Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, d3

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Wednesday, March 1, 2000 The YM CA o f O akville in partner ship with Steve M cKinnon o f Marathon Dynamics is presenting 'Running 101', beginning this Saturday (March 4), 9 a.m., at the YM CA. This nine-w eek clinic teach es the basics o f form, shoes and apparel, safety, stretching, injury prevention and will ultimately prepare runners for the YM CA millennium 10k road race on May 6. A 45-m inute instruction period w ill be follow ed by a short warm up and fun run. The program is for both novice run ners and veterans. More inform ation may be obtained by calling either Steve M cK innon at 847-9508 or Paul D evine at the YM C A at 845-3417. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER minor touch football registration this Saturday (March 4 ), 9 a.m .-3 p.m ., at the equipm ent centre behind N elson H igh School. Registration is o p en to b oys and girls betw een the ages o f 6-14. Q D3 Minor Oaks Hockey Association house league report (Feb. 5) NOVICE WHITE CORNING WRANGLERS 3 (goals to Mark Taylor, David Collins, Domenic D eBellis. Assists to D eBellis 2, Taylor); IMAX WOLFPACK 1 (goal to Adam Russell. Assist to Chris Laurignano). ASTRA CAPITAL WINGS 4 (goals to Matthew St. Jean, Ryan Godfrey, Dylan Husar 2. Assists to Godfrey, St. Jean, Connor Percy, Mark Lore, Michael Meguid, N ick Frid, Christian Carlucci); PINNACLE HOUND-DOGS 3 (goals to Anthony Sergas, Bryn Richardson, Daniel Dibattista. Assists to Andrew Dennis, Dibattista, Jordan Adams). RED LOBSTER VIKINGS 6 (goals to Stephen Hale, James Goacher, Domenic Palmieri, Justin Szolopiak. Assists to Szolopiak 2, Sam Larson, Tyler Kok 2, Philip Bradley, Brendon Chouinard, Hale. Shut-out to Robinson Inkster); HALTON ROLLER HOCKEY EAGLES 0. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL GATORS 9 (goals to Darcy Storey, Taylor Houston, Adam Zamora 4, Cory Droniuk, Matthew Padmore 2. Assists to Rei Tanaka 2, Michael Jonker, Droniuk 2, Zamora 2, Danille Ganassin 2, Ian McCabe, Nicholas Pezzente, Houston 3); CALIBER INDUSTRIAL LUMBERJACKS 2 (goals to Ryan Dyson, Jordan Bruder. Assists to Corey Beacom, Rhett Wibbing, Dan Bohnsack-Zilinski, Stephen Parker). NOVICE RED CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL ICE DOGS 1 (goal to Steven McDonald. Shut-out to Scott Benzoni); GRIFFITHS MCBURNEY & PARTNERS EAGLES 0. ROYAL BANK LUMBERJACKS 4 (goal to Brian Schmeer 2, David Black, William Hyde. Assists to Matthew Carrique, Jason Brown, Michael Nomura); ROYAL CAPITAL PLANNERS VIKINGS 2 (goals to Michael Gray. Assists to Scott Asselstine). DISCOUNT CAR RENTAL WINGS 2 (goal to Garrett Scruton, Scott Asselstine. Assist to Justin Noonan); HUB GROUP WOLFPACK 2 (goals to Christopher Mander, Taylor McManus. Assists to Duncan D 'Arcy 2, McManus, David Stillo). MINOR ATOM WHITE G & G TOOLS WRANGLERS 6 (goals to Andrew Lypko 4, Tyler Malenfant, Dylan Falco. Assists to Malenfant 2, Falco, Stephan Springgay 3, David Novati 2, Matt McGrath 2); HANNAH HENDERSON WOLFPACK 3 (goals to Alec Elliot, Kevin McKay, Andrew Mijatovic. Assists to Elliot, McKay, Mijatovic, Jeff Young, Corbin Keith, Daryl Blackburn). RED LOBSTER VIKINGS 5 (goals to James Rippin, Palmer Taylor, Rory Stack Mark Dzislak. Assists to Rippin 2, Taylor, Mark Tamasaukas, Bradley Rusheleau, Kevin Edwards, Chris McDougall); PWC HOUND-DOGS 4 (goals to James Blackburn, Brandon Smith, Ryan Watt, Stephen Jensen. Assists to Blackburn, Smith, Michael Hanlon, Kevin Lord). HILL'S PETS & NUTRITION EAGLES 3 (goals to Andrew Bates, Paul Romano, Michael Stockermans. Assists to Troy Bell 2); SOBEYS GATORS 1 (goal to Amrit Mann. Assists to Chris McCracken, Rick Carley). VOLVA C AN A D A LUMBERJACKS 5 (goals to Justin Tang 2, Matthew Prior, Chris Wells, Raymond Brusca. Assists to Robbie Murray 2, Scott Philpott 2, Nicholas Pescod); ALL SEASO NS SPORTS WINGS 4 (goals to Brandon MacAngus 2, Jonathan Sweeney-Bergen, Brennan Eatough. Assists to Allyson DeBolster 2, Colin Griffith, A lex Ferrier, Daniel Stackaruk). Snorts Board Olympics in O akville are looking for volunteers to work with athletes in a variety o f sports. P lease call Iris Page, the volunteer co ordinator, at 844-3881. Ontario Special (See 'MOHA' page D 4) for the Burlington Ladies Softball League, for wom en 21 R egistration and over as o f May 2000, w ill be held M onday, March 6, from 7-8 p.m., at W ellington Square Church on Caroline Street. G am es are played on M ondays and W ednesdays. For m ore info, contact Christie Langton at 335-0920. The B urlin gton M in or F ootb all A ssociation (BM FA ) is holding its 2 0 0 0 LOWVILLE G O L F C L U B Series clinching 5-2 win (Continued from page D1) Oakville w ent to w ork in the second period, building up a 2-0 lead w hich they extended to 3-0 in the third before Guelph finally got on the board to make it 3-1. B ut O akville quickly restored their three-goal lead at 4-1. Guelph m ade it 4-2 on a goal w ith 51 seconds rem ain in g but, fittingly, Oakville restored their three-goal lead, at 5-2, on an em pty netter w ith one tick left on the clock. Goals were scored by Scott Henry, captain M ike DeRenzis, Brad M orris, E lliott C ow bum and Joel Selinger (into the em pty net). H ere's the series scoring summary: M . M cK eow n ( 5 g ,la - 6p), J. S elinger (3g, 3a- 6p), D. Purcell (2g, 4a- 6p), B. M orris ( 2g, 3a- 5p), T. K arius (lg ,3 a - 4), M. H and (4a), M. D eR enzis (2g), E. Chiasson (lg ,la -2 p ), A . G regoris ( lg ,la - 2 p ) , S. H enry (lg ,la -2 p ), B. M aCrae (lg ,la -2 p ), E. C ow burn ( lg ) , J. L epera ( la ) , M . M irabelli (la ), M. Prapavessis (la ). M emberships Mon. - Fri. (excluding holidays) UNLIMITED GOLF < 2 2 2 ^ S in g le S p ou se S e n io r 6 0 + S r. S p o u s e v j r . (18 & under) $1099°o $925°° $99900 $8 9 9 0 ° $99900 $ 825°° $899°° Bailey preparing for Sydney (Continued from page D1) blocks, I'm accelerating w ith the same torque that I did before but I m ean I m ight be lazy on one side or might be sw aying to one side or I might not be lifting as high on one side -- som ething like that." And, yes, coach P faff is kind enough to point these things out to him. "B elieve m e, D an te lls it like it is ... For som eone that likes to w in, Bailey said that the ju st com pleted indoor season, along w ith last y e a r's entire outdoor season, w as a trying experience, but one th a t w as entirely necessary in term s o f his preparation to defend his O lym pic cham pionship. "One o f the reasons w hy I even com peted last year w as because I wanted to know exactly w here I was ... so I had a year to w ork on it. "So I could go back in the fall and I could train and I could get back to a physical and a m ental standpoint where I could capitalize on w hat I learned last year. "L ast year, I w ent out and I ran and, oh m an, I got beat, som ething I 'm not used to. "B ut again, it's about the little things I w asn 't doing. I w asn 't really doing anything last year. I w as ju st going dow n the track. Now, I know w hat to d o ." H e needed to pay his dues, last year. "I f I take all o f last year o ff and com e back and I 'm running like I did last year then I w ould have eight m onths (until the Sydney O lym pics) and that w ould be a panic. "I think that everything is fine right now. I 'm w ell aw are o f w here I am from a physical standpoint. "Ju st from m y w orkouts, from the tim es I 'm running in w orkouts, the w eights I 'm lifting in w orkouts. You know all those things. I know exactly w here I am . "A ll I have to do is get in there and do a lot o f patient running and going through the sm all m onotonous things that I did before the `96 O lym pics." $79900 $5 9 9 0 ° ^ O A K V IL L E A6 Limited Quantities Available at Pre Season Prices Tournament Packages Available from $6 5 00p.p. MS B E in your golf/cart/steak dinner COMMUNITY T h e O a k v ille B ea v er T E B K O V a od tfyofC onod o RATED BY TORONTO STAR BOGEY MAN "Best Makeover" "Best Scenery" "Best Value" Britannia Rd. @ Guelph Line (905> 3 3 5 - 6 1 8 1 V L d H cM S G I S w w w .supercitiesw alk.com 1 888 822-8467 w w w .low villegolf.com · Classifieds * C om m unity News * Horoscopes · W eather--» D ining Guide--» A utom otive Direct ory ire c to ry * Real Estate Open ' p ity P rofiles 8 e Events · Me vie Ity P arent ® Forever Young * n e r Shows » The O akville Bea rev Champion * popping ws Ins * Media " ness & ? Y >ur Real Estate Onin? « Canad tan Jof O akville )®pope:s * itom o tive D irect >ry Estate Q jen Ivents * Ms jrie Vever Youxg J * cville Bea te r Ih a m p io ii; .A pping Ifj ws · M* fiia |ss 8 c Y ju r O n to ? * fgjmiyiUaiiad an ' ' Oaln Ole iscope; J ; * o t b a d ^ fjip e e * :, ) r y ute ^ jen Uj yie Young; * Moatf u n tile B®t:rer G *gj£ d e a a °^ ^ - ^ reon *o ry.sapping itos ........ * - M fiia iness 8 e1 > u r -estate O nm j * ne « Ca=nqj«m o f Qalsg {lie H o ro s c o p e s » TSiim eirL g a m a 'Autom otive D irect Jry Real Estate (3 fen ie fuffl j " ? ' a division of HaltonSear C o n n < ^ tfn § y o u to y o u ir c o m m u n it y . Businss D ire cto ry · O nline Coupons Sponsors « Nassagaweya News · Business 8 e S ljur Finances · O akville Beaver Real Estate O nifi 5 « B u rlin gton Post Real Estate Online * C a o A n Champion Real Estate Online * YMCA o f Oali « Classifieds * C om m unity News » Horoscope W eather · D ining Guide * A utom otive Direc * Real Estate D ire cto ry * Real Estate Houses · Com m unity P rofiles 8 e Events » Me Listings · Pud · C ity P arent · Forever Your^ P rem ier Consumer Shows · The O akville B ea/er * B u rlin gton Post * Canadian Champion Flam borough Post » H alton D ie * Shopping Nt ws * Businss D irectory · O nline Coupons * Media Sponsors » Nassagaweya News * Business & ? Y >ur F ili;ir u y y i ··n a k v ilte R O n t n l ? · B urlin gton Post Real Estate Online * Canadian

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