Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, a8

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A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 1,2000 "An E v ening in Italy," a special fu ndraising ev en t for Ian A n d erso n H o u se (IA H ) takes place S aturday, A pril 1st at Le D om e. L ed by em cee D an F errone, guests w ill start w ith drin k s at 6:30 p.m . follo w ed by d in n e r and w ine at 7:3 0 p.m . T his includes a c h e f 's salad, ro tini i n rose sauce, b read ed ch ick en i n m ushroom sauce, a m edley Dinner-dance proceeds to hospice I j O Ucan show the world a younger-looking you. o f vegetables, p ear helene for d essert plus tea and coffee. A cash bar, plus d an cin g to Ideal D isc Jockey, runs from 9 p.m . to 1 a.m . T here w ill also be b alloon pops, p rize s and s u rp ris e s p lu s a m id n ig h t sw eet table. Ian A n d e rso n H o u se is O n ta rio 's firs t fre e -sta n d in g ca n ce r h ospice w hich pro v id es qu ality p alliativ e care free o f charge in a h o m e-lik e setting fo r resid en ts o f H alton and Peel. T ickets fo r th is ev en t are $50 per person. (A $20 tax receip t w ill be issued.) D ress is inform al. F o r tickets call D anielle O lscam p at 845-2696 o r M arg aret S u m m erhayes at 849-5852. L e D om e is located at 1173 N orth S ervice R oad East. If you'd like to look - and feel - years younger, Dr. Otto Weiglein can help. He's an internationally trained plastic surgeon with over 15 years of experi ence, w hose face lift techniques and laser resurfacing have helped hundreds of w om en turn back the clock. You'll be glad to know that Dr. Weiglein cares. He'll talk with you, explain everything and strive to give you the care you need, for the look you want. B o a r d w a n ts to b e g in n e w s c h o o l p ro c e s s (Continued from page A1) M arch 29th -- T he board m eets w ith all school !council chairs regarding the plan. I June 1st -- School closure com m ittees are 'established for C ham plain, M ountain G ardens, JPaliline Johnson (all B urlington) and M artin Street (M ilton) elem entary schools, plus Central and Brock high schools. ; June 20th -- T he board m akes a final decision concerning potential closure o f Fairfield PS. for [June 2001. ; Sept. 6th -- Final decisions are m ade by the board about construction o f a new elem entary school (River O aks is the suggested site) and start ing a retrofit o f Charles Best (Burlington) elem en tary school for jun io r kindergarten. Dec. 6th -- The board will m ake final deci sions concerning potential closure o f Cham plain, !M ountain G ardens, Pauline Johnson and M artin Street (M ilton) elem entary schools, plus Central and Brock high schools. `I .Papke said the board co u ld change the frrtletable at its discretion and trustees were quick . 'td question the process. I * Burlington trustee Sheila Flook noted that one delegations m eeting could only handle 18 presen tations. She was told m ore sessions could be held if the board desired. "H ere w e are m aking decisions from M arch to June on this item and we haven't even set it up with the M inistry," said Flook. "Isn 't it like ju m p ing ahead before we have approval from the M inistry?" She also expressed concern the capital plan m ay be an `all or nothing' docum ent that cannot be changed. The education director said the docum ent's first five years should be adopted, for im plem enta tion. But he added the plan should be reviewed annually and altered as circum stances require. "B ut you can 't do one thing w ithout another," said Papke. "T he board has to divest itself o f schools to get grants." Papke said the Education M inistry wants a capital plan on file by Oct. 16th, but w on't approve or disapprove o f it. O akville trustee Peter Petrusich asked the edu cation director w hat would happen if the board did not act on the capital plan. Papke said increasing enrolm ents would even tually trigger grants. B ut the board would lag behind in new school construction and would need m uch m ore transportation and portables for students, he said. Call 634-5573 Now for your complimentary consultation (call before March 15th, an $80 value) Sludge issue began with truck spillage I* (Continued from page A1) [will derail H alton's program s tin the short term and in the lo n g term it w ill hurt the city (o f T oronto)." U nder H alton's current co n tract w ith Toronto, the c ity 's w astew ater sludge is hauled to and sto red in the H alto n biosolids lagoon for the winter. Then it's reloaded and sent out o f the region fo r use as a fertilizer. The R egion has p u t a lid on lagoon sm ells by covering it with a layer o f straw m ulch. L oading and unloading pro ce dures have also been m odified. B ut tru ck em issions are still a problem , said H alto n 's p lan ning d irector Pat M urphy. "T ru ck o p e ra to rs are, on occasion, using undesignated ro u tes to get to the sludge facility," he said. "T he issue w ith the sm ells from the trucks is occasional, but on-going." M urphy said he averages about one com plaint every tw o m onths on the issue. T he situation sh o u ld n 't be left alone for long, said H alton C h air Joyce Savoline. "I think m ore than a polite letter and a courtesy call to T oronto is required," she said. "T hey d o n 't listen. T hey need m ore pressure." T oronto should step up to the plate and clean up its m ess, said M ilton C ouncillor Barry Lee. "T h ey 're producing m ateri a l," he said. "I think they have a responsibility to know w here it goes and w hat happens to it." To get the issue addressed faster, O akville C ouncillor Liz B ehrens suggested faxing a let ter to Toronto, sending the hard copy through the m ail. C hanges have to be m ade, said O akville councillor K athy G raham . "T h is issu e is risin g in im portance," she said. "It's ju st not satisfactory." The Centre/or Personal Surgery7 Otto Weiglein BSc, MD, FRCS Certified Plastic Surgeon Inspected Private Facility No Hospital Stay Required 520 Locust St. Burlington 1-800-558-7508 (905) 634-5573 o r t o m o t i v e . Hi * * i p e r s t o r e 1996 Maria MPV LX White, 6 cylinder. 76,448 tons, power \ windows, power door locks, cruise control, p '- AM/FM/cassette, air conditioning, automatic M o A C t p * * -- -----------------------------U n Y u iH s w o g o n jr o n z k ^ n m wsri o -- -------- 1 roro explorer jpofi White, 85,181 kms, power door locks, cruise control, leather seats, air conditioning, CD rer, alloy wheels ------------- m ------------- «. O ffiC 1997 Mxnu Legacy IS 48 monthl no limit Back. 95,324 kms, air conditioning, alloy wheels, spoiler, cruse control, tit wheel. lid 64,850 tons, power door locks, cruise, Bt, moonroot, air, alloy wheels I998\MmqV70 40,415 kms. leather seats, alloy wheels, power windows, power door locks, cruise control 1998 Mazda 626 LX 52,187 kms, power door locks, cnise . CO player, alloy wheels, air, power windows 1994 BMW 325 IS Air conditioning, alo y wheels, power windows, power door locks, cruise control 1997 Manny VBagar m f _ 6 cyl.. green, air conditioning, alo y wheels, . ^ p o w e r w id o w s , automatic, cruise control, tilt 1997 Ford Mortang Automatic, 6 c y l, 72,341 kms. air conditioning, power windows, cruise, tit 1995 Bakk RMoro Taupe, CD player, moonroof. leather seats. p alloy wheels, air, loaded 1999 Ford E350Dtasoi Cube van, white. 8 cyl.. 35,680 kms, AM/FM/cassette, anWock brakes, automatic J 1995 Chevrolet Slwrado Automatic, black, 8 cyl., pick-up, extended cab, leather seats, air, a lo y wheels. 4x4 wheel drive, CD player, box liner . m sport ow ns 1994 Chevrolet S t a r LT Auto. Hack, Ittir, 4x4, p. L, cruise, bit air, alloy 1995 GMC Tract Suburban Whitt, 8 cyl., 49,990kms, 4x4, cruise, till air, auto. 1996 Chevrolet Blazer Gold, 6 cyl., air, alloy, 4x4 wheel drive, loaded, cruise 1996 Fort Explorer LM Purple, 64k, loaded, leath, auto 1998 Fort Explorer White, leather, moon, loaded 1997 Fort Explorer Green, 72k, leather, loaded 1996 Fort Explorer Ltd Black, leather, moon, 89k, ltd 1996 Jeep & . Cherokee White. 53k. V8, loaded 1997 Fort Explorer XLT Black, VS, loaded 1996 Fort Explorer XLT Green Grey, V6, loaded 1996 Ford Explorer SFT Black, PW, PL, loaded 1996 Foil Explorer XLT Whte/grey, leather, mn 1996 GMC Jimmy SLT White, 68k, loaded, leather. 4x4 1997 Fort Explorer XLT Green, 64k. PW, PL, air, auto 1997 Suburban AWO Legacy LS Teal, 64k, air. mn, pwr. 1997 Sabuiban Outback AWD Blue, 24k, air, pwr. grp $14,900 $24,900 (16,900 $26,900 $24,900 $25,900 $23,900 $21,900 $20,900 $19,900 $23,900 $23,900 $22,900 $21,900 $17,900 $22,900 1998 Ford Taums Wgn GL Blue, 46k, loaded, alloys, auto $14,900 LUXUR Y01$ 1992 BMW 735 IL Green, power locks, cruise, moonroot, air, loaded $18,900 1993 Cadillac Seville STS Auto, green, 8 cyl, 69,184kms, CD. alloy, moonroof, Ithr., air $18,900 1998 Uncoil Towncar Auto, silver, 67,755kms, Ithr., cruise, bit air, aHoy. moonroot $33,900 1994 Jaguar Vdp White, 6 cyl, teattier, CD, moonroof $19,900 1995 Uncoil Continental Black, 62,166kms, p. windows, feather, air. moonroot $17,900 1997 Lincoln M a t 8 LSC Black. 84k, leather, alloys $24,900 1996 BMW 328i 58k, air, auto, traction $29,900 1998 Lincoln Town Car Signature 62k, loaded, air $33,900 1993 Cadillac STS Green, 68k, loaded, leather, root $18,900 1997 Lincoln Continental Grey, 47k, loaded, leather $23,300 1997 Cadillac STS Black, feather, moonroof $27,900 1993 Jaguar XJ6 Grew, loaded, leather $14,900 1989 Jaguar XJS Grey. V6. loaded $13,900 1989JaguaUSGren.66k.V12 $23,900 1997 Infinity 130 Taupe, 75k, loaded, leather $23,900 1997 Ford Contour GL Blue, 59k, auto, air, 4 cyl 1998 Fort Contour SE Black, 48k, air, pwr. group, alloys 1997 Mercury Mystique GS White, air, auto 1998 Mercury Mystique Tan, 52k, air, loaded $11,900 $13,900 $9,900 $9,900 PffSSENGER VRNS 1997 Mercuy Villager Green, 6 cyl, air, allay, power windows, cruise, tit 1999 GMC Safari SL Green, 34k, auto, air, loaded 1996 Plymouth Grand Voyager SE Blue. 84k. loaded 1997 Mercuy Villager GS Green. 41k, auto, air, pwr. grp 1998 Mercuy Villager GS Blue, 46k, auto, pwr. grp, 1996 Ford Winds'* GL Blue. auto. air. PW. PL, 61k 1996 Mazda MPV LX White, 76k, auto. air. PW. PL $14,900 $20,900 $15,900 $21,900 $21,900 $15,900 $16,900 1999 Nissan Maxima SE Black, 28k, leather, moon 1996 Saab 9000 Aero Black, 63k. auto, loaded 1996 Mazda 626 LX V6, air. loaded 1997 Mazda 626 LX 47k, air cond, PW, PL 1996 Saab 9000 COE 43k, blue, leather, moon 1996 VW Jetta Tree Black. 95k, air, 5 spd. 1998 Volvo V70 Wagon Blue, leather, air, loaded 1996 Volvo 960 Silver. 86k, auto, air, leather, moonroof 1996 Volvo 850 GLT Green, 72k, loaded, leather roof 1996 Volvo 850 GLT White, loaded, leather, roof 1997 Volvo 850 GLT 53k, loaded, auto, $27,900 $23,900 $14,900 $13,900 $24,900 $14,900 $27,900 $22,900 $21,900 $21,900 $25,900 1 i P/Cl TRUCKS 1995 Ford F150 XL Auto, white. 8 cyl., 4x4, air, alloy, box liner, cruise, bit 1998 Ford F150 XLT Tan, great work truck 1998 Ford F150 PW, PL, 47k, black 1996 Ford F150 XL Green, air, reg. cab. 5 speed 1998 Ford F150 XL Tan, 82k, auto, air, reg. cab 1997 Fort F150 XL White, auto. air. alloys $11,900 $19,900 $18,900 $11,900 $15,900 $13,900 SPORTS CARS 1998 Fort Escort ZX2 White, cruise, air, po w r windows, loaded 1997 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe White. 46,011kms, alloy, air, spoiler 1994 Ford Probe GT 94k, auto, power group 1997 Che* Cavalier Convertible Red, 19k, auto. PW, air 1997 Ford Probe GT Black, 70k, 5 spd, PW, T/C, air 1997 Dodge Avenger Green, auto, ar V6 1994 Cbev Cavalier Convertible White, PW, PL 1988 Chev Corvette White/blue, glass top 1996 Ford Mustang Blue, 72k, PW, PL, air, auto 1996 Chev ImpalaSS Green. V8. auto, air $12,900 $11,900 $9,900 $16,900 $17,900 $18,900 $9,900 $17,900 $14,900 $22,900 MD SIZE085 1990 Pontiac Grand PrixSTE White, 75,853kms, Ithr., alloy, moonroot, auto, loaded 1997 Chrysler CimisLXI Brown, 49k, 6 cyl, loaded. 1997 Mercury Cougar XH7 White, auto, air, loaded 1998 Buick Regal Blue, 49k. air, pwr. group, alloys 1995 Buick Riviera Tan, 94k, loaded, leather 1996 Chev Monte Carlo LS White, loaded. 6 cyl. 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix 71k, black, loaded, 1996 Fort Contour GL 75k, green,pw.pl 1998 Ford Taunts SE Wgn Green, 47k, air, pwr. grp., alloys 1997 Ford Taurus LX 59k, leather, moonroot 1997 Ford TaurasLX Blue, 70k, power group auto, air $9,900 $14,900 $15,900 $18,900 $15,900 $13,900 $11,900 $8,800 $14,900 $15,900 $12,900 ECONOMY CfTRS 1997 Dodge Neon Sport 52,887kms, air. Bit, cruise, alloy wheels, spoiler $9,900 1997 Ford Escort LX Wagta Auto, tan, 53,684kms, cruise, tit. air, alloy, roof lack $11,900 1997 Satun Sc2 Coupe Black, 68,314kms, p. windows/locks, t i t CO, aloy, spoiler, air $12,900 1998 Mercury Mystique LS Qieny, 43K, auto, air, pwr. $13,900 1998 Mercury Mystique GS Taupe, 31k, low km vehicle $12,900 1998 Merary Mystique Burgundy, 49k, loaded $13,400 1997 Ford Escort LX Wagon Tan, 53K auto, air, pwr grp $11,900 1995 Ford Escort 65k, red. 4 cyl. $8,900 1996 Pontiac Grand AM SE 87k, auto, air V6 $11,900 1996 Fort Contour GL Green, 75k, PW, PL, cruise $8,800 CARGOS a CUBES 1997 Dodga Cargo Vai Auto, white, 8 cyl., 59,604kms, p. steeing, p. brakes 1997 Dodge Ram Cago Van White, 8 cyl, automabc, alloy wheels 1995 Chevrolet Cube Diesel White, 8 cyl., automatic 1996 Ford Cube Diesel White, 8 cyl, automatic, air 1999 Fold Cube E350 White, 36k, 2 to dioose, 16' box 1995 GMC Top lOck White. 72k, 22ft box, 6 spd, diese 1995 Chev Astro C/V White, 95k, 6 cyl 1998 GMC Cargo White. 76k. 2500 series, auto $15,900 $14,900 $20,900 $19,900 $31,901 $33,900 $12,900 $16,900 IMPORTS & EUROPEAN 1998 Nissan Altima SE Black, 62,420kms, CD player, alloy, Ithr, spoiler, moonroof 1998 Mazda 626 LX Green, 52k, air, pwr. gorup, alloys 1998 Nissan Altima SE Black. 62k, air, loaded, alloys $18,900 $15,900 $18,900 7.9% Financing available, Your A utom otive Superstori 4 3 1 5N o r t h S e n d e eR d .B u r l i n g t o n LOCAL: 3 3 1 - 8 5 0 0 905 -257-8500 j www.autoparksuperstore.com TO HAMILTON SERVICEML w TO MISSISSAUGA

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