 1 8 7 2 0 0 0 Honda Accord , Stodc # 0 0 1 8 7 5 ____________ 2 2 5 2 0 0 0 Hyundai Elantra VE . Stodc #0-92161............. ............ 1 1 2 1 9 9 7 M azda Protege SE Stodc #7-30110 19 9 8 S aab 9 0 0 S Turbo Stodc #8-17107.................. *23,900 *24,900 ,, ______ 2 0 0 0 Chrysler Concorde LXi . Stock Stodc #0-00038 #000038 ______ 169 1 9 9 9 Nissan M axim a SE Stock # 9 0 2 5 4 5 ..... -....... 2 0 0 0 Fbntiac Grand AM Stock #0-43083................. *122 *12,900 1 9 9 9 Lexus R X 300 _ Stodc # 9 5 0 3 6 2 _________356 1998 Audi A6 Stodc #8-75449 --....... ........... 1998 Audi A6 Stock #8-59958 _________ 1999 Buick Century LTD Stodc #9-45959 __ ______ __ 1 9 9 8 Volvo S70SE Stock #8-87139........... ........... 1 998 Audi A4 1.8t Qua tro Stock #8-42278___________ *140 *14,900 *114 *11,900 1 22 *12,900 131 *13,900 . 1999 GMC Sierra Pickup . ___ __ __________ Stock #7-34453 ,, * 1 87 *19,900 1 9 9 8 Chev 2 5 0 0 Diesel Pickup Stodc #8-06989 187 *19,900 1 9 9 9 Fbntiac Grand AM SE Stock #939304 ... ..` 131 19 9 8 Toyota Corolla VE . Stock # 8 06887 ________ 2 0 0 0 Fbrd Focus ZX3 __ Stodc #0-42168 1999 Neon Highline Stodc #9-48186 ______ 1 9 9 9 Chevrolet Monte CarloStock #9-19795................... 1 *19,900 8 7 1 9 9 9 F\>ntiac Grand Am SE . _ Stodc #9-45627______________ 1 3 1 *13,900 19 9 8 Pbntioc Bonneville SLE, Stock #8-22193 `1 6 9 *96 TRADE-IN "AS IS" SPECIALS 1987 Jag u ar Sovereign _ _ _ Luxury Stock #7-70638 ............... 4,9 0 0 1 9 9 4 M azda 6 2 6 .............................. *6,900 1 9 9 6 Mystique .................................. *6,900 87 *8,900 *169 *17,900 *17,900 1 9 9 8 Fbrd Escort f Stodc #8-21584 _________ 96 ....*9,900 1999 S aab 9-5 se r v e r Stodc # 9 0 1 5 8 8 ______________ 206 \ww*mwmwMKK*m.ww:mM.*w*x NO PAYMENTS TIL OCTOBER 2002!! · · · · · · No payments 'til *til October 2 0 0 2 OAC., OAC, interest^xtro A ll^x ^n en ts are b«-weekly Taxes, odmin. fees and licence extra. Based on 6 0 month term. Call dealer for details · · · · · · · · · · · · SUPERSTORE www.autoparksuperstore.com 4315 NO RTH S E R V IC E R O A D , B U R L IN G T O N 905 331-8500 Email: info@autoparksuperstore.com T H E D R IV IN G F O R C E W H E R E S E L E C T I O N IS E V E R Y T H IN G

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