Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 12 Jan 2000, A08

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A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday January 12,2000 STUDENT ACCOMMODATION IN NORTHEAST OAKVILLE -OPEN HOUSEMONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2000 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Town of Oakville Municipal Offices (Oakville Room) 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville (Should the January 31st meeting be cancelled due to inclement weather, the Open House will be rescheduled to Friday, February 4, 2000) T he H a lto n D istric t S ch o o l B o a rd is cu rren tly u n d ertak in g a stu d en t ac co m m o d a tio n stu d y fo r N o rth e a st O ak v ille. T h is area is b o u n d ed by: D u n d a s S treet, th e Q u een E liz a b e th W ay , W in sto n C hurchill B o u le v ard , a n d S ix teen M ile C reek. M e m b e rs o f th e p u b lic are in v ite d to atten d th is OPEN HOUSE to re v ie w an d c o m m e n t o n a v a rie ty o f scen ario s fo r stu dent ac c o m m o d a tio n in N o rth e a st O ak v ille. In p u t re c e iv e d w ill be an aly z ed a n d c o n sid e re d in th e p rep aratio n o f a d raft rep o rt to b e p re se n ted to th e H a lto n D istric t S chool B o ard in F ebruary. F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t: A1 G re y so n , S u p e rin te n d e n t o f E d u catio n B e th S h elsw ell, S u p erin ten d en t o f E d u catio n G a ry S ad ler, A ssista n t S u p erin ten d en t o f E d u cation Town wants "...reasonable rate of return" (Continued from p a g e A1) n Halton District School Board 2 0 5 0 G u e lp h L in e, B u rlin g to n , O N L 7 R 2Z 2 (9 0 5 ) 3 3 5 -3 6 6 3 , 8 4 2 -3 0 1 4 , 878-8451 Fax: (905) 3 3 5-9802 Council also endorsed the forp rofit m odel in order to ensure H ydro's continued viability. In the past, electrical pow er delivery was considered a public service. Under the Act, the sale o f O ntario's elec tricity is considered the sale of a com m odity which is subject to com petitive pricing. According to last y e ar's Oakville Hydro Steering C om m ittee report, the for-profit model "would have the objective o f providing a reason able rate of return to the Town as sh areh o ld er and p reserving the value o f the O akville Hydro busi ness for the future." The transfer by-law proposes that the incorporation of the successor corporations take place before Feb. 1st and that the actual transfer o f everything from assets to em ployees occur effective Feb. 1st. Being proposed is a corporate structure o f a holding com pany (O akville H ydro C orporation) directly owned by the Town and at least three operating subsidiaries owned by the holding company. The rem aining successor entities Purchase of utility gives Town a valuable asset -W ard 6 C o u n c illo r M ark Farrow include an electricity distribution co rporation (O ak v ille H ydro E lectricity D istribution Inc.); a co r poration w hich offers services on a com petitive basis (O akville H ydro E nergy S ervices In c.) and a teleco m m u n icatio n s fibre o p tics corp o ratio n (O ak v ille H ydro C om m unications Inc.). T his sp lit, says M ayor A nn M ulvale, is being done to m inim ize taxes while increasing the cash flow to the Town. The Town will be sole sharehold er o f O akville H ydro Corporation which will in turn be sole share holder o f the three subsidiaries. "This new structure ... protects a valuable asset for the people o f O akville," said Ward 6 councillor M ark Farrow. The transfer by-law will transfer all the "assets, businesses, liabilities and obligations" o f O akville Hydro to the su c ce sso r corporations. E xceptions include H ydro's head office, land and building and vehi cle fleet w hich will be retained by the Town and leased back to Hydro. A pproxim ately $5.1 m illion in cash will also be retained by the Town to pay for the cost o f expan sion work now underw ay at H ydro's head office. U nder the transfer by-law, all em ployees o f O akville Hydro are tran sfe rred to O ak v ille H ydro E lectricity D istribution Inc. Their seniority and other rights related to service and term s o f employment will be carried through to the new corporation. T his includes every thing from existing benefit plans and participation in OMERS. The corporation will have a per m anent seven-m em ber board. The first board will hold office from the tim e o f incorporation until Dec. 31, 2001 . Open H ouse to d iscu ss north Oakville school issue The Halton District School Board will be holding an open house on Jan. 31st as part of its to 9 p.m. at the Oakville Municipal Offices, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. At the open house, the board will present sever al student accom modation scenar F or B eginners ... 10 weeks, $129 ios for Northeast Wednesday afternoons beginning Jan. 19th or Saturday mornings beginning Jan. 22nd Oakville. F or "R usty" P layers. .. 8 weeks, $109.00 The Bridge Centre Board staff are Wednesday mornings beginning Jan. 19th has offered the best seeking public or Thursday evenings beginning Jan. 20th in bridge lessons feedback on the N ovice B ridge G ames for N ewer P layers for over sixteen years. scenarios for a Monday mornings weekly at 9:30 Tuesday evenings weekly at 7:30- $7.00 per visit, draft report to the resuming Jan. 10th ____ _______ ______ ____ school board in Please call ' February.. The Northeast Oakville area is · Halton District School Board bound by Dundas Street, the Queen upu Wave, hour Elizabeth Way, W i n s t o n a ricek a Churchill Boulevard and 'to a ckild ivy Mal'ton.? Sixteen Mile Creek. .For more infor Volunteer with the fries In-School Mentoring program. mation regarding For information about volunteering call 905-333-4441 x282 the open house, callAl Greyson at 335-3663. student accommodation study for Northeast Oakville. The open house is from 2 p.m. CLANMORE MONTESSORI SCHOOL A Unique Community School Offering Toddler, Pre-School & Elementary Programs W inter Mississauga-Oakville Bridge Centre & Iridge The American Contract Bridge League essons 18 months - 12 years Invites You To An OPEN HOUSE Saturday, January 15, 2000 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Clanmore Montessori School 2463 Lakeshore Rd. East (Between Ford Drive & W inston Churchill) * A Family Centered C om m unity *Bright Sunny Classrooms * Parent Involvement * Fully Qualified Staff" | 820-5728 Do on& Fr/& w .d icfs For Mamial Akvs MARTIAL ARTS FREE REGISTRATION INCLUDING UNIFORM ... actCn fi, a htal-Hisf-c/t! Otrouuo Cinim $10O Value each. Expires Jan. 31/00 Forfurther information please call842-2200 Ext: 300 · Halton District School B MUSIC LESSONS S IG N UP N O W KEYBOARD or PIANO LESSONS RESEARCH NOW PROVES! ADULTS...Learning music helps im prove your health and prom otes relaxation C H ILD REN ...Learning Music stim ulates the brain and helps perform ance at school i Mo nth i FREE T R IA L ! $ 5 0 V a lu e each. Expires Jan. 31/00 Kick Doxinq/ JIU-JITSU THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR AND THE VERY QUIET CRICKET SU N D A X JA NU A RY 2 3 AT 1 PM & 4 : 3 0 PM V ibrant puppets and colourful props co m b in e for th e tellin g o f A u th o r/A rtist Eric C arle's m u ch -lo v ed stories. RENTAL INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE s a v e ; ^ - i o with this ad off your first months lesson fee. (New students only. Not valid in conjunction with other otters) STEVE LO ATES Toll free at 1 -888-805-8888 E H j 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga H iU li Hw y 403 & H w y 10 (west o f Square O n e ) Mi&sttif Call 905-306-6000 living ARTS <22SE3> m ississauga 2 3 8 8 Fairview S t . (w e st o f G u e lp h L ine) 639-4465 Jffl KEYBO ARD CEN TR E Fitness/ROCK CUMDING pi FREE MONTH; '$30 Value each. i ! ROCK CUMDIN6 G LO W IN THE Party of 10 or more. Expires Jon. 31/00 D A R K RO CK CUM DING. C om e and $30 OFF 1 4125* O n ta rio Centre F o r M a rtia l Ar t s MANUFACTURING & SALES Serving Southern Ontario Since 1988 1254 Plains Road East, Burlington (Ju st east o f M a p le A ve.) 461 NORTH SERVICE RD, UNITS 42-45, OAKVILLE 825*4223 Internet: h ttp ://www.shuttcrs.on.ca Phone: 905-634-4869 Fax: 905-634-9659 O u t O f Town Call 1-800-263-6931 Showroom Hours: 10am-4pm Mon.-Fri., 10am-3pm Sat., Other times by appointment U N L IM IT E D IN C .

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