Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 12 Jan 2000, B10

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B10 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, January 12, 2000 M eray M otors M ercedes-Benz SERVICE DIRECTOR Full-time. Experience in A D P c o m p u te r sy ste m a n asset » M ustpossess lead ersh ip skills w ith a p o sitiv e a ttitu d e an d b e a team p lay er. » C om pany Benefits. CARTEL = A T b T. C om plete C om m unications S ystem s, Inc. is o n e of C antel AT&T top affiliates in C a n a d a . W e a re looking for e nthusiastic people to join and re p re se n t our team a s H E A L T H C A RE O P P O R T U N I T I E S Saint Elizabeth Health Care has been a leader in community health care since 1908. Accredited with the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation, we are proud o f our standard o f care and the commitment to the communities we serve. The following full- and part-time positions are available in Hamilton-Wentworth Region: Send resume to Dan Burnside. 300 S outh Service Rd., W ., O akville or Fax- 844-8890 V is itin g & S h if t R N s & R P N s H aving the o p p o rtu n ity to w o rk in an innovative, p rofessional p ractice m o d e l, y o u w ill deliver q u a lity p a tie n t/fa m ily centered m edical a nd surgical care. Specialized experience in th e areas o f p a llia tiv e ca re, g e ro n to lo g y , p a e d ia tric s , m e n ta l h e a lth , IV th e ra py o r fo o t care is an asset. A vehicle is required fo r o u r V is itin g N u rs in g P rogram . Career Training Personal Support Workers are needed by the health care professions--NOM The Centre has 38% more training time and a work placement for real experience! Have you worked in health care? Take our P -T course & be certified! Credit given for work experience. Corporate Account Reps W e a re looking for people with excellent com m unication skills and self-m otivation in the GTA a n d G olden H o rsesh o e area. S a le s experience a must! P le a se fax your resum e Attn: Frank, (905) 330-6133 ® Rogers Cantel Inc. TM AT &T Corp used under License IN DUSTRIAL ELECTRICIANS Progressive industrial contractor requires P SW S, H C A s & Home S u p p o rt W o rk e rs You w ill assist clie n ts w ith ro u tin e a c tiv itie s o f d a ily liv in g a n d p e rs o n a l care. You re qu ire a H o m e S u p p o rt Level II o r III, H C A o r PSW C e rtific a te o r e q u iv a le n t w o rk expe rien ce a n d e d u c a tio n . CPR a n d F irs t A id C e r tific a te s are necessary. O w n tra n s p o rta tio n is preferred. Day, evening, n ig h t and w eekend s h ifts are availa b le . A pprentices & Journeym en for immediate electrical installation and service work. Overtime & travel is required. Please fax 1 page resume to: (905)-336-3391 We offer flexible scheduling, and competitive compensation packages, including group benefit and RRSP plans. I f y o u are interested in w o rk in g fo r a progressive, in n o v a tiv e o rg a n iz a tio n , w e w a n t to hear fro m y o u ! Please fo rw a rd y o u r resum e to : S a in t E liz a b e th H e a lth C a re 2 0 H u g h s o n S t. S, S u ite 9 0 8 H a m ilt o n , O N L 8 N 2 A 1 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 9 7 2 -8 7 8 8 . w w w .s a in t e liz a b e t h . c o m / I v- - f | V \ ^ J h osp ital, m edical, dental Part-Time Program Starts January 20 2 - MACHINISTS For M ilton Jobbing S h op Q ualifications: · · · · T eam player R equires m inim al sup ervision D o o w n set-u ps A c h ie v e c lo se toleran ces PART-time Receptionist re q u ire d fo r e v e n in g & w e e k e n d w o rk in b u s y O a k v ille m e d ic a l c lin ic . E x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity fo r frie n d ly , re s p o n s ib le p e r son to rejoin the work force. O hip experience an asset. P le a s e fa x re s u m e to: (905)338-3731____________ F U L L -T IM E O p to m e tric A s s is ta n t/ D is p e n s e r re quired for busy optom etric office. O ptical retail sales e x p e rie n c e an a s s e t. P le a s e re s p o n d to : B ox 102 5, W a te rd o w n , LO R 2HO_____________________ C H I R O P R A C T I C R e c e p tio n is t re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly . M a tu re , e n e rg e tic , e x c e lle n t p h o n e /c le ric a l s k ills . F ull/part-tim e. P lease call (905)458-5557____________ M ATURE D e n ta l R e c e p tio n is t re q u ire d fo r established O akville office. M in im u m . 8 y e a rs experience. Fax resume to: (905)842-8252____________ AR E you enthusiastic, self m otivating and passionate about ou t bein g a uniq ue dental hygienist? W e have a m ate rnity leave position that will be your opportunity to w o rk in o u r d y n a m ic practice Please fax resume to (905) 829-3072 223 North S ervice Rd. W .O akville KITCHEN Full Tim e Program : Starts March 20. Register for an info session! Call Isabel Webb at 333-3499/878-1240 ext. 121. Thejuzntre S W s D evelopment & Training R e s ta u ra n t P o s itio n s A v a ila b le Part Tim e/Full Tim e M orning/A fternoon/ W eekend Shifts M on.- Fri. o r S at.- Sun. ·Cashier/Line cook ·Counter staff Saint Elizabeth T o B r in g in g H e a l t h L I F E F ax r e s u m e to E xcellent b en efits and w a g es for the right person w ith a g ood w ork attitude. ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -0 0 6 6 I tutorial d ay care w anted C.M. MORRIS DESIGN LTD. 8 7 8 -0 5 7 8 o ffic e - clerica l NOW H IR IN G * · Cooks · Dishwasher Flex hours & staff benefits Apply in person to Pat or Brett IS your child falling behind in reading or spelling? Pri vate tutoring by caring elementary teacher. 825-9990 EXPERIENCED tutor avail able, math and science all levels, please contact 905332-3571________________ TH ER A P IS T wanted- ca r ing enthusiastic individual to work one-on-one w/mildly a u tis tic child 3-5 a fte r noons/week from about 46pm. Will train. Psychology, ECE background preferred. 815-1779. I d ay care availab le MATURE, re s p o n s ib le C a re g iv e r re q u ire d fo r 2 b o y s a g e s 7 & 1 0 in my home or yours, before and a fte rs c h o o l. R iv e r O aks area. (905)338-2391 LOVING, responsible care giver required for 10 month old. Beginning late March. South of New. (905)681-9921 MATURE, responsible per son to care for 3 girls, 5-1/2, 2-1/2 and 1, in my East Wa terdown home. Occasional Mon., Tues. or Wed., 2pm9pm , s ta rtin g J a n .24 /0 0 . 690-0960 Community Notices Deaths G R E G O I R E , A n n ie - P a s s e d a w a y on J a n u a r y 2, 2 0 0 0 a t O a k v ille T ra fa lg a r Memorial Hospital at the a g e of 80, after a lengthy illness. S h e is survived by her only d a ughter Roslyn Palynchuk a n d sonin-law Barry, g ra n d ch ild re n M e a g h an , K ris te n , a n d M a tth e w , s i s t e r s L e o n a a n d G ra c e . Also S ad ly m is se d by Gail and Tom. S h e w as laid to re st in Atholville New Brunsw ick on J a n u a ry 6th, 2000 at t h e N o tre D a m e D e L o u rd e C a th o lic C hurch. M em orial d o n a tio n s in A nnie's n a m e m ay b e m a d e to th e C a n a d ia n H eart and Stroke Foundation . RECEPTIONIST C hisholm Centre provides educational & psychological services. We require an individual with a minimum of 3 years experience to be part of our 7 person office team. Must have superior interpersonal skills and preference w ill be given to those with a minimum of entry level computer skills. This position involves three standard days & two evenings until 8pm. Joe Dog's Gasbar Grill 531 Brant Street Burl. ph#-632-5110 COOKS- Full-time- Nights, d a y s , w e e k e n d s . A p p ly w ith re sum e- W in c h e s te r Arms, 450 Appleby Line (at N e w ), B u rlin g to n , o r fax Attn: Michelle 634-2778 SA ND W ICH Shop in O ak ville Place requires daytime help M on-Fri. Call Janice from 9am -3pm (905)-8424701 InMemoriam S IN C L A IR , Marjorie - Ja n u a ry 12 ,1 9 9 7 Joyful m em ories of you continue to comfort us daily. W e love and m iss you dearly. Fax detailed resume to: Dr. H. Bernstein Chisholm Centre, 440 Inglehart St. North, Oakville, Ontario L6J 3J6 Fax: 905-844-7321 R E LIA B LE Daycare avail able full/ part-time, 6 years e x p e rie n c e . R e fe re n c e s available. Headon Forest/ Headon Rd. 332-7870. C A R IN G mom to provide loving environment for your toddler/ infant in my home. M on & T ue s. 9 0 5 -3 3 2 7568____________________ HI, my nam e is Vicky, I'm an exsperienced care giver in th e N o rth B u rlin g to n area, spaces available. (1 + older) Call 331-1681 Q UALITY in-home daycare available, Beginning imme d ia te ly . P in e d a le a re a / F ro n te n a c S c h o o l. R e c e ip ts / re fe re n c e s available. Call 631-9340 ARE you looking for excel lent, worry- free childcare? Look no further. I am a pro fe s s io n a l E nglish Nanny, w ith ECE, o ffe rin g loving care, atten tion , activities, outings, nutritious meals in the s e c u rity of m y hom e. Fle xib le . E x c e lle n t re fe r e n c e s . N e a r Q E W / GO. (905)331-9730___________ LOVING care in m y River O a k s hom e. F u ll-tim e or part-tim e, ages 1-4, references. (905)842-0636 LO V IN G m oth er w ill p ro vide a safe and happy en viro n m e n t fo r yo u r child . Lots of toys, hot meals and snacks provided. Reason able. Headon Forest area. Liz, 336-1423.___________ A L D A 'S daycare W alkers/ M ainw ay area. F u ll-tim e p a rt-tim e fo r a g e s 2-5. Home-cooked meals, crafts/ nature trips. 336-8257 NANNY for 14 m onths old boy required, part-tim e or fu ll-tim e , re fe re n c e s required. call (905)319-1059 L IV E -O U T N a n n ie s re quired. Excellent opportu n itie s fo r e x p e rie n c e d childcare workers & house k e e p e rs . C a ll T ra fa lg a r Personnel 905-849-6520 E X C E LLE N T o p p o rtu n ity for live-out nanny, driver's lic e n e re q u ire d . ECE p re fe rre d . Fax re p ly to: 319-8960 or call 319-2256. L IV E -O U T n a n n ie s re q uired. If you are an e x perienced childcare worker we want to here from you. E x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n itie s available, full or part-time. Long/ short term. Call Kim, Trafalgar Personnel, (905) 849-6520________________ NANNY required (live-out) full-time or part-time (4 days per w eek) m id -F e b ru a ry 2000 to care for 4yr. old boy & 9mos. old girl in our S.E. Oakville home. ECE/special needs training considered an asset. Car required, nonsmoker. (905)815-1771 PART/ full-time. Live-out/in e x p e rie n c e d N anny/ H o usekeepe r re quired to c a re fo r 3 s c h o o l-a g e d c h ild re n in O ld O a k v ille . D riv e r. N o n -s m o k e r. (416)681-4602.___________ CARING, energetic live-out nanny, Glen Abbey, 35H/W, french definite asset. Light h ou se k e e p in g , non sm oker. Star date flexible (905)469-8604 after 8pm W ARM, re s p o n s ib le c a re g iv e r / h o u s e k e e p e r required for 2 girls, 11 & 14 y e a rs . 2 :3 0 p m -5 :3 0 p m , M onday-Thursday. Dinner preparation, car required, excellent remuneration. 8th L in e & U p p e r M iddle. (905)842-0155___________ BABYSITTER required for 1 b a b y o c c a s io n a l a fte r school & occasional Friday/ Saturday night. Call Angela 465-1627________________ N A N N Y re q u ire d in East W aterdown home. Live-in/ out, we can be flexible for the right person. (905)6909797____________________ NANN Y /housekee per re quired im mediately in west O akville, M onday - Friday 2-6pm. for 8 year old. Nons m o k e r, re fe re n c e s re quired. (905)847-3093 Your beloved h u sb a n d R obert, daughter S u s a n and husb an d Jim Hyndman, Cathy M atthew s, so n R ob a n d his wife S u san a n d y o u r g ra n d c h ild re n Kelly, Je n n ifer, K elsey a n d Andrew We thank all applicants, however, only those considered lor an interview will be contacted. Mrs. Powell's- §35T Funeral Directors O A K V IE W FUNERAL HOME O ur family serving your family 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL L E Funeral Directors · Don Clarke ·G regory Sidora ·Tina Q uenneville ·D uncan Way ·John Murphy Budget BUDGET RENT A CAR, a progressive 6 city operation is seeking a full-time MATURE FULL & PART TIME OFFICE M A N A G ER The successful candidate will be responsible for vari ous accounting functions such as financial statement preparation, general ledger activities, accounts rec onciliation and payroll. The successful candidate will possess general accounting experience, proficiency with computers, attention lo accuracy and detail, strong analytical and organizational skills as well as the ability to meet deadlines. Interest candidates should submit a resume by FAX to Human Resources at (905 ) 549 -8868 . COUNTER SERVICE PERSONNEL NEEDED! A PPLY IN PERSON 4490 Fairview (at Appleby) Burlington W AIT Staff required even ings. F/T Dishwasher (day or evgs). Ita lia n food e x perience an asset. Drop off resume: Cafe Galleria, 151 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville W AIT Staff (experienced) & dishw ashers, experienced; p a rt-tim e , s tu d e n ts welcome. Apply in person: First Choice Kitchen, 2405 Fairview, Burlington. teach in g o ppo rtu nities ECE TEACHER required fulltime for Oakville child care centre For more information call VETERINARY HOSPITAL Busy, computerized practice requires P art-tim e Receptionist. We are looking for an enthusiastic and reliable individual to join our growing team. Hours w ill include some evenings and weekends. M inimum 2 years Customer Service experience required, sense of humor and anim al handling experience an asset. Please forward resume and c o m letter by January 18W00, to. ABBEY ANIMAL HOSPITAL 1131 Nottinghill Gate, Oakville ON, L6M1K5 Attention: Audrey Portiss Fax: (905) 827-7027* Please no phone calls. ^ teaching oppo rtu nities E .C .E . T e a c h e r re q u ire d fu lltim e ' fo r b u s y O a k v ille c h ild c a re c e n tre S a la ry com mensurate with experi e n c e .; S u p p ly T e a c h e rs a ls o re q u ire d . C a ll (905)849-3614 M A L O N E Y , Earl Cornellius Sr. - On F rid a y J a n u a ry 7, 2 0 0 0 a t C re d it V a lle y H o s p ita l, M is s is s a u g a . Earl Maloney Sr. in his 74th year. Beloved husband of Shirley for 53 years. Dear father of Earl, Patrick and John and his companion David W agner. Loved grandfather of Sadie. Dear brother of Neil, Shirley, Paul, Patty and Frankie. P redeceased by his s is te r E dna. A Service of Remembrance will be held a t a la te r d a te . A rra n g e m e n ts e n tr u s te d to K o p riv a T a y lo r C om m unity Funeral Home, O akville (9 0 5 )8 4 4 -2 6 0 0 . In Lie u of flo w e rs those who wish may make a memorial c o n tr ib u tio n s c o n tr ib u tio n s to th e Kidney Foundation of Canada M O F F A T T , R o y - O n M onday, J a n u a ry 842-2252 (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -4 7 6 9 GOLDEN AGE SERVICES For Senior Citizens ·Basic health care service ·H ousehold management ·Shopping · Cleaning (Negotiable rates) I d ay care w anted Admin/Office Manager Join our team! 29 years & growing! Green Thumb Land scaping is one of Ontario's leading land scaping & maint. co. Ideal candidate is ener getic & independent with a proven record of customer service, accu racy & systems devel opment. Some account ing & exp. in d-base management required. FAX resume w/refs & salary expectationss to: (905) 335-2316 WORK-COMP Consultants Inc. requires experienced part-time office assistant in Milton office with Microsoft Office '97 knowledge. Must respond creatively to variety of challenges and have as sertive, friendly personality. Send 1 page Fax in c o n fid e n c e to A n n e T a y lo r (905)847-1218.___________ BO O K KE EPE R- Full-tim e Im m ediate o p e n in g n e a r QEW and A p p le b y Line . M ust be p ro fic ie n t w ith WIN.98, AccPac with wind ows, Lotus & Excel. Data input to financials and re ports. Fax resume to: 905333-6568________________ LEGAL Secretary required for full-time, part-time. Ex perience in real estate and litig a tio n n e c e s s a ry . Please forw ard w ritten re plies to Paul LaFleur, Bar ris te r, S o lic ito r, A v o c a t, 2019 Caroline Street, Bur lington, L7R-1L1 LEGAL ASSISTANT Burlington law firm seeks Legal Assistant with strong computer skills including using WordPerfect 7.0 & PC LAW in a network environment. Recent grads of Legal Secretarial programs encouraged to apply. Reply in confidence with resume by FAX to: Chris (905) 876-0136 I p e r so n a ls lo st & found A T T E N T IO N S e n io rs : part-time position required, m ature person needed to care for two children ages 2 1/2 and 4, 5 m o rn in g s per w e ek(M onday-F riday) from 7 :0 0 a m -9 :3 0 a m SE Oakville, car required. Call Liz (905)849-8787.________ CAREGIVER required for 2 boys (6 & 3) in our home. 8 0 /h rs a m o n th . D a ys & evenings. (905)319-8664 S P E C IA L -N E E D S w orker required immediately (Oak ville) Monday-Friday, 3pm5pm . C a ll 3 3 8 -2 2 3 4 , before 8pm. 10, 2000 a t O akville-T rafalgar M em orial Hospital, Roy in his 8 1 st y ear. B eloved husband of Louise. D ear father of Wally, Jim a n d his wife Lorry, S a n d ra L andry, Brenda and her h u sb a n d Tommy Donnelly a n d M ike a n d S u n a d d a . L o v in g grandfather of Trevor, Tiffany and Tristan. Will b e s a d ly m is s e d by M e rry -A n n e G lazin a n d m an y re la tiv e s a n d frien d s. V is ita tio n a t th e K o p riv a T a y lo r Com munity Funeral Hom e, 64 L akeshore Road W est, Oakville, from 2-4 and 7-9 pm W ed n e sd a y . Funeral S ervice 11:00 am T h u r s d a y in th e c h a p e l. C r e m a tio n . T h o s e w ho w ish m a y m a k e m e m o ria l c o n trib u tio n s to th e H e a r t a n d S tro k e Foundation of Ontario. W ARP Funeral Homes HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville 905 - 844-3221 Ann Futher Charles Gibbs Family Services A lco h o lics Anonym ous If you drink, that's you r business If you want to quit, Th a t's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 W inter can be a lonely sea so n - d o n 't le t it be. C a ll M is ty R iv e r In tro d u c tio n Burlington and Oakville tra d itio n a l m a tc h m a k e r. (416)777-6302 HOPING, You will see this. Pretty Lady, nice smile, long brown hair, long dark coat. Bronte I.G.A. Wed. Eve. Dec 22. Myself: Dark hair, black leather jacket, picking up food trays, bakery, We talked briefly. Love to Meet You! Happy New Year. Len (905)465-1288 S IN G L E w h ite m a le , 31, wishes to meet SW F 25- 35 E n jo y s o il p a in tin g , a uto ra c in g , re a d in g , w ritin g . Reply: Oakville Beaver, 467 S p e e rs Rd. O a k v ille , Ontario. L6K 3S4 Box 2095. I lo st & found FOUND: House key. Inverra ry & L o n g m o o re area. Call 634-6141 I handym an PULLEN, "Eps" Ethelwyn Maiy (nee Young) (905)634-9119 s a le s help & a g e n ts CARPENTER / Handymand ry w a ll, p a in tin g , re n o v a tio n s . R e a s o n a b le rate s. C a ll A n d re w (905) 469-^960 F U L L -T IM E / p a rt-tim e C om m issioned Sales Per sons needed for Burlington, H a m ilto n , N ia g a ra a re a . Transportation a must. In s to re p ro m o tio n o f m ajor credit cards. Full training provided call or fax Shirley w ith re s u m e (9 0 5 )-9 3 5 1680 PRO M overs. S h ort/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777 * CLASSIFIEDS /7 a SL ^ CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab ric s , ta b le / c h a ir accesso ries. C all S herry, 634-6706. i DENTAL Hygienist. W e are loo kin g for a persona ble, enthusiastic, team oriented in d iv id u a l to jo in o u r e x panding Milton family prac tic e . O ne to tw o d a y s a w eek in itia lly lead ing to a full time position. Periodon ta l e x p e rie n c e an a s s e t. F ax re s u m e to 9 0 5 -8 7 6 3278.____________________ NURSE/ Medical Office As sistant needed for doctors o ffic e in O a k v ille . G ood co m p u te r s k ills req u ire d . Fax resume: 905-338-8611 FOUND- Black and tan dog. c a ll to id e n tify , 5 1 9 -9 2 3 5064____________________ FOUND Bracelet, Jan 01/00 Spencer S m ith P a rk, please identify. 631-9917 FO UN D: Ring on January 2 8 th , T r a fa lg a r & L a k e s h o re a re a . C a ll E liz a b e th 3 3 2 -5 9 3 8 , to identify. T A I CH I. N ew b e g in n e rs classes. M onday & W ed nesday evenings. M onday & F rid a y m o rn in g s . At Munn's United Church. Call (905)878-6767 At home in Oakville on Friday January 7,2000 in her 96th year with Pelmo, her loving caregiver, and Cindy and Andrew, two of her beloved grandchildren, at her side. After a lifetime of loved "Duff" (Ernest Gambier Pullen who died October 11,1994) and their families including parents, siblings, children, grandchil dren and great grandchildren and of endless gatherings at Birch Hill Lane, Eps has gone peacefully. Beloved mother and mother-in-law to Wendy and Bill Rees of Collingwood, Kit and Grace Pullen of Nepean, Judy and T.C. Tethong of Victoria and Dharmsala, India and Tony and Vicki Pullen of Toronto. Sister of the late Marjorie Taylor, Ralph and John Young, Gaga/Mola to Andrew, Heidi, Tracey and Cindy Rees, Jodie, Carolyn, Chris, and the late Amy Pullen, Losel, Deyden, and Lhadon Tethong, and Kelly, Tyler, Nicholas and Emmy pullen. Great grandmother to Tyler Hanson, Kathryn and Heather Lobban and Benjamin Risk. Cousin, aunt to many. Funeral service will be held at ST. Jude's Church. Thomas & William Streets in Oakville on Monday, January 10, 2000 at 2:00pm. In lieu of flowers, donations to Save The Children -Canada or a charity of your choice would be appreciated. Articles For Sale Under $100. $ 5.0 0 p lu s G ST W ed n esd a y an d Sunday C all 337-5610 C lassified D ept. O a k v ille B eaver You want the most exposure for your classified ad, right? How's this? · j

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