Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Mar 2002, D 2

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D2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday March 27, 2002 IIE ST IVII EE L S (NC)-Once the last patch o f snow melts and tulips push their way up through the ground, it's a sure sign that spring is almost here. All across Canada, the first warm weekend triggers a symphony o f soapy sponges, garden hoses and cleaning products. But while you might be in a hurry to put a shine to your home - it's equally im portant to put your car through some `spring cleaning' o f its own. After battling months o f snow and icy roads, your car is undoubtedly in desperate need o f some serious tenderloving care. Follow this spring check list to ensure that your car is tuned up and spring-ready. Remove your winter tires / rotate all season radials - If you have winter tires, it's finally time to store them. If you don't have winter tires, it's equal ly important to have all season tires rotated. Driving in the winter weather can be hard on tires. Rotating tires reg ularly extends their life and will give you better braking and handling. This is especially important when you're driving on wet roads that are typical during spring. W iper blades check - Your wipers work hard all winter wiping away dirt and debris on your wind shield. It is a good idea to replace them in the spring to be prepared for April showers. Brake check - After the cold win ter be sure to check your brakes. One of the warning signs is brake noise, including excessive grinding, squeal ing, screeching or chatter. Clean the underbody - In addi tion to washing the exterior, be sure to spray the underbody and underneath OAKVI LLE Simple tips to get your car clean and ready for the road the rear and front bumpers to rinse away any salt build-up which can lead to erosion and rusting. Use a highpressure sprayer or garden hose for best results. Interior clean-up - Vacuum, vac uum, vacuum! Be sure to throw away any unwanted garbage that has hiber nated under your seats over the winter. And now is the time to store your win ter car mats in the garage. Apply a protectant - Any vinyl surface including the dashboard, seats and the steering wheel are susceptible to cracking, sun damage and fading be sure to apply a protectant at the beginning o f the season and touch-up regularly. Change oil - If you've been using a thinner oil for winter (i.e. 5W 30) change back to 10W30 for warmer weather. But make sure you stick to the m anufacturer's recom mended oil type for your car! Check all fluids to make sure they're topped up - In the winter months, fluids are easily depleted as your engine works harder in the colder weather. Make sure to double-check all the car's fluids regularly. Wash your car - Just like a good maintenance program prolongs the life and performance o f your car, all vehi cles regardless of the finish (clear coat, acrylic, enamel, etc.) require regular washing throughout the year. To pre serve your car's shine and protect the surface, wax your vehicle once it has dried completely. - News Canada PT Cruiser goes convertible C h ry sler G roup w ill build a p ro duction version o f its C h ry sle r PT C ru iser C onvertible S tyling Study. T he production version o f the tw o-door, four-seater C h ry sler PT C ru ise r C o n v e rtib le w ill be in show room s in early 2004. First revealed at the 2001 New York A uto Show, the C onvertible S tyling Study w as praised for its open-air, free-sp irited design. "We w ere overw helm ed by the p o sitiv e c o n su m e r an d m ed ia response w hen we took the w raps o ff the o rig in al C o n v ertib le S tyling S tudy," sa id D ie te r Z e tsc h e , C h ry sle r G roup P resident and CEO . "In fact, an Internet poll taken im m e d ia te ly a fte r the u n v e ilin g sh o w ed th a t a lm o st 90 p e rc e n t loved the vehicle and begged us to build it." -Star Offers on our Award Winning Vehicles! T H° % RIGHT NOW GET % p u rc h a s e fin a n c in g for a te rm o f up to 4 8 m o n th s on s e le c t e d new in s t o c k 2 0 0 2 v e h ic le s The production version o f the two-door, four-seater Chrysler PT Cruiser Convertible will be in showrooms in early 2004. Taurus and W indstar now h ava a S p rin g B o n u s *500 A T a jia earned the t o Horn m w et - OR CHOOSE Up to New `Bird walks all over original T he lon g -o v erd u e T h u n d e rb ird has Finally arrived. T h is latest version isn't som e w a rm e d -o v er o r re b a d g e d d o n o r car, but an honest-to -g o o d n ess tw oseat roadster, co m p lete w ith o p tio n al p o rt-h o le -e q u ip p e d rem o v a b le hardtop. B esid es its n am e, th e T -B ird offers only a few m odest acknow ledgem ents to the past, including re ar-w h ee l d riv e V8 p o w e r and enough retro styling cues to satisfy the term inally nostalgic. P erched under the T h u nderbird's hood is the sam e 3.9-litre D O H C V8 that po w ers the L incoln LS sedan (w hich also su pplies the car's rear-drive platform ). T he T hu n d erb ird 's ex haust sy s tem has been tuned to approxim ate those rum bling bass notes m ade by the First-generation car. H ow ever, in term s o f perfo rm ance, this latter-day 'B ird, w ith its 252 (S A E n et) h o rse p o w e r w ill pretty m uch w alk all o v er the o rig i nal. In tru e perso n al luxury (n o n sp orting) fashion, the only av ailable tran sm issio n is a five-speed a u to m atic. A s you w ould expect from a p re m ium ro a d ste r, the T h u n d e rb ird arrives w ell d eck ed out, including d u al-zone clim ate co n tro l, pow er w indow s, locks and six-w ay pow er driv er's seat, pow er tilt and tele sc o p in g ste e rin g w h e e l, le a th e r interior, 17-inch alloy w heels and a prem iu m a u d io sy stem w ith CD player. 2 0 0 2 FORO W INDSTAR * * * * * : ***** Oat* Five Sar S a « y U S. Government O a * i Test R am j Rwg » M r d n W ir t r« h 0 K S ) U S G m n r a a C r t f it a l Rang lo r lr c n m l sde mpact - O u x ft c * Five S or S r t t y R a n j I CASHBACK on the cash purchase of most new in-stock 2002 cars, trucks, SUVs and minivans $ 2002 PLUS ON TAURUS & WINDSTAR *1000 CASHBACK 2002 FORD FOCUS FORD FOCUS IS THE B EST SELLING C AR IN THE WORLD' FORD RAMOCR IS THE B EST SELLING COM PACT TRUCK IN THE WORLD *500 Spring Bonus with the cash purchase or purchase financing of any new in-stock 2002 Windstar and Taurus J O O i FORO F-150 FORD F-SERtES IS THE BEST SELLING TRUCK IN THE WORLD INSURANCE INSTITUTE FOR HIGHWAY S A FET Y 'S 'B E S T PICK** 1Y E A R W 100,000 km on W i n d s t a r /T a u r u s / F o c u s Come in NOW! F O R D D EA LER S . 1· V-iiLff* ' 'i'< £»>>· ak'-'i r. · Y O U R O N T A R IO BDHTEK W WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: 1 i j y i and mdst new n-slock 2001 Escapef-Series above 8500 GVW tor a maximum ol 36 monltis » retal customers, on approved credt OVpurctiase financing on a l new «i-stock 2002 Taums/Wlndstar/EiplorBt Scat and most new n-slock 2001 ^ Taurus/fticus/WindslarMjstang/CougarflitaM Martj»sflar^/Exploret®*edilion/BicursioivF-Senes under 8500 GVWiT-Senes SupetCrew tor a maxmum ot 48 months to retail customers, on approved credit. Down payment or equivalent trade may l» « » » e d on (wchase trancing otters based on approved c n d l A l 0% purchase tinancing otters exdude Focus SVT/Mustang SYT Cotratccndine CluD WagorvEoonovatVF-150 Harley-Oavidson Lmited EdttaVF -150 SVT Lightning and Thunderbird. E.g. $20,000 at 0% annual percentage rate, mommy payments S61 117/V458 38 h r 36/48 monttis, cost ot txxrowing is $2,002 (including foregone cashback) or 3 .3V 2.5H pet annum Total to De reoak) is $20,000. The eflecme rale ot interest on $ 2,002 casfiDack s 6.3V 4 .7% tor 36/48 month terms. " $ 2,002 factory to consumer cashback otter avatitue on most new in stock 2002 taurus/Windstar/Gtand Marqustiolorer/Expediton/ExcurslotVF Series SuperCrew^ Series under 8500 GVW. $ 1.000 factory to corsumer cashback otter avatable on most nwr in-stodr 2002 Fccus/Wjstang/Cougar/Ranger. All tactcry to consumer castitack otters exdude focus SVT/Mustang SVT Cobra/Ttiundeitird/Escapa/Econcine CM) W&gotVEconovan/F-t50 Hartey-Oawdson Limited Edtion/FlSO SVT Ughtmng/F-Senes a to e 8500 GVW. Taxes payable on M amouit ol purchase pnee before cashback (and Spring Bonus it awUcaUe) deducted, " f t u s . receive a $500 Spnng Bonus with me puchase or purchase financing ot an new in-stock 2002 Taurus/Wndstar only. All otters exefcrde licence, eisurance. admeiistrabon tees and an appicatte taxes. Financing not available with any other otters. Cashback offers and purchase financing otters cannot be canbined- twindstar has earned the highest front liiv e r and passenger! and srie (front seat and rear seal) impact rabngs in US. Government national Highway Traffic Safety Admmstration testing. Side impact Five Star Safety Rating w lie s only with side inoact air bags, standard on Windstar SEL and United, optional on Windstar LX and Sport. MMW.IWSA.com) HTaurus has earned the highest front (driver and passenger) mpact rabngs n U.S. Government National rtghway Traffic Safety Admmstrallon tesbng. (www.ttiTSA.com) tfo o is is « ie W W * Best Selling Car based on Top Three Global Car Sales by Nameplate as ot January 2002. tttenger is the Mxtd's Best-Seing Compact True* based on Dfil Global Sales, current as ot October 2001. Of Series ts Hie World s Best-Seing Truck based on Auto Strate^es International me (calendar years 1977ihnMjh 2000) &! 40 MPH frontal offset crash test. Explorer out pertormed all other major competitors in its dass. A performance which garnered it a 'Best Pick* from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Models b u t after l(V 29rt )1 Maicr competitors inrtjde Chevrolet TrarClarerrtJIazer, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Oodge Durango. GMC Envoy and Toyota 4fturmer t t t f k r t year or 100.000 km (whichever occurs first) Powtirain Warranty is avaflable on a l 2002 modei year Tautus/Winds&r/Tocus Some condbons may apply to the Graduate Recognition program. LmltedSme otters. Otters may be canceled at any lime without notice. See Dealer lor details Ontario FDA, P.O. B n 2000.0akv«e.0nlaioL6J5E4 .............. . ..... As you would expect from a premium roadster, the Thunderbird arrives well decked out. Packages have arrived at Lockw ood Chrysler Dodge ^ Caravan The *1 S e llin g V ehicle m C anada. S p o rt Im age P ackage 2002 D odge Caravan S E Spring Package Includes · Quad Seats · Remote Keyless Entry · AM/FM CD Player with 6 Speakers · Sport Trim Seats (includes reclining mid and rear seats) 2002 Chrysler Sebrin g LX Spring Package Includes · Unique 16 inch wheels · Rear Spoiler · Unique Pyramid Weave Instrument Panel Inserts · 4-Disc CD Changer is NO CHARGE on LX Plus with alloy wheels 0 /q Purchase up to 48 months Financing Optional 50/50 Rear Seat 0 /q Purchase Financing up to 48 months No Payments for 90 C H R Y No Payments for 90 Days P If/, L a rg e s e le c t io n .of J e e p L ib e rty in s to c k ! 17 years in th e sa m e location . LOCKWOOD S L E R 175 W y e c ro ft Road, O akville 905.845.6653 (betw een Kerr & Dorval) RIY/EE S T A R Oakville's 2000 · 2001 Five Star Certified Dealership

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