Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Mar 2002, D 3

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday March 27, 2002 - D3 _______________________ BEST WHEELS II \ K \ I I. IK________________________ Safety tips for highways and urban areas (WMS) - Few people think about get ting into an accident when they sit behind the wheel. After all, if you stopped to worry about every possible scenario, you might not make it out of the driveway. Yet, there are certain safety precautions that every driver should be aware of, especial ly when traveling on bustling city streets or busy highways. Be aware of larger vehicles When driving on the highway you are at a serious disadvantage if involved in a crash with a larger vehicle. In order to ' keep you and your family safe when driv,, ing around trucks, you should be extra cautious. Here are a few ways to minimize injuries according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: Cutting in front can cut your life short. If you cut in front of another vehicle, you may create an emergency-braking sit uation for the vehicles around you, espe cially in heavy traffic. Trucks and buses take much longer to stop in comparison to cars. Watch your blind spots. Large trucks have blind spots, or "No-Zones," around the front, back and sides of the truck. A truck could even turn into you, because these areas make it difficult for the driver to see. So, don't hang out in the "NoZones," and remember, if you can't see the driver in the truck's mirror, then he or she probably can't see you. Avoid squeeze play. Be careful of trucks and buses making wide right turns. If you try to get in between the truck and the curb, you'll be caught in a "squeeze" and can cause a serious accident. Truck drivers sometimes need to swing wide to the left in order to safely negotiate at right turn, especially in urban areas. They can't see cars directly behind or beside them. Pay attention to truck signals and give them lots of room to maneuver. On city streets City driving requires a completely dif ferent style of defensive driving than high way driving. More street signs, narrower roads and a greater concentration of people require a driver to always be aware of the surroundings. Be an attentive driver. Inattentive drivers can be very dangerous when they drive slowly or ignore signals and create an emergency-braking situation. Young children running into the street, lights from stores along city roads and a host of other distractions could catch a driver's atten tion. When you are driving, focus only on the road. Avoid aggressive drivers. These peo ple put themselves and others at risk with their driving style. Speeding, running red lights and stop signs, and pulling out of parking spots quickly or in front of buses can create dangerous situations. Use common sense On all roads across the country remem ber to drive safely and courteously. Always buckle your seat belt - your best protection in the case of a crash. And never drink and drive. Alcohol affects a person's ability to make crucial driving decisions, like braking, steering or changing lanes. Increased engine performance in RAV 4 O th e r th an a few trim a d ju s t m en ts, the 2 0 0 2 RA V 4 re m a in s u n c h a n g e d s in c e its c o m p le te m ak eo v er a y e a r ago. T h is fo u r-d o o r m in i-S U V is longer, taller, w id e r and fe a tu re s a w h eelb ase th a t h as b een stre tc h e d by nearly e ig h t c e n tim e tre s c o m pared to the o rig in a l. E n gine p e rfo rm a n c e h as been increased as w ell, th a n k s to a 2.0liire D O H C fo u r-c y lin d e r en g in e equipped w ith v a ria b le v alv e tim ing th at pu ts o u t 148 h o rsep o w er. T h a t's 21 m o re th a n la st y ear, w h ich c lo se ly m atch es the c o m p e t ing H o n d a C R -V in term s o f o u t put. T h e new RAV4 co m es w ith a fiv e -sp e e d m anual sh ifte r b u t can be o p tio n e d w ith a fo u r-sp e e d a u to m a tic tra n sm issio n . B o th g e a rb o x e s fe a tu re th e ir o w n tra n s m is s io n c o o le rs - the fiv e -s p e e d 's is a ir-c o o le d , w h ile the a u to m a tic uses a w ater-co o led sy stem . You can h ave y o u r RAV in a strip p e d -d o w n fo u r-w h e e l-d riv e c o n fig u ratio n , o r add a w ide v a ri ety o f te m p tin g o p tio n al d elig h ts. T h e se in c lu d e a ir c o n d itio n in g , cru ise co n tro l, p ow er w indow s and d o o r lo ck s, h eated o u tsid e m irrors, rear privacy g lass and a hard sparetire c o v e r. A d d itio n a l o p tio n s include A B S, p o w er m o o n ro o f and allo y w heels. At a base price th at's about the sa m e as la st y ea r, th e b ig g e r, stro n g er RAV4 looks like a g reat buy in an SUV. An Authorized ^ IN I MINI Retaitef Q A K V I L L E x r 4 t z iv e s ^ /lia z d t 2 $ , 2 0 0 2 5.95% Le a se Rate 2400 S o u t h S e r v i c e Rd. W. O a k v i l l e , L6L 5M9 905-469-6220 w e b : w w w . m inioakville .com e-mail : s a l e s @minioakville . com Since its complete makeover a year ago, the 2002 RAV4 is longer, taller, and wider. www.oakvilletoyota.ca 2001 T U N D R A V8 LTD, 4-door, auto., air, leather, hard tonneau cover, p/w,p/m, p/l, extended cab, reg box with bed liner. 36,055 km. Balance of factory warranty. Stk. #L00 Mon-Fri., 7:30am-9:00pm Saturday, 7:30am-6:00pm · Express Lube, 29 minutes GUARANTEED or your next one is FREE! · No charge shuttle service to work, home or shopping in the Oakville area. 98 SIEN N A LEV6 4-door, auto., air, p/w, p/m, p/l, dual air bags, tile, cruise, 78,368 km. Stk. # 12270A Free Shuttle Service Mon.-Fri. from 6:30 a.m. Servite Hours * Mon., Tues., Thur., Fri. 6:30 - 6:00 Wed. 6:30 8:00, Sat. 9:00-1:00 98T E R C E L CE 4 -d oo r auto., air, stereo cassette, super full efficient vehicle. 99,784 km. Stk. #3550 *II,79S And don't forget the excellent cotfee! QEW 94 CIVIC L X SE IQ*T IQ*' Q 4 -d oo r auto., air, stereo cassette, tilt, 85,235 km. Stk. #1223 SA 8 Speers y . o y o t a u a l i t y F o r T h e N e x t M i l l e n n i u m o a k v i l l e ® TOYOTA S& D 1091 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE Gi i a i je v e n C HRYS LER C h r y s le r · JEEP 90 5 - 842-8400 9 00 P M ; FRI 9:00 A M 5:30 P M SAT. 9 :0 0 A .M . - 6 :0 0 P.M. · DODGE * All vehicles + $100 admin., licence, PST and GST Toyota Canada certification program only applicatle to certain vehicles. SALES DEPARTMENT HOURS: MON THURS 9:00 A M 2388 ROYAL WINDSOR DR., 905-845-7575 www.glenleven.com

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