Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 19 Sep 2001, A2

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A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday September 19, 2001 F lags w ill rem a in a t h a lf-m a st u n til S a tu rd a y By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF In response to public outcry flags at m unici pal buildings w ill continue to fly at half-m ast for the rem ainder o f the w eek. The flags w ere supposed to be raised to full m ast at sunset last Friday, but they cam e back dow n quickly follow ing public com plaints. In keeping w ith U .S. P resident G eorge W. B u sh 's proclam ation to keep flags at half-m ast until this Saturday, the Tow n w ill do the sam e, an n o u n ced M ay o r A nn M u lv ale at co u n cil M onday. T he m ayor said m any m em bers o f the public com plained w hen the flags w ere raised at sunset last F riday in the w ake o f the N ational D ay o f M ourning and a concurrent m em orial held at tow n hall. R escue efforts continue in the U .S. and funerals are being held for the victim s o f last w eek 's terro rist attacks in the U.S. O fficials here w ill follow the U .S. lead and k eep flag s at h a lf-m a st u n til su n se t th is Saturday. "I 'm an n o u n cin g th at flags on Tow n o f O akville buildings w ill continue to be flow n at half-m ast until Saturday, Sept. 22 at sunset to coincide w ith U .S. president G eorge W. B u sh 's pro clam atio n ," said M ulvale. A fter saying T he L o rd 's P rayer and singing O C anada at the start o f M o n d ay 's council m eet ing, council observed a m om ent o f silence in recognition o f those w ho lost th eir lives during the terro rist attacks. "It takes m e back to ju st a w eek ago w hen we all left here and w ent hom e w ith no aw areness o f w hat w ould develop w ithin hours o f the sun rising on Sept. 11," said M ulvale. "It seem s like an incredibly long tim e ago." "T he w orld has changed and I believe it w ill never be the sam e again. W e're already seeing the econom ic fall-out and the change in the w ay we travel," said M ulvale. She said m any n ationalities and many faiths are represented am ong the m ore than 5,000 people still listed as m issing. "I c a n 't im agine the agony th eir loved ones are going through," said M ulvale, adding, "Six days o f not know ing ... it's ju st incom prehensi ble to m e as a p aren t." O ak v ille's fire departm ent has a pum per and crew o f h alf a dozen on stand-by as requested by O n tario 's F ire M arshall through Em ergency M easures O ntario, but no form al request has yet put them into action, said the m ayor ttx & S < > U/IC& 1 9 9 9 CHEVY MALIDU A/C, autom atic, cruise, 23,000 kn Stk.#2T045A b ia lilw PRE-OWNED VEHICLES 1 9 9 5 FORD ESCORT LX 4 cyl., auto., air_cond^ alloy wheels. 5 " Stk.#IG0l9A D istr e ss C en tre b u sy w ith ca lls (Continued from page A1) Toni Eastabrooks, who w orks for St. John A mbulance, adm itted it took last w eek's "huge tragedy" to get her back at a blood donor clinic. "It seemed like the right opportunity to come again," she said. "It took the tragedy in A m eric a... but the need is always here in Canada." L ina G lazin - w ho started donating w hen her son needed a transfusion - gave for the sixth time on Monday. "It's im portant that people com e down and give. It's nice that people are ready to send blood to the United States but we also need it here," said Glazin, w ho adds that all the talk o f w ar is fright ening. "U nfortunately there's more going to be needed." The m ost unique insights into w hat lies ahead were offered by Captain Percy Purpura, a health care adm inistrator w ith the Canadian A rm ed Forces, who has lost track o f the times he's given blood w hile stationed all over the country. "I can understand the A m erican reaction b ut this talk o f w ar is scary," said Purpura, who was stationed in Bosnia in 1994-95. "I understand the need to strike back but you need to be careful when you do." As som eone w ho has seen the catastrophic effects o f arm ed conflict first-hand. Purpura believes the word "war" has been watered down in recent years but says the real thing is som ething to be avoided w henever possible. "W ar is nothing but destruction and pain - def initely not H ollyw ood hype," said Purpura. "W hen you've been there and seen it, there's noth ing glorious about war." Purpura recalled seeing hom es in Bosnia some intact, others destroyed sim ply because of their ow ners' ethnicity - and said people here in Canada should take stock o f their priorities. "Canadians don't know how good they've got it here," he said. Purpura w ent on to say that he hopes people learn from last w eek tragedy and see the wisdom in helping their neighbours, strangers or anyone in need. "Be kind to som ebody else," he said. "T hat's what stops wars." According to the Distress C entre's Beveridge, calls to the hotline (849-4541) were up last week as people - many o f them already on the edge phoned in to talk about the terrorist catastrophe. "W hen you're already feeling lonely and iso lated, it's good to talk," said Beveridge. "O ur reg ular callers are very upset about this." Beveridge said some callers (all rem ain anony m ous) were "fearful and w orried" for friends in New York, A fghanistan and elsew here - as w ell assome fragile loved ones m uch closer to home. "I talked personally to one lady w ho w anted to know how to tell her children about this," said Beveridge, who explained that the loom ing threat o f protracted w ar is especially disconcerting to some callers. W hile phone volunteers do not offer advice as a m atter o f course, they listen and em pathize and encourage callers to think o f ways to help that w ould m ake them feel better. T his, says · 316, 49B 1 9 9 7 ESCORT W AGON 4 cyl., autom atic, 5 door, air cond., great runner Stk.#l 18479 1 9 9 8 MERCURY VILLAGER Auto, le a th e r, A/C, roof rack, 4 captain ch ain C D&m ore i Stk.#P258l ? 18,690 1 9 9 3 LINCOLN TO W N CAR SIGNATURE Loaded, leather, air cond. alloy w h e e lsjf Stk.#iW lllA 19 97 CADILLAC DEVILLE ELEGANCE A u to ., A /C , le a th e r, a llo yw h e e ls , p.l.,m . p.w ., tilt drom e w h e e ls . Loaaedf S tk.#R l1 8 6 A 9,990 1997 AEROSTAR f 6 cyl. auto.,tinted glass, cruise, tilt steering air cond. 2000 FORD sVJSui] MUSTANG CONV. V 6 auto., AM /FM ca ss., air cond., pi, p.w ., cruise, tilt, 16,000 km . j f ` * Stk.#A08l2 Stk.#tSll9A. 1 ,9 8 1 9 9 5 FORD PRODE SE 4 cyl., 5 speed air cond., loaded. Stk.#P2525 ftB D O Photo by Riziero Vertolli A ccording to blood donor Don Jarrett, the free cookies are a bonus to giving the gift o f life. Beveridge, can range from signing a condolence book and donating blood to prayer. "They are people w ho absolutely have to do som ething," said Beveridge, who added that D isress Centre Oakville is actively recruiting vol unteers. According to D onna M cDerm ott, Co-ordinator o f Volunteer Services for the O akville Red Cross, her agency fielded hundreds o f calls last week from residents eager to do w hat they could to help in some w ay - even billet stranded travellers in their homes. "T he phones w ere ringing non-stop," said M cDerm ott. "People were wanting to do som e thing. They felt helpless but one o f the first things they thought o f was the Red Cross." That agency, o f course, no longer deals with blood so staff steered those w ishing to donate to Canadian Blood Services. (Call 1-88-2-DONATE o r visit w w w.bloodservices.ca.) Representatives from local com panies also called about hosting fundraising events. In the end. the Oakville Red Cross acted as a clearing house for inform ation, steering residents in the right direction in order to m aximize their spirit as well as their expertise. "The Red Cross is certainly very supportive of w hat happens in the U nited S tates," said McDermott. W ith officials in the United States sw am ped by donated material such as food, the best way to help is to donate money, said McDermott. "That way, the dollars will go to where they need it m ost," she added. D onations by M astercard or VISA can be made by calling 1-800-418-1111. Cheques can also be dropped off or m ailed to the O akville Red Cross at 167 Navy St., O akville, Ontario, L6J 2Z6. To find out w hat non-m edical goods are required, call 1-866-871-7778. Like Purpura, M cD erm ott said she hopes the 2000 FORD C D p m Iw S O QM G Stk#A08l3 L U f t n O 1999 FORD F-150XLT E xt. ca b , alloy w h e e ls, tin te dw in d o w s, p.w.,pi m irrors, tilt ste e rin g Stk#Rll95 $ A M /FMc o s s ., ofkjk sk mtk 1 9 9 8 DO DG E STRATUS Like new. Automatic, | air cond. Stk.#1T395A 25,810 1 9 9 7 HONDA CIVIC A B S ,A /C ,c ru is e , tilt, p o w e r w in d o w s, lo c k s& m o re StkHL097A ` 2000 NISSAN XTERRA 4X4 6-cyl., auto., air, p.l.,m.,w., tilt, air bags,< anti-theft, < Stk.#lW051A 1997 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS Alloy wheels, leather, A/C, buckets, Iq upgrades Stk.#P257' 2001 FORD CLUB WAGON 4.6 V 8 engine, tinted g la ss, cru ise , anti-lock mock brakes, D ro n e s, p.l. & p.w . &m irro ~ &m ore r ` S tk.#C 0294 31,810 Con& cw l c U le M * u & Q c h - i ^ c w u l rvw kay. )AK-LAND I FORD LINCO LN 5 7 0 T ra fa lg a r R d., O a k v ille a t t h e q lw . 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -3 2 7 3 XI 3 w w w .ook-lond.com Litigation Counsel L L P M S MacDonald *Swan Personal Injury Litigation Insurance Litigation Pair charged in construction equipment theft An O akville and Burlington man have been arrested following a joint police investigation into the thefts of large heavy construction equipm ent in the G reater Toronto area. A ndre M anuel C am ara, 22, o f Redbank Dr.. Oakville, and Ernesto M iguel Sarabando, 27, o f Northampton Blvd., Burlington, face several charges o f theft over $5,000 and possession of stolen property. The two men were arrested M onday and charged with a num ber o f offences relating to thefts o f heavy equipm ent from new construction sites in Oakville, M ilton, Burlington and Peel Region. The arrests w ere m ade following the recovery in Snelgrove, O ntario o f a 2001 C aterpillar 973 front-end loader stolen from a M ilton construction site over the Labour Day weekend. Police also recovered a 1999 Case90X T skid steer stolen in June 2001. Total value o f the recovered machines was $450,000. As part o f the same investigation, other property was recovered in York Region in A ugust 2001. The arrests were the result o f a joint police investigation involving the Halton Regional Police Service 12 Division Auto theft Team working with the O ntario Provincial Police Caledon Detachment. Both men were scheduled to appear in M ilton Provincial Court for a bail hearing Tuesday. Factory reps will be on hand to save you up to $2,500 in facto ^*eb ates! Seethe M o s tM A M a in w a y R e c r e a tio n C e n tr e 4 0 1 5 M a in w a y a t W a lk e r's L in e , B u rlin g to n (just North of the Q.E.W.) H OM £ SH O W F re e in it ia l 1 /2 h o u r c o n s u lta tio n Buy Factory Direct &Save! CORNWALL BUSINESS CENTRE 1540 C o rn w a ll, S u ite 106 , O akville 1027 Speers Rd. (at Tim Hortons Plaza) (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -3 8 3 8 w w w .m a cd o n a ld a n d sw a n .co m (905) 339 -29 33 _________ www.goarctic.com

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