Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 12 Jan 2000, B09

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T he O a k v ille B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C la ssified houses fo r sale OAKVILLE- Private- 3 bed room brick bungalow , 1/2 acre ravine lot, In-law suite, air, woodstove, 8 applianc es, h a rd w o o d flo o rin g , double garage. Assumable 2yr m o rtg a g e a t 6 .2 % . $229,500. Barry (905)-8476408 or Sandy (905)-6277579____________________ FAMILY Paradise! 4+1 bed rooms, 2 bathroom s, huge 250 ft. lo t w /h e a te d inground pool, fully fenced, big e a t-in k itc h e n . H a rd w o o d flo o rs . C /A , new er ro o f & w in d o w s . B rant H ills . $ 2 1 9 ,0 0 0 . (905)332-6506. The site your community clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400-465 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 B u rlin g to n Tow ers T h e H o te l A lte r n a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · F urnished D esigner A p artm en ts Fully E quipped K itchens · M agnificent In d o o r Pool Sauna & Fitness C entre 1285 Ontario St. ffome fior tfoe tfo frd a tf# / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basem ent · P layground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited h UG SALE e a t Berry Ellen 8 King St., East, Dundas For the month of January, starting January 7,2000 Great cruise wear & much more! ' TRAIN FOR THE NEW MILLENNIU C e rtifie d C ourses: · FAX N U M BER CORRECTION NOTICE If you are responding to the ad for CSP FOODS in Etobicoke for positions Mixers/Packers/General Labourers or Warehouse Workers the fax number was printed incorrectly. fZ ? The correct fax number is I'D a y S " 1 , 639 · 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam -5 p m www.ontim.com · btowers@lara.on.ca B U R L IN G T O N . P a rk -lik e s e ttin g . P re s tig io u s area near T y a n d a g a G o lf Course. Must be seen to be a p p re c ia te d : 1-b e d ro o m with balcony, Apr. 1st. Heat/ hydro/ appliances included. (905)335-3001____________ B U R L IN G T O N A v a il. F e b ls t/ Mar.st. 2-bedroom, $ 8 8 2 ./m o in c lu s iv e + 1 parking. Call 335-7929 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean a d u lt b u ild in g , dow ntow n B u rlin g to n . A v a ila b le F e b ru a ry 15th, $ 72 5/m o in clude s utilitie s . (905)6310191 or (905)643-8979 BURUNG TON. 2-bedroom, very, c le a n h ig h ris e , 2 blocks from lake. Available F eb .lst. $845./mo. all inclusive. 634-5768____________ O A K V IL L E . 1 99 Q u e e n M a ry D r iv e n e a r a ll a m e n itie s . 2 -b e d ro o m , M a r.1st; 3 -b e d ro o m , J a n .1st. U tilities included. (905)844-9006____________ O A K V IL L E . 2 -b e d ro o m , mainfloor triplex, all am eni tie s , la u n d ry , im m e d ia te From $975/m o+ electricity. P a rk in g a v a ila b le . (9 0 5 ) 845-9088________________ O A K V IL L E 2 -b e d ro o m basement apartment. Sep arate entra n c e . $ 90 0./m o includes utilities. No pets/ non-sm oker. Available immediately (905)829-1721 BARKLEY Towers, Burling ton. 2 & 3 -bedroom, start ing $730. Jan. 1st. Hydro, heat, fridge, stove. Parking a v a ila b le . N o p e ts . 6 3 2 0961, M-F, 9-5 & 6-9, Sat. 9-5._____________________ B A S E M E N T a p a rtm e n t (Burlington) a bright, large 1 bed roo m , 4 pcs. bath, eat-in kitchen, parking, pa tio, B.B.Q. No dogs. $750 + h y d ro . F e b ru a ry 01. (905)336-1901____________ LA RG E 1-bedroom a p a rt m ent. blocks aw ay from dow ntown O akville. A v a il able F e b .lst. $850/m o. inClusive. (905)844-1934 2 -B E D R O O M in d u p le x h o u s e n e a r d o w n to w n O akville. Top floor, $750/ m o.+ hydro. F e b .ls t. 8 4 7 3564.____________________ LAKES H O R E/ Maple. 2&3 bedroom s a v a ila b le J a n ./ F eb . B e a u tifu l la k e fro n t view, indoor pool, heat/ hy dro included. Bus stops at door. C lose to M aplevie w Mall, JBMH. Great highway access. (905)632-5258 R E F U R B I S H E D A p a rtm e n ts . D o w n to w n B u rlin g to n . E liz a b e th M a n o r, 4 7 7 E liz a b e th S tre e t. 1 ,2 & 3 B e d ro o m Apartments with spectacular view. 634-9374 ONE large bedroom apart ment. heat/ Hydro includ ed. Balcony. Fridge, stove, p a rk in g in clu d e d . $ 7 1 5 ./ month. Ask for Eddine 905632-5529________________ O A K V IL L E : 190 K e rr, at Rebecca. Renovated, large suites. W alk to everything. 1&2 bedroom s from $775. 845-1777________________ LAKESHORE/Kerr, O akville. 2 bedroom , near lake, walk to shopping. No d o g s , la u n d ry , M a r . ls t $850./mo. (905)339-2471 l / J rentals (905) 627-9353 for more info W ANTED to Rent - House or 2 bedroom Apt. North of #5 ( Dundas St.) O akville or Burlington Area. Single W o rk in g m ale, w ith dog. N e w to a re a (9 0 5 ) 719 4731 Greg 12X24 above ground pool, brand new w ill in s ta ll fo r e x tra $80 0 obo. lin e r in c lu d e d , no e q u ip m e n t (pump etc.) 2 good working cond ition a ir cond ition ers $100 ea. obo. 634 2866 after 4:30pm 18 cu. ft. side & side fridge/ freezer (harvest gold) Ex cellent condition, ice mak er, w a te r d is p e n s e r,$500 (905)333-3969___________ ANTIQUES.... Nice set of 4 q u a rte r c u t oak T B a ck ch a irs ; lam ps; w a rdrobe ; s o lid w a ln u t u n u s u a lly beautiful Dining set; Pair of round leather top lamp ta bles...905-639-3639 · · · · M icro Com puters MS Office Internet/E-mail Accounting Office Administration M e d ic a l/L e g a l Asst. D ental R eceptionist ! Evening ! ! Sessions \ L __________ J ^ (9 0 5 ) 233-1963 We currently have numerous openings for PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS w ith expanding m anufacturing clients, local to the H am ilton area. The processes involved are finishing, w elding, metal fabrication and stamping. Required 3+ years production s u p e rvisio n ex perience in union or non-union environm ents and e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n and te a m b u ild in g s k ills . S om e of th ese p o s itio n s involve shift work. Post secondary education an asset. Please reply to Subject: Production Supervisor BRIGHT, beautiful 1/1 cus to m iz e d condo. 1225 Northshore Blvd. East. Bur lington. 2rd-flr, Southwest exposure. View of Skyway and Lake. Oversized walkin closet. 6-pce extra large bathroom. 2 superb parking spaces, extra storage. High $ 120's. Immediate possesSion. 905-637-3444_______ OPEN H o use: 1pm -4pm , January 15th & 16th. Im maculate Tansley Gardens "R o s e w o o d " to p flo o r, c c rn e r u n it w /v a u lte d c e ilin g s , 2 b e d ro o m , 2 bath ro o m , u p -g ra d e d b ro a d lo o m . C /A . 5 appliances, storage locker & u n d e rg ro u n d p a rk in g . A p ril 2 0 0 0 p o s s e s s io n , $139,000. 331-6526 P R IV A T E . "T h e P a la c e " 1270 M aple C ro ssin g . 1bed roo m . 5 a p p lia n c e s , h e a lth c lu b , su n n y s.w . e x p o s u re . a v a ila b le M a r.1st. $ 1 1 2 ,0 0 0 obo. Phone co lle c t (9 0 5 )6 4 3 0155.____________________ S P A C IO U S B u rlin g o n 3bedroom co n d o , frie n d ly building* ensu ite laun dry/ storage, pool. 2 -p a rkin g . s had ed b a lc o n y . N e ar sh o p p in g , G O , p u b lic tra n s it. E a rly c lo s in g possible. (905)664-4746. WE s p e cia lize in C o n d o m inium Sales. L in d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor. 333-4347, 827-7728 pets, supplies AQUARIUM 50 gallons, ca nopy, heater, bio life filter /c a b in e t stand. O ne y ear O ld $400. 847-8717 FREE to good home- Lab/ Border Collie Cross, smart, black with white trim, 5 year old neutered male. House tra in e d , liv e s in s id e , a ll shots, will give carry cage, leash, dishes, etc.. Family m em ber with allergy. Call (905)469-8108.___________ FR EE:Beautiful 1-1/2 year old female black LabX. Ex ceptional temperment, very a ffe c tio n a te . A ll s h o ts / spayed. 336-1739 E n i l l cars fo r sale H A L T O N B U S IN E S S IN S T IT U T E (9 0 5 ) 6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 460 Brant St., Burlington 1 Registered M inistry o f Education and Training (1982)J y F U R N IS H E D L u x u ry ! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths, 6 app liances, C e ntral Air, Jacuzzi, recreation centre, p o o l, s e c u rity , TV , VC R, s te re o , from $ 1 2 9 5 -2 7 9 5 month. 681-RENT (7368). WANTED: Large room, pri vate bath to rent or home sitting. V ery responsible, 34, m a le , n o n -s m o k e r. W ayne 905-829-4894, cell 905-339-9961____________ FURNISHED room with full b a th . TV . A /C . H o u s e ke e p in g p ro v id e d . R e s i d e n tia l ho m e . M a tu re , Working, non-smoker. 905634-3766________________ F U R N IS H E D room w ith kitchen p riv ile g e s , phone and c a b le in c lu d e d . Hoped ale Mall area. G entlem enonly. 825-2472. F U R N IS H E D room , nons m o k e r. U p p e r M id d le & B rant St. area. $40 0/m o. Call 319-1346____________ R O O M In H o u s e - q u ie t n e ig h b o ro h o o d , near H o p e d a le M a ll. Nonsm oker, ideal for student, $400/mo includes parking & lau n d ry. Leave m essage, (905)510-9579___________ O N E room a v a ila b le in 3 b e d ro o m hom e. $ 4 2 5 ./ m onth (u tilitie s included). First/Last only. Immediately. N.E. Oakville close to Sheri dan. Cellphone, (416)2548544.____________________ D O W N T O W N C o re a re a B u rlin g to n , p a r tia lly fu r nished room. Non-smoker, s h a re d fa c ilitie s . $ 1 0 0 ./ weekly. Parking, call 905681-3731 HEC Group International Recruiters IfiBLANC INTERMEDIATE/ SENIOR ESTIMATOR An em ployee ow ned telecom m unications c o m p a n y b a s e d in O akville h a s a full tim e o p p o r tu n ity fo r an In term ed ia te /S e n io r E stim ator. Position will r e q u ir e m a te ria l e s t i m a t e s a n d c o stin g of c o m m u n ic a tio n to w e rs a n d related equipm ent. Must b e proficient in E x c e l. C a n d i d a t e s s h o u ld b e s e lf m o tiv a te d , r e s p o n s ib le a n d h a v e 2-3 y e a r s stru c tu ra l s te e l e x p e rie n c e a n d related comm unity college. E X E C U T IV E fu rn is h e d 1 bedroom- private entrance. Gas F/P, 6 appliances, self contained in 1-storey home South Burlington. $1,350/ month incl. L.Davies R.E. Limited, (905)-333-4347 A P P L IA N C E S - F rid g e s , s to v e s , w a s h e rs /d ry e rs . B est P rices. New & Reconditioned. 905-319-8484 BAR-BE-QUE for sale. Top o f th e lin e S te rlin g , com plete w/rotisserie, side b urner, ceram ic tile s and cover. $150. 335-5716 B E D S , N e w - C o m p le te : D o u b le , $ 2 2 0 ; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame. Free D elivery. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 9496____________________ NEW Year S a le - No GST or PST. Treat Yourself To A Great New Look at Super Savings. Sofa and Match ing Chair from $788. Loves e a ts from $448. C h a irs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior's Discounts. Fields Q uality Custom Upholster ing. D a ily , 9am -9 p m , (905)632-9090___________ SIT On I t - Don't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t foam fo r cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9 , 7 d a y s / w eek! 6 3 2 9090____________________ CA R P ET - I have several 1.000 yds. of new S tainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 C O U C H / c h a ir. S k la rRose. $450/pair.; Pull-out couch S k la r- $100; Oak ro c k e r, $ 3 0 0 .; R o ll to p desk, $700.; Kitchen table/ c h a irs $ 5 0 .; 3 3 1 -3 3 9 9 evenings EN TER TAIN M EN T centre "P a llis e r" w a s h e d oak, $300.; Sofa "Sklar-Peppler" off white Damask, 1-1/2yr old. Paid $1,500. asking $800. 905-469-9829 F R IG ID A IR E G a lle ry White side by side, 2 years o ld e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . O ak K itch e n ta b le and 6 c h a irs . W a ll u n it/g la s s shelve s 465-2821 or cell 905 467-2584____________ MOVING Sale. Couch and loveseat, hide-a-bed, two dressers, dinette set, Office desk, small entertainment u n it. Foyer ta b le . 336-3398________________ OVER 2,000 sq.ft. of high quality ceram ics to sell at clear-out prices. Call Mike, (905)690-9889___________ P IA N O - C e c ilia n upright. G o o d c o n d itio n , as is, a s k in g $800. P le ase call 825-3578_______________ PINE harvest ta b le 5ft. 2 leaves, 6 chairs $1800. An tique c. 1900 english pine buffet, Solid brass 9 light chandelier $500. 337-1414 PO O L TABLES: 4'1/2"x9' commercial grade included balls, rack, 4 cues. $2,000/ each. 631-1212___________ RE U P H O LSTE R Y Q uality work- Free Estimates: Pick up/ Delivery. Shop locally and save. Benny (905)546-0855, (905)-308-9592 S N O W B O A R D pac k a g e , size 7 boots, board 129cm, bind ings attached, e x c e l lent condition. $175. 634-0922________________ TEAK, 9 pcs. dinning room set, 6 c h a irs , ta b le w. 2 le a v e s , b u ffe t and hutch $800. (905)681-2824 TOYS, records, wine glass es, W in d o w -5 'x 1 0 '- $85.; Doors- screen/ storms, etc.; Books, A q uarium s, Xmas m ugs, D o g / B ird c a g e s , Furn- sofa's, chairs, dress ers. R e asonable prices. T he R euse C e ntre, 3335 N .S e rv ic e , B u rlin g to n . W ed/ T hu rs/ Fri- 12-8pm; Sat- 9-5pm; Sun- 1-4pm. W HIRLPOOL refridgeratorwhite, side-by-side, 22cuft. E xcellent condition. Like new $700.; Kenmore stove, selfcleaning, good working c o n d itio n , w h ite , $1 2 5 .; Kenmore Dishwasher- good w o rkin g cond ition , black, $125. 905-845-0331 911 Golf Links Road, Suite 207 Ancaster, Ontario L 9 K 1H9 Fax:905-648-7016 E-Mail:hec@hecgroup.com IF you enjoy being involved with the elderly, interested in w o rkin g in health care, call Com care Health Serv ices. We're looking for in d iv id u a ls to do g e n e ra l h o u se ke e p in g , la u n d ry & m e a l p re p fo r s e n io rs in B u rlin gton , O akville area. T ra in in g p ro v id e d . 9 0 5 637-5271, 905-525-4354 O AKV ILLE company seeks fu ll- tim e p e rs o n to w e ld b an d sa w blad es. No e x p e rie n c e n e ce ssa ry. W e w ill tra in . If yo u e n jo y working in a small company environm ent, challenge of m eeting production targets call us. M ust be fluent in English. French an asset. (905)-847-8839___________ CO O K required for Retire m ent Residence. Apply in person w /resum e to: 1056 Q ueens Avenue, Oakville, Ontario. AV O N C a lling. Free Kit, Free samples! ` Free Start up Cost From January 10 to January 22 incl. Call today (905)-336-0477___________ CARPET Layer/ helper ap p re n tice required fulltim e im m ediately. Non-smoker. Call Frank at (905)333-5928 C O N C R E T E C a rp e n te rs, La b o u re rs and F in ish e rs required for large municipal p ro je c t in O a k v ille . C a ll 905-465-2787____________ DRIVERS required for Tor onto Auto Auctions. Phone John Parm, (905)875-2915, E x t.248 or fax resum e: (905)875-3219___________ KEY people required to ex pand our financial business. W e w ill train . Call N estor (905)681-5515___________ E X P E R IE N C E p ic tu re Fram er re quired by busy fram ing shop. P art-tim e. Call D ennis at (905)-8498104____________________ PART-TIM E position for 2 d a y s p e r w e e k c a ll 905 319-0675. Not suitable for students.________________ E X P E R IE N C E D H e a d e r Operator. Minimum 5 years experience. Fax resume to: (905)878-8086. 199 6 S U N F IR E G T - 5 speed, fu lly loaded, sport package, sunroof, CD play e r, e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , d a rk g re e n . $ 9 ,0 0 0 (905)813-0186.___________ 1997 W hite Dodge Grand Caravan SE- Im m aculate, loaded, captains chairs, CD p la y e r. 92K M $ 1 8 ,9 0 0 . 905-331-6348____________ 198 7 P o n tia c B o n n e v ille LE- fully loaded, very good c ond i-tion. asking $1000. (905)469-4881. after 5pm. 1989 Buick Le Sabre, fully e q u ip p e d , e m is s io n te s t past, dark blue, excellent condition. (905)825-2281 1994 Taurus S tationw agon, 100,000kms. Air, pw/pl, excellent condition. C e rti fied. Lady driven. Emission tested. $8,600. 847-0356 1986 T o y o ta T e rc e l, a u tomatic, 2 door, hatchback, 15 0 ,0 0 0 Km . As is $50 0 O .B.O . 633 -93 90 or 9236582____________________ 86 Plym outh Reliant wag on, certified, emission test, $ 1 2 0 0 . S e c o n d c a r fo r parts. (905)333-3969 93 S ubaru Loyal W agon, 4W D, 58Km , M int, dealer m aintained, new tires\battery. Cert. $5900. Tel: 905469-6451________________ 198 6 BM W 7 3 5 I, F u lly loaded, p/sunroof, leather se a ts , no ru s t, e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , as is, $ 2 5 0 0 . (905)331-3026___________ 1994 B o n n e v ille EM Em \ cert., loaded, 150km excel lent condition. Green \ tan. $9450. Call 335-4524 1979 Chev Biscayne, 2-dr automatic, 305 V8 2-barrel, 42K original miles, interior needs work. Em ission exempt. $800. (905)332-4605 1996 Chrysler LHS- black/ silv e r trim , g ray leather, fu lly lo a d e d . M ust see! Hw y. m ile s , $ 1 7 ,9 0 0 . (905)829-5339.__________ 1989 Honda Accord Ex- 4 spd, 4 dr, 1 owner, Excel lent condition, $3,500. OBO 905-331-6041____________ 1994 Volkswagon Golf GL, white, 5-spd, air, alarm, CD, ro o f-ra c k . A1. C e rtifie d / E m is s io n . $ 9 ,5 0 0 /o b o . (905)844-0478___________ 1996 Nissan Maxima GLE, dark green, auto, leather, spoiler. Excellent condition. Certified. Emission tested. $16,500/obo. 844-0478 CARS from $500. G overn ment seized & surplus. Sold locally. Call for listings. 1800-297-0727 ext.30. C H A R M IN G 2 b e d ro o m . Burlington core apartment. G ro u n d flo o r le ve l. N ice decor. Large kitchen. Big b a c k y a rd . N ear S p encer Smith Park. Available im m e d ia te ly . $ 9 5 0 ./m o n th . call Jeff (905)-719-1757 1 1 *1 " fo r rent ^ industrial /com m ercial space INEXPENSIVE warehouse space fo r le a se . 18,000 sq.ft. or less; also, 2,100. Truck level access. Radiant heating, sprinklered. O ak ville. Joe Luyk, (905)8457597 BR O N TE H arbour Club, 2 br., 2 baths, 5 appliances, balcony, c/air, lovely neutral deco r & v ie w of the lake. Feb. 1st, $ 1,550/month incl. L .D a v ie s R .E . L im ite d , (905)-333-4347__________ BR O N TE- exclusive luxury c o n d o , $ 2 5 0 0 ./m o . 1600 sq.ft.. 2-bdrms, 2 full baths, L a k e v ie w , o v e rlo o k in g m a rin a . E x c e p tio n a l re creation facilities. F eb .lst. (905)847-3933 SH AR E 2 bedroom Apart ment Bronte. Available Fe b ru a ry 1st /0 0 . C a ll 4690906 Mike_______________ U P PE R M iddle/ 9th Line. Oakville: room, share kitch en/ bathroom, ample park ing, laundry, quiet person. (905) 330-6066___________ M A T U R E , n o n -s m o k in g m a le to s h a re b e a u tifu l hom e in R iver O aks. U p stairs bedroom, full house p riv ile g e s . Im m e d ia te . $500/mo. 905-257-1428 B R IG H T , c le a n room in cozy apartment. Burlington. Im m ediate. $42 5/u tilitie s in c lu d e d . N o n -s m o k e r. First/ Last. 905-637-7873 M ILLC R O FT. M ature per son to share large execu tive home. Private ensuite, all fa c ilitie s . $500/m o. inclusive. (905)319-7987 HO M EO W N E R Iooking to share detached house with non-smoker, A/C, near Bur lin g to n M a ll. G O , $ 4 2 5 / month inclusive. 637-1478. I shared accom m odation Please send resum es to: Hum an Resources LeBlanc Ltd. P.O. Box 880 Oakville, O N L6 J 5C5 Fax: (905) 844-8837 We thank all applicants lor their interest, however only those granted interviews will be contacted. LeBlanc is an equal opportunity em ployer X X X D R Y C L E A N IN G P L A N T re q u ire s C o u n te r persone x p e rie n c e d in "ta g g in g , b a g g in g a n d c u s to m e r service". Also experienced Shirt finisher/ Presser good wages and medical benefits call 905-338-9695_________ F A S T g ro w in g tire and a u to m o tiv e re p a ir fa c ility se e k s h ig h ly m o tiv a te d in d iv id u a l fo r fu ll- tim e p o s itio n in a c o m p le te ly u n iq u e c o n c e p t. E x p erience an asset but not mandatory. Must have valid d riv e r's lice n se . A p p ly in person to "A utofun", 3280 Mainway, Burlington. GENERAL Warehouse/ Of fic e - S m a ll e s ta b lis h e d co m p a n y lo o kin g fo r fu ll tim e e m p lo y e e fo r w a re house and office responsi bilitie s. C o m pu ter know l edg e n e ce ssa ry. French an asset. Fax resum e to: 905-607-4954____________ K IT C H E N A s s is ta n t re quired for childcare centre in East Burlington. This po s itio n re q u ire s liftin g and on-going physical activity. Please contact the Director by phone 905-634-3141 or fax 905-634-9850_________ FIRST Tim e O ffering Area d is trib u to rs h e e d e d . No selling or experience nec essary. All cash business. Min. invest o f $14,800, to secure your financial future. F o r in fo rm a tio n p a c k a g e call 1-888-335-7533. C H R IS T M A S d e c o r by W eedm an- requires people to ta k e d o w n C h ris tm a s lights, can lead to summer e m p lo ym e n t in law n ca re . A p p ly in p e rso n to: 2 4 0 0 W y e c ro ft R d ., U n it #5, Oakville. G E N E R A L L a b o u re rs re quired. Burlington and Mil to n lo c a tio n s . V a rio u s sh ifts available. A p ply in pe rso n : C W C , 304 0 New S tre e t, B u rlin g to n , (E. of Guelph Line)_____________ GENERAL Factory Workers required fulltim e: M achine Operators: Packers: Paint e rs: M a c h in e M e c h a n ic . Apply in person: C onstruc tion Fasteners, 880 Cranberry Court, Oakville______ BURGER King. Now Hiring ·M anagers & «Crew *Days ·Nights. Will train. Contact Kim o r R ita , 112 0 B ra n t Street, P o w ercentre , B u r lin g to n . No p h o n e c a lls , please. R E S ID E N T IA L c le a n e rs n e e ded to jo in o u r team . D a ys o n ly . W ill tra in . H o u rly w a g e p lu s tra v e l time. Call Denise or Jenn, (905)336-1489___________ WE are looking for key peo ple to expand our financial services business. Experi ence not necessary, we will tra in . C a ll Earl 9 0 5 -6 8 1 5515 ext-68______________ A -Z D riv e rs fo r s m a ll g ro w in g co m p a n y. Tan k exp e rie n ce preferred, will train. US experience, clean ab stra ct, crim in a l search. ( 9 0 5 )8 4 9 -6 9 1 9 o r (5 1 9 ) 941-3925________________ L O T P e rs o n - S a tu rn of M ississauga requires hard working, reliable lot attend ant/ detailer. Jam es 905607-7799 OFFICE space available, B u rlin g to n . A p p ro x . 450 sq.ft. Lots of parking. Rea sonable rent, all inclusive. (905)541-2343___________ IN D IV ID U A L o ffic e s fo r rent from $450- $ 1000/mo. a v ailable im m e d ia te ly on short-term leases and flexi ble terms; desirable pro fes s io n a l ce n tre irr prim e dow ntow n O a k v ille lo c a tion; tenant and client park ing inclu ded; boardroom , fax, photocoping and re ception area available. Call Paul (905)338-2300. OFFICE space with ware house, a p p ro x im a te ly 1,900 s q .ft. $1186/month, in c lu d in g p ro p e rty ta x e s and water. QEW/Trafalgar 849-3521 aii m Advantage? Qf Condo Living 1-BDRM + DEN & 2-BDRM SUITES With solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Conveniently located in the Mapleview area! e C P L . © Y 3 T E M S = 4 1 6 -3 9 0 -6 2 7 9 = D O W N T O W N B U R LIN G TON. luxurious, impressive city and lake views! 6 ap pliances, 2 pkg, 2 ensuites, whirlpool, $1,600. L.Davies R.E. Limited, (905)333-4347 | ! u | houses for rent B R IC K bungalow. 2 wash room s, a tta c h e d g a ra g e . A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly F am ily p referred. $11 5 0 ./ mo. 825-2901, 847-1770. G U E L P H L in e / N o rth o f Q EW - 3 bed roo m bu n g a low, pool, yard, 5 applianc es, rec. room , A ir, Suites family, Immediate, $1,250/ month, call 905-469-8952 HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing a va ila b le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep. (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor FO R R e n t: 4 b e d ro o m raised ranch. Q uiet area, large yard, Brant & Mount Forest area. Call (905)6338763____________________ 3-BEDROOMS, North Oak ville. Finished basement, 5 appliances, 2-1/2 baths. No p e ts / s m o k e rs . M a r . ls t . $1475/mo. (905)845-3869 M IS S IS S A U G A / O akville(403)- executive, detached, 4 bedroom s, skylight D/R, w a lk -o u t to large garden, $2,950/month 416-587-8911 FE B R U A R Y 1st- 2 storey house on Dundas St. West, O a k v ille . 7 -1 /2 a c re s . $1200/mo. For appointment to view call (905)844-8458 SHARE your cooking skills and love for kitchen tools with others. Start your own Pampered C hef busin ess for $150.00. Full training & on going support. Start now before our p ea k s p rin g season takes off. S yb ille H a m ilton, In d e p e n d e n t Advanced D irector, (905) 631-2355 E L L IC O T T V IL L E . 3 -b e d room, 2-bath mobile home in town, fireplace. Available for skiing on weekly basis. S u it fa m ily o r c o u p le s . (905)844-2547. I item s under $100. "M ISSION" skates (used 1yr.) size-8, new $265, sell $85. 335-4236.___________ AN TIQ U E large oak desk. $8Q>OBO 905-681-9215 B a s in e tte w. eyele t b e d ding , e x c e lle n t cond ition , $75. (905)777-1414_______ CHILD'S bed- Fisher Price, turns into desk, $100. 2 5 7 2883____________________ C O R D LES S D rill- 7.2 volt c h a rg e r 2 b a tte rie s , $35. 637-1686._______________ CRIB with mattress- white, good condition. $100/obo. 319-3493________________ S K A T E S , L a n g e , fig u re , size 3, $25. Like new. 639 3122____________________ D E S K 2 4 "X 5 4 " b la c k w. w o o d g ra in to p in d u s tria l quality with file draws $100 firm (905) 637-8692_______ DESK, chair, hutch, dresser and m irro r, g irls ' w hite. $ 6 0 ./a ll O B O 9 0 5 -6 8 1 9215____________________ FREEZER- Large, upright, older model, good working condition. $75. 905-6324698____________________ INDOOR wicker swing chair $25. call 634-9538________ KING size bedspread, sea lo a m G re e n . N E W C a ll 849-9930________________ LADIES wool coat, size 16. like new. Call 849-9930 M ACC AR THY School uni form pants, 32-waist, worn 1 -te rm , $20. (905)827-2371.__________ QUEEN Anne coffee table, maple, $75. Call (905)6393326.____________________ S K A T E S - leather, figure, w o m e n 's s iz e 8. w o rn 4 tim e s , lik e new . a s k in g $35. OBO. 905-332-6824 SKI boot, Salomon, size 3, u s e d one s e a s o n . $50. 639-3122________________ S K I e q u ip m e n t, a d u lts , good condition, (includes skiis, boots, poles). $100. 331-9540________________ SPEAKER cabinet with 13" s pea kers. 3ft w id e x 2fth x16"deep. $50. OBO. 905632-1762 2nd or 3rd Level CGA or equivalent For smalt, fast growing com pany, with entrepreneurial environm ent. If you thrive on change, are very flexible and "hands-on" you will enjoy this opportunity. A solid g rasp of basic accounting is required: e x p e rie n c e in payroll, A cco u n ts R e ce iv able and Credit would b e a n a sse t. Reporting to the Financial M anager, the responsibilities include: · Day to day bookkeeping/ accounting · A/R collections · Invoicing · Payroll (in a backup capacity) · A c c o u n ts R e c o n c ilia tio n s f o r s e v e ra l companies CPL S y s te m s e n c o u ra g e s a n d su p p o rts personal & professional growth. To pursue this opportunity, fax re su m e to: K. Bocking @ 905-875-2125 candidates selected lor interview will tie contacted. H A IR S T Y L IS T , E x p e ri enced, downtown Oakville salon/ spa. (Foil experience asset) Assume client base Also R eceptionist (Experi enced). (905)-842-4474 ELECTRICIAN Licensed Industrial/ commercial experience. Control &PLC knowledge an asset. Call Rick at Pride Electric 905-333-1513 or fax resume 905-333-9637 Manufacturer of automated welding machines requires BRONTE 2 bedroom apart ment to sublet. Quiet build ing, a/c, window coverings. $ 1 170 /m o. M arch 1st. (905)465-3190___________ LA R G E , b rig h t, fre s h ly painted 2-bedroom ba se ment a pa rtm e nt, parking, laundry hook-up. Aldershot. F e b .ls t. $ 8 5 0 ./m o. (905)631-5455___________ KERR & S te w a rt 2 -b e d room apartm ent, available F eb .lst. $875/m o. utilities and parking included. 3 3 9 2437 between 9am-6pm. BU RLINGTON- 1&2 bed room apartments. Well- lo cated, quiet building. Near downtown, buses, highway, lake. Call (905)333-0869. 3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 o r 3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 : Tyandaga Terrace, Burling ton. Freshly decorated 2&3 bedroom s, Jan./Feb. Lowrise building, G arden like setting. Private landscaped patios. ________________ 2-Bedroom S u ites am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in lu x u ry buildings close to Burlington Mall. C all "The P rincess", 639-8009 or "The Regency" 681-8115.______________ 2-B E D R O O M Apartments $770. (U tilitie s inclu ded). 2 3 8 6 N ew St. at G u e lp h Line. Rental Office O penl 1 8pm. 639-5761 Financial Services Opportunities Are you a D ynam ic, M otivated, Customer-Focused individual looking for an opportunity to participate in the building of a W orld Class insurance operation? Our client, a financial services organization located west of Toronto, is undertaking a major business expansion into the millennium. Experienced insurance people are an integral part of the team required to meet this challenge. Opportunities exist in; · Claims · Underwriting · Administration · Customer Service As a team player with insurance skills at a · Management · Supervisory · Technical or · Administrative level, you w ill enjoy creating a successful organization. Send your resume in confidence, including salary expect ations. to Devonwood Partners, 2 Bloor St. W ., Suite 7 0 0 , Toronto, ON M 4W 3R1 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 8 2 1 -7 0 0 6 or em ail: resum es@ devonwood.com (This is a unique opportunity and existing clients must indicate a specific interest by submitting a resume for these positions). Machinist/ Assembler and a 1997 Grand Cherokee Lar edo- red, loaded, leather, 72Km, excellent condition. Asking $25,000. 257-6909, evenings. 1995 Mercury Villager- p/w, p/d, a/c. Excellent condition. 1 owner. Asking $10,995. 331-0115 Machinery Designer (Auto-Cad required) Tel: (905) 845-2265 Fax: (905)845-9899 M ILL W R IG H T S . Service Technicians, Welders and GL's. Burlington/ Oakville/ H a m ilto n . P lease apply: 850 Legion Rd., #8, Bur lin g to n . p h # -(9 0 5 )-6 3 1 9920____________________ A P P R E N T IC E Mechanicgood working environment. Must have own tools. Good automotive knowledge. Be willing to learn and be self m otivated. (Oakville), call 416-605-7004____________ RERO OF Shinglers- 5 yrs m in e xpe rien ce. R e-roof shingler helpers hrly. Valid driv. Lie helpful. Call Brent at 416-693-1253_________ LICENSED Electrician and 2nd or 3rd year apprentice re q u ire d . E xp e rie n ce in residential and commercial work. Call 905-849-5656 LIC. Mechanic- full-time for busy au to b o d y / collision centre. Own tools needed. call Kirk 905-338-1700 REROOF Sales/ estimators re q u ire d fo r B u rlin g to n area 416-693-1253 TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors trom $689.* 1-Bdrm from $779.* Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 "(2% disc, included) BURLINGTON -5200 Lake shore Rd. 2 -B e d ro o m s , F e b .ls t. C a ll 6 8 1 -7 1 2 6 Professionally managed by L.T. G re e n w in P ro p e rty Management. W A T E R D O W N : 50 & 75 John St.W. W alk to every thing. New a p p lia n c e s & w indow s. L a rg e 1.2&3 Bedroom s from $675/m o. Mike: (905)689-1647 DOW NTOW N, Burlington. 2-bedroom, Immediate; 1& 3 -b e d ro o m , F e b ls t & M a r.ls t. W ell m aintained, q u ie t b u ild in g . W a lk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321 Northshore Towers 1&2 Bedroom Apt. Avail. Dec./Jan./Feb. $750/mo. to $850/mo. Utilities incl · No Pets Quiet Building Diane, 9am-7pm BRANT/ Mount Forest. 2&3 bedroom tow nh ouse m ai sonettes, laundry facilities, 1-parking. Jan./ Feb. $750/ mo.+ utilities. (905)319-9104. · WAIT STAFF · DISHWASHER PERSON-Day Shift REQUIRED PART-TIME FOR LUXURY RETIRE MENT RESIDENCE IN BURLINGTON. Fax resume to: Diane Young, Mgr, Food Services: (905) 333-0596 W E W ant th e B est! High tech consulting co. seeking experienced, professional salesperson for new train ing division. O utgoing, re sults driven to p produce r w anting to work w ith the best fa x re s u m e to (9 0 5 )6 3 1 -9 4 2 4 or em ail: R e c ru itin g @ A p e x S I.c o m . To le a rn m o re v is it www.ApexSI.com C O SM ETIC IAN S neededShoppers Drug Mart- Oak ville Place- Full-tim e con tra c t p o s itio n . M a te rn ity Lea ve w ith p o s s ib ility of permanent employment af ter contract expires; P/T also required for evenings/ w eekends. E x p e rie n c e preferred. Fax resum es attention Debbie (905)-8425598____________________ APARTMENT Locator. En thusiastic person with sales experience and great tele phone m anner is needed. O utgoing perso n a lity with keyboarding experience an asset. No cold calling! Full time. Salary and com m is sio n s p lus p a id tra in in g . Please fax resume to Rent ers News Apartment Locators: (905)319-2528_______ T E D D Y 'S P iz z a . H elp Wanted. Drivers and inside h elp . F ull T im e and P art Time. 257-7633 Gino 681-1307 ·Burl. PENTHOUSE @ 2022 P ro sp e ct S t., B u rlin g to n . Large 3-bedroom , 2 b ath room s. M a g n ific e n t view ! Available now!! (9 0 5 )6 8 1 2650____________________ PENTHOUSE, Newly reno vated 3-bedroom. $950/mo. inclusive. C entral B u rlin g ton. 639-5761, 11am-8pm 1 BE D R O O M in h is to ric building in Downtown Bur lin g to n n e a r lake. ($ 7 5 0 / mo). Parking and laundry included, utilities extra, February 1st. (905)631-7788. S P A C IO U S 1 ,2 4 3 B e d ro o m s. F re s h ly p a in te d , b rig h t. C o m p e titiv e re n t. Burlington high-rise. W ellmaintained. Convenient lo ca tio n . (9 0 5 )3 3 3 - 9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm OLD Oakville in beautifully m aintained, quiet building d o w n to w n , s te p o u t to shops, lots o f sen io rs . 2b e d ro o m , $ 1 0 8 0 /m o .; 1bedroom : $925/m o. In c lu s ive . P le a s e le a v e m e s sage (905)845-8254. B U R L IN G T O N fu rn is h e d 1 b e d ro o m . $ 8 9 0 /m o in clusive. (905)845-0666 or (905)330-1724.___________ BRONTE Harbour location, 1 bedroom apartm ent with h a rb o u r view . $87 5 /m o . plus utilities. P le ase call Gary Reed Broker Caldwell Banker Home & Family Re alty 825-7777 Mariposa Co-op Co-op living, 3Bdrms, 1-1/2 bath room townhomes, 1150 Gable Dr.,Oakville $1142/mo + utilities No deposit Available Immediately (905) general help wanted THE B A R N M ARK ETS The Bam M arkets is a recognized lea d er in fresh, q u a lity p ro d u c e in th e re ta il food industry. 829-5294 Join us in the excitement! L A R G E 3 -b e d ro o m from $ 1 0 8 9 /m o . (+ u tilitie s ), F e b . ls t / M a r . ls t . 5 a p pliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 BU RLING TO N. M odern 2bedroom, 1.5 baths, 5 ap p lia n c e s , C /A , g a ra g e , $ 1 100/mo. L.D avies R.E. Limited, (905)333-4347 BRANT- Bluefields: large 2be d ro o m w ith b a s e m e n t, balcony, hardw ood floors, fridge/stove $725./mo. plus utilities.March 1st. 332-0935 B U R LIN G TO N . E xecutive to w n h o u s e n e a r F a irv ie w GO, bright, newer end unit, 2-1/2 baths, fireplace, C/A, 5 appliances, garage, deck. 2 a v a ila b le : 2 M a s te r S u ite s , $ 1 150 /m o .; Extra la rg e 3 -b e d ro o m , $ 1 4 1 0 / m o .+ u tilitie s . F e b .ls t . (905)681-5527___________ G U E L P H L in e / Q E W . 3bdrm townhouse condo, 11/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/ A, fireplace, garage, near GO, QEW. $1090/mo. + util itie s . M a r . ls t . T ra fa lg a r P ro p e rty M a n a g e m e n t, Warren Hill. 338-1130. AN TIQU ES, China W ant ed. Best cash.... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watch es, dolls, estates, Collecti bles. John / Tracy (905)331-2477_______________ A N T IQ U E S W anted! E s tates, China, Shelley, Royal Doulton, 221 or 222 port ab le S in g e r s e w in g m a chines. (905)639-0976. AN TIQU ES wanted- furni tu re , g la s s ch in a , silv e r, je w e lry, clocks, w atches, p a in tin g s , old p h o to s , cane s, B e st c ash! (905)-522-4727 W A N T E D S m all w ood stove, glass doors. Call G. Taylor (905)271-1639 *JOB FAIR* @ T h e O a k v ille T o w n C e n tr e Visit o u r R ecruitm ent C entre in the plaza! Saturday January 15th, 2000 9am -5pm Bam M arket R epresentatives are also available at the R ecruitm ent C entre M onday to F riday from 10am -6pm to discuss em p lo y m en t o p p o rtu n ities at o u r new location MEADOWVALE FORD Service Advisor/Cashier Very busy Service Department requires a d d itio n a l p e rs o n n e l to jo in o u r team afternoon shift, Monday- Thursday. Successful applicants m ust have experience and good comm unication skills. We offer: · Excellent pay · Training allowance · Group benefits ·Excellentwork environment · Retirement pension plan (RPP) For an interview please call: Dave Partridge or Dave Styles (905) 542-3673 Apts & Townhomes Near Waterfront! Large suites. Freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets. We are currently se ek in g Retail Professional for part-tim e p osition s. O u r com pany is com m itted to p ro v id in g a h ig h lev el o f q u a lity a n d se rv ic e ex cel len c e to o u r A s so c ia te s b y p r o v id in g a c o m p e titiv e c o m p e n s a tio n p a c k a g e , a w o rk env iro n m en t th a t values ideas, a n d re c o g n iz e s o u r A s so c ia te s a s o u r m o st valuable asset. 480 Maple Ave. Burlington (905) 639-5079 G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts. Feb./Mar./Apr. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm FR E E E s tim a te s ... G ot w o b b ly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood fin is h e s ? W e do it all! C ustom w ood refin ishing/ fu rn itu r e re p a irs . F ie ld s C u s to m F u rn itu re . 9-9, daily! 632-9090 or fax resum e to (905) 542-1787 Meadowvale Ford 2230 Battleford Rd. Mississauga, O N L5N 3K6 G U AR AN TEE D dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. "Ontario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O n ta rio 's B e s t". M a rc 's Q u a lity F ire w o o d , (905)257-6366 We look forw ard to meeting you!

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