Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 30 May 2001, B02

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B2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 30, 2001 Popular historical walking tours return Sunday The Oakville Historical Society's popular Walking Tours resume in June with two walks, The Main Street of Old Oakville and The Houses of Old Oakville. The Main Street, a walk along Lakeshore from Navy to Trafalgar focuses on 66 buildings con structed between the 1830s and 1939. This walk will be held on June 3, July 8, Aug. 12 and Sept. 9. The Houses of Old Oakville tour covers the residential areas between Navy and Reynolds south of Robinson, which 13 buildings dating back to the 1830s and nine from the 1850s and 1860s. Tour dates are June 17, July 22, Aug. 26, and Sept. 23. All walks, with tour guides, begin at the Oakville Historical Society office and archives at 110 King St., at 2 p.m. Each walker receives a booklet containing cur rent pictures and historical details of sites along the routes. Tickets are $10, call 905-844-2695 or visit www.oakvillehistory.org Springbank Nursery S ch o o l & S ch o o l A g e Program " I T h m i i n h I m / p " -- Photo by B rent Foster 2 4 8 9 Lakeshore Rd. W. (at Bronte & Lakeshore) The Dreams Take Flight crew and passengers gets ready for boarding early in the morning. 825-3433 Oakville volunteers found trip an emotional rollercoaster (C on tin ued from p a g e B1) certain age, but these kids just can leam to love unconditional Picone said Oakville's five reach out and hug you whenev ly from them. They give love volunteers - all members of the er they feel like it. from the heart, not because they Dream-a-thon committee Both Picone and Di Rollo expect something back." "almost didn't go. Di Rollo said the experience questioned what is `normal' ver "Christian (Di Rollo) was in sus disability and emotion. was "wonderful" and "really bad shape, yet we felt a sense he "Who is abnormal?" asked Di incredible. There were chal was telling us to go. He was Rollo. "Is it us, or is it them lenges, laughter, tears and hap telling us i 'm the guy who think about it." piness. It was absolutely incred inspired this and I want you to "We look at these kids and ible. It changes your outlook on think they're abnormal," echoes life." g o '" Di Rollo got involved with Picone. "Maybe it's the other ^Representing Oakville, along Dreams Take Flight last year, way around." with Picone and Di Rollo were knowing Christian was too ill to Bucciarelli, Ross Both believe these children M arisa participate. She felt the opportu can teach society a lesson about Gordon and Jennifer Cudmore, nity should be there for other unconditional love. a St. Thomas Aquinas student. physically disabled, mentally "These kids give love uncon There were sufficient adults on challenged and terminally ill ditionally. Why can't we as the trip, including Air Canada children to experience a day at adults do the same thing? We crew who volunteered, to have a Disney World. child to adult ratio of 2:1, "At first I wasn't sure explained Picone. if I should go," said Di "There were four Rollo, "because Christian adults and eight children wasn't doing too well. in my particular group." "Yet he inspired me, For Cudmore, a 19he's led me down this year-old OAC student, path, and he inspires the trip was "really n e a t. other people. For me not . . great. It was great to to go would not have meet the kids, and I really done his inspiration jus enjoyed spending the day tice. Because of him, I'm with them." involved in this Dream-aShe was encouraged thon. by Picone, who is one of It was a tough deci her teachers, to get sion for me to make, not involved in the Dream-asure if he would be there thon committee. when I came back." "It gave me a better Di Rollo believes par understanding." ticipating in Dreams Take Dream Take Flight Flight is a life-changing began in 1989 when a experience. group o f Air Canada "It was an incredible, employees took 70 chil overwhelming, inspira dren to Disney World for tional experience," she a day. says of her second trip. Dreams Take Flight "These kids are so became a national organi innocent and free. They zation in 1997. take life for what it is. Over the past dozen They're not afraid to years, more than 7,500 show affection. children have been flown Photo by Brent Foster "We teach our kids not to Disney World - 2,300 to show affection after a Magic Kingdom visitors pose in front of from the Toronto area. I Cinderella's castle. LEARN ABOUT OUR i. SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM ii. FALL PROGRAM W<? offer a variety o f program s to m eet you r child's individual needs. 18 months to 21/2 (Junior Program) 21/2 to 5 years age (Senior Program) 6 to 12 years age (School Age Program 847-8375) 7 a.m.-6 p.m. O A K V IL L E SHIATSU & MASSAGE THERAPY CENTJRE LT D . R EG ISTER ED M A S S A G E TH E R A P IS TS /C E R TIF IE D S H IA TS U TH ER A P ISTS T h e ra p ie s O f f e r e d In c lu d e : T ra d it io n a l S w e d i s h M assage · Shiatsu T h e r a p y · · C o n n e c t i v e T is s u e M a s s a g e · Sports M a s s a g e · C r a n i o -S a c r a l T h e r a p y · Headaches · W h i p l a s h / N e c k Pain · M u s c l e R e h a b ilita tio n E f f e c tiv e In T h e T r e a t m e n t O f : · M u scu lo -Sk ele tal Pain · Stress/Tension Release G if t C & r t i f r t e s /4 T r u s t e d / S J a m e i n O a k v i l l e 1 2 5 L a k e s h o re R d . E. S u ite 3 0 4 ( N a v y & L a k e s h o re ) q f -- -- I / HUGE BLOW-OUT SALES EXT E ND E D THURS. £t FRI. 12PM-9PM, SAT. 1 0 A M -6 P M , S U N . 10AM-5PM Location: SOUTH COMMON MALL 2150 Burnham thorpe Rd. W., M ississauga (S. on Erin M ills from the 403) Sum tfl ___________ 'l im n rSQ. FT. OF UNBEATABLE PBICES ·ambribge TOWEL & BEDDING SA V E OFF Our Reg. S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! W - l- D - E C O T T O N P R IN TS & S O L ID S 1 5 0 c m w id e . Solids - Reg. 8.98 m N O W 2 .7 7 m Prints - Reg. 9.98 m N O W 2 .9 9 m O u r E n t ir e S to c k ! M cCALLS PATTERNS N O W 2 .4 9 e a . F ro m M a y 2 3 -J u n e 3 ,2 0 0 1 . N o lim it, w h ile q u a n t it ie s la st. S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! S IL K N O IL E S O L ID S 1 1 5 c m w id e . O u r R e g . 10.98 m N O W 5 .4 9 m S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! GRABER DRAPERY HARDW ARE I n d iv id u a lly p r ic e d . S e le c t io n v a r ie s p e r s to r e . N o w 60% O f f O u r R e g . P r ic e MILL O U T L E T UP TO On o .r S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! K N IT P A R A D E 1 5 0 c m w id e , s o lid s in a s s o r t e d c o lo u r s a n d te x tu re s . O u r R e g . 7.98 m N O W 2 .6 6 m S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! ASSORTED SOLID COLOUR TOWELS Face Cloth ........................ 88 ea. Hand T o w e l...................1.88 ea. 25" Width Bath ............3.88 ea. 27" Width Bath ............5.88 ea. 30" Width Jumbo ___ 6.88 ea. 36" Width S h ee t............ 9.88 ea. Entire* stock Of 100% COTTONS & BLENDS & MORE! FIRST QUALITY & #1 IMPERFECTS B U TTO N BLITI BLOW OUT! A LL BUTTO NS I n d iv id u a lly p ric e d . S e le c t io n v a r ie s p e r s to re . N o w 50% O f f O u r R e g . P r ic e s / ATHLETES W ORLD aaiaas A G U E S S ? 15,000 PAIRS OF Rczczbok SHOES AT $19.99 ALL KIDS SHOES AT $9.99 ALL ATHLETIC SHOES AT 50% OFF ALL ATHLETIC CLOTHING FROM 50% TO 70% OFF EVER POPULAR CANDIES BRAND SHOES AT $19.00 EVERY SHOE IS UP TO 80% OFF ` Excluding promotional goods & ends. Sale in effect May 16-June 3,2001, on selected in-stock merchandise only. Look for the red sale tags. Not valid with any other discount offers. Sorry, no special orders. SAVE ON SPRING! SPECIAL OFFER TO ALL CUSTOMERS! BUY 1 m of s e le c te d Fa bric from o u r SPRING FASHION COLLECTION at O u r R eg. P ric e . G E T T H E N E X T m F O R J U S T $1 O ffe r v a lid o n S p r in g F a s h io n C o lle c t io n , fro m M a y 16 -J u n e 3, 2001. F u ll m e tr e s o n ly . N o t v a lid w ith a n y o th e r d is c o u n t o ffe rs . ( S o m e e x c e p t io n s a p p ly - d e t a ils in -s to re .) BROOKS ( a n d i£ 4 A n n u a l In ve n to ry Clearance Sale starts June 4 th · Watch for flye r com ing to y o u r door, or pick up a copy a t y o u r nearest store! Columbia Sportswear Company* OPEN SU N D A Y S 12-5 140 Rebecca St. OAKVILLE 844-7728.

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