Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 Aug 2002, D03

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday August 21, 2002 - D3 F AL L R E G I S T R A T I O N Power-tools for learning: A surprising top pick... Submitted by brain-trainers Academic Tutoring ADVERTORIAL Oakville Christian School allows students to grow to full potential ADVERTISING FEATURE "Find one simple thing parents and students can use - starting the first week of school - one thing that can drive a child's school career". I stared at the assignm ent and winced. One thing? Wave a wand? Pleeez! But little did I know. I asked public school teacher, science camp director and veteran "brain-trainers" tutor, David Markus to take on this question. His answer may surprise you. "Top pick? H m m ...H as to be one thing?... OK. There is something." "Really? I asked, eyebrows rising. "What is this thing?" "It's the Student Daily Planner," came David's confident reply. "It's sim ple, but potentially sophisticated. Lots of adults have something similar by their phones or in their briefcases. I use a one-sheet version each day with my younger classes. But the full version is truly a multi-purpose power-tool. It can be used for time management or as a journal for reflection. It is full of great study tips". It turns out not all schools use the Daily Planner at every grade but it is widely available in the public school system. Using the Planner gives parents a daily window on their child's progress. But as Mr. Markus points out, it is much more. It is an organization tool, and a moti vation tool. The Planner focuses stu dents' on academic goals while giving them a means to juggle their extra curricular and family pursuits. Starting with the very first grade it can become a life-long self man agement tool. The Planner is a team player even as it is a ticket to independence, shaping skills for the demands of work or university. Learning the secrets of the Planner and using them everyday is clearly the key. For more information and reg istration contact David Markus and his staff at "brain-trainers" Academic Tutoring. Call 905 607 4795 or visit our open house (for more details see our ad on this page). Your child deserves an education that allows them to grow to their full potential. At Oakville Christian School, your child will receive quality education while growing intellectually, spiritually, socially, physically and emotionally. From junior kindergarten to grade eight, students are taught a curriculum that is designed to meet and exceed guidelines established by O ntario's Ministry of Education. Remedial and enrichment pro grams are offered as well, to supplement classroom and individualized instruction. This emphasis upon academic excellence ensures that OCS students leave grade eight with a solid foundation for success in their high school studies. All teaching staff are certified at the provincial, national, or international levels and are deeply committed to helping the stu dents achieve their very best. The school is fully accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI) and Christian Schools International (CSI). The basic principles of a Christian lifestyle is integrated throughout the classes, allowing students to be intro duced to these teachings and to use them in their daily lives. "At Oakville Christian School we promote the Christian lifestyle through integration of biblical principles in all aspects of curriculum. We introduce the Bible and equip the children to be able to think critically and for themselves. We encourage the students to look at dif ferent issues from a biblical perspec tive," says Headmaster and Principal, Robert Lofthouse. "We're not associated with any particular church - we accept everyone from all walks of life." There is an abundance of extracurric ular activities for students to be involved with like: extensive athletics, choir and concert bands, spelling bees, public speaking, debating and drama clubs. As well, the school has state-of-theart equipment that allows students to learn in a facility with computer-enabled classrooms, science lab, library, art room, resource centre, gymnasium, and an outdoor playing field. The Oakville Christian School is located at 112 Third Line. For more information call 905-825-1247. IN D O O R SO CCER R E G IS TR A TIO N Saturday, August 24, 2002 For more information about indoor registration brain-trainers www.oakville-soccer.on.com FOR INFORMATION & REGISTRATION OAKVILLE SOCCER CLUB INC. 504 Iroquois Shore Rd. Oakville Call: 905607 4795 M A T H E M A T IC S R E A D IN G W R IT IN G E X A M P R E P A R A T IO N u C re e k Int'l Language School of Halton S A T U R D A Y PI (905) 849-4436 f o r the % d s w w w .o a k v ille -s o c c e r.o n .c a C E R T IF IE D TEACHERS IN D IV ID U A L IZ E D PROG RAM S Classes for J.K. to Gr. 8 Traditional Greek Dancing - All levels Highschool Credit Classes REGISTRATION: at Nelson H.S., Burlington on Sat. Sept. 7 ,9:30am - 1 :00pm Mrs. 0. Michalopoulos · 905-681-1602 peel Monttssoti School Private High School 12 Students per class If your child is of at least average intellectual abilities and you are looking for an extremely supportive and personal environment, then consider Chisholm Academy High School. Limited space is available for September 2002. C o m m u n ic a t io n w it h c l a s s r o o m t e a c h e r O n g o in g a s s e s s m e n t s WHEN: TIME: WHERE: Sept. 10th, 16th, 23rd, 30th 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 1444 Dundas Cr., Mississauga, L5C1B9 NOW ACCEPTING ENROLLMENT Learn how Montessori education can pro vide a sound introduction to indeptendent learning, thinking. · Reading · Writing · Arithmatic · French · Art · Computer Pre-school to SK · Full or Half Days Elementary Grades 1-6 Busing · Before & After Program C R ISTIN AP O R AB A L A C E A N U i\ / / e t a b b i c a / 5 f yca Chisholm Academy High School 1484 Cornwall Road, Oakville Tel: 905.844.3240 www. chisholmcentre.com · R U SSIA N /Y A G A N O Y A BA SED M E T H O D EST. 1975 964 Meadow Wood Rd. Lakeshore & Clarkson Rd. (905) 823-6522 CRAZY LEGS I C O / DISCOUNT 1 9 / 0 UNTIL LABOUR DAY Fashion for Dance, Skating, Gymnastics & Fitness Shoes for Ballet, Tap, Jazz & Hip Hop WILLOWGLEN MONTESSORI SCHOOL Located in the Glen Abbey West section o f Oakville, Willowglen Montessori School is a non-denominational co-educational school fo r children from 2 -1 /2 years old through Grade 3. The fu ll Montessori curriculum is augm ented by the addition o f music, computers and French language instruction. Field trips, spring concert, book clubs an d charity fundraising are among the activities which contribute to the positive, nurturing atmosphere o f this community school C hildren: 3 yrs & up · Teens & A dults · B eginner to Professional Professional faculty with form er teachers from: THE NATIONAL BALLET SCHOOL & MOSCOW-STATE BALLET THEATRE · CLASSES ACCOMPANIED BY PIANIST · EXAMS OFFERED · YEAR-END PERFORMANCE AT THE OAKVILLE CENTRE · io%ofFA ii,r'> Sale Runs Aug. 6-Aug. 31/02 (excluding Irish soft shoes & socks) MACTE Certified Teachers * Small Class Sizes * Individualized Instruction · New Large Playground CCMA Member Catered Lunch Program Pre-School to Grade 3 French, Music, Computer CRISTINA PORA BALACEANU, C.D.T.A., Examiner A rtis tic D ire c to r/T e a c h e r ·Former Ballerina, Romanian State Opera & Ballet. -Graduate - State Ballet School, Bucharest, Romania. ·Furthered her training at the Bolsoi Theatre, Moscow HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 12:30-8 Fri. 12:30-6; Sat. 10-4 W illo w g le n M o n te sso ri Sch ool 2690 W estoak Trails B lv d ., Oakville L6M 3T 3 (North of Upper Middle Rd.; West of Third Line) REGISTRATION 4 :3 0 - 9 :0 0 p m A u g u s t 2 7, 2 8 , 2 9 & S e p te m b e r 3, 4, 5 2133 Royal W indsor Dr., Unit 5, M ississauga (just west of the intersection of Lakeshore Rd. & Southdown Rd.) 208 Wyecroft R d . #202 (between Dorval & Kerr) (905) 905-844-4415 Dare to Dream Classical Ballet (R.A.D. & Cecchetti) www.willowglenschool.com 338-7207 C a ll: ( 905 ) 8 2 3 - 5 1 5 0 or ( 905 ) 2 7 8 - 1 0 6 1 ltfs That Tm e Of Year Fall Registration ... Don't Be Left Out R E G IS T R A T IO N D ATES A u g u s t 28-29 A u g u st 30 S e p te m b e r 3, 4, 5 S e p te m b e r 6 S e p te m b e r 7, 8 GYM M IN I C R IC K E T S Ages 3 - 5 Y our ch ild w ill be introduced to basic g ym nastic skills a n d com binations. C ircuits w ill include the vault , bars , beam , floor, parallel bars, tram poline, tum ble track a tul pit. General Division Professional Division Pointe Pas de Deux C haracter - Folk Dance Spanish Dance M odern & Jazz Pilates Body Conditioning (Daytime & Evening) 9:30am 9:00am 9:30am 9:00am 9:00am - 7:30pm 4:00pm 7:30pm 4:00pm 12:00pm GIRINS & BOYS RECREATION Ages 6+ T h e skills are b a sed o n th e n a tionally u se d C A N G Y M program . T here a re fo u rte e n levels f o r th e b o th th e b o ys a n d girls. W e use crea tive a n d chal lenging circu its relating to th e va rious apparatus. Students perform with the Oakville Ballet Company in Oakville' s own "The Nutcracker". The school is registered as an Educational Institution with Employment and Immigration Canada. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers from professional backgrounds. Registration for 2002/2003 Season Tuesday July 30th - Sat. Sept. 7th Weekdays 10-6 Wed. 6-9 Sat. 10-3 ____________ School is closed Labour Day W eekend_____________ PAR ENT & T O T PRO GRAM S Ages 18 m onths - 2 years A f u n fille d e n v ir o n m e n t c o m p le te w ith m usic, circ u its a n d gam es. U nique circ u its w ill be u se d to exp lo re d o m in a n t m o v e m e n t p a tte rn s u se d in g ym n a stics, each c h ild receives a p o s te r to m o n ito r its progress. T R A M P O L IN E & T U M B L IN G Ages 7+ This is a very u n iq u e p ro g ra m th a t is v e ry exciting a n d p o p td a r w ith y o u n g athletes. T here is a ten -ca rd skill sy stem w ith a v e ry specific fo c u s on th e tra m p o lin e a n d use o f th e tu m b le track. O U R M IS S IO N STATEM ENT To Promote, S u p p o rt a n d F oster a L ove f o r th e S port o f G ym nastics. O U R G EN ERAL PH ILO S O P H Y We strive to ensure that each ancl every child in our pro gram is made to feel special. We offer growth in the areas o f strength, flexibility, peer interaction, development o f self-confidence and overall well-being i n conjunction with skill acquisition. We offer organized gymnastics instruc tion with state-of-the-art equipm ent in a fun-filled, con trolled environm ent Esublishtd I960 Amanda Anderson, Principal Frank Bayliss, Administrative Director Oakville Gymnastics Club 260 Robinson St., Oakville ON L6J 1G6 905 844-7035 - ( 905) 847-7747 w w w .oakviiiegym .com 461 N orth Service Road W e st

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