Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, d4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 1, 2000 , Ranqers make it to OMHA final four ^ Z j ^ ^ ^ ' · '* *<V 1' V * W ^ M 0HAh o u sele a g u ereport (Continued from page D3) (F e b . 5 ) page D3) Boom, Boom , Luka Luka Pike, Pike, Daniel Daniel Cadeau, Cadeau, Nagle); Nagle); ACROE ACROBAT EAGLES 3 (goals to Michael Tuske, Conrad Krassen, Scott Johnston. A ssists to Sam Nease, Justin Sasso, Johnston 2, Tuske). SUZUKI CITY HOUND-DOGS 8 (goals to Anthony Greco 2, Brett West 2, Gregory McKay 2, Nathan Caughlin, Riley Moore. A ssists to Ashlee M ichie 3, Matthew Kemp 2, Scott Zeron, Karalyn Da Rosa, Kyle Howitt, Jonathan Book, Moore 2, McKay, West, Caughlin); CORRESPONDENT NETWORK WINGS 2 (goals to Akshay Anand 2. Assists to Steve Kaplan, Justin Peel). FRONTIER/W ESTBURNE W RANGLERS 7 (goals to Patrick Christie, Andrew Kavanagh, Robert Freitas, Scott Donnelly, Brendan Gamble, Matthew Gulliver, Todd Woodman. A ssists to Philip Wrobel 2, Gulliver 2, Freitas, Donnelly, Justin Di Trani 2, Kavanagh, Connor Gamble, Philip Comeau, Woodman); ROLTEK WOLF PACK 3 (goals to Kyle Watkinson, Chris Canham 2. A ssists to Danny Francis 2, Danny Kinder 2, Bradley Savelson, Nicholas Sajko). T.D. B A N K GATORS 3 (goals to N eil Revell, Matthew Ozim ec, Terry Card. A ssists to Patrick McKinlay 2, James Savelli, Ben Russell, Chris Stewart); NAIRN SALES & MARKETING LUM BERJACKS 3 (goals to Paul Rousseau, Robert McLeod, Matthew Grunwald. A ssists to Grunwald 2, M cLeod 2, Rousseau, Benji Card). (Feb. 19) NOVICE WHITE HALTON ROLLER HOCKEY EAGLES 5 (goals to Drew Mooradian, Carlton Barrons, Paolo Sabatino, Bradley B ell, Jake Edmiston. A ssists to David Thompson, Mooradian, Ryan Pignatelli, Bradley Weiler 2); IMAX WOLFPACK 4 (goals to Mitchel Cook, Nicholas Edwin 2, Adam Russell. A ssists to Kevin Quinlan, Greame McLeod). PINNACLE HO UND-DO GS 6 (goals to Jordan Adams, Bryn Ross, W illy MacNaughton, Richard Langendock, Andrew Dennis, Alexander Fedurco. A ssists to Joey Dibattista 2, Stephen Shaw 2, Adams, Michael Richardson, MacNaughton, Ross); NATION AL CAR RENTAL GATORS 3 (goals to Darcy Storey, Cory Droniuk, Adam Zamora. A ssists to Rei Tanaka, Zamora, Marc D ollois). CORNING W RANGLERS 4 (goals to Mike Verrisimo 2, Matthew Blake, N ick Jewitt. A ssists to Michael Statham, Justin Fauteux, Mark Taylor, Domenic DeBellis); RED LOBSTER VIKINGS 4 (goals to Ian Foster 2, Tyler Kok, James Boudreau. A ssists to Kok 2, Philip Bradley 3, Foster, Domenic Palmieri). ASTRA CAPITAL WINGS 4 (goals to Ryan Godfrey 2, Dylan Husar 2. A ssists to Connor Percy, Aaron Percival, Godfrey); CALIBER INDUSTRIAL LUMBERJACKS 1 (goal to Jordan Bruder. A ssist to Carl-Andre Lapierre). NOVICE RED REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS VIKINGS 2 (goals to Tyler Planeta 2. A ssists to Chris McGuire 2, Michael Irvine); CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL ICE DOGS 1 (goal to Michael Burns. A ssists to Scott Benzoni, Daniel Mayhew). ROYAL BANK LUMBERJACKS 5 (goals to > William Hyde 2, Taylor Dunn, D avid Black, David Slattery. A ssists to Brian Schmeer 2, Matthew Carrique, Slattery, Black); DISCOUNT CAR RENTAL WINGS 2 (goals to Dane Spivak, Phillip Happy. A ssists to Justin Noonan, Kevin Degruijter). HUB GROUP WOLFPACK 3 (goals to Shane Wilton 2, David Stillo. A ssists to Nathan Banton, Duncan D 'Arcy); GRIFFITHS M CBURNEY & PARTNERS EAGLES 2 (goals to Sean Stansfield, Andrew Harvey. A ssists to Braeden Good, Luke Kriel, David Nasu). MINOR ATOM WHITE VOLVO C A N A D A LUMBERJACKS 2 (goals to Nicholas Pescod, Raymond Brusca. A ssists to Matthew Lemieux, Robbie Murray); SOBEYS GATORS 1 (goal to Ryan Lai. A ssist to Spencer Maveal). HILL'S PETS & NUTRITION EAGLES 4 (goals to Paul Romano 2, Michael Stockermans, Troy Bell. A ssists to Romano, Bell, Stephen Peters 2, Anthony Lapp, Andrew Leah, Justin Gray); ALL SEASO N 'S SPORTS WINGS 3 (goals to Jonathan SweeneyBergen, Robin Funk, A llyson DeBolster. A ssists to Sweeney-Bergen, Shawn Fitzpatrick, Tim Ziegel). RED LOBSTER VIKINGS 3 (goals to Rory Stack 2, Jonathan Kavouris. A ssists to Stack, Palmer Taylor, Mark Dsiziak. Kevin Edwards); HAN NA H HENDER SON WOLFPACK 1 (goal to Dan Houdayer. A ssist to Kevin McKay). G & G TOOLS W RANGLERS 4 (goals to Andrew Lypko 2, Chris Elliot, Tyler MalenfanL Assists to Elliot, Malenfant. Zack Goldstein 2 , Stephen Springgay, David Novati); PWC HO UND-DOGS 4 (goals to Chris Edwin 2, Brandon Smith, James Blackburn. A ssists to Smith 2, Blackburn, Kevin Lord 2, Stephen Jensen). MINOR ATOM RED ACROBAT EAGLES 4 (goals to Karl Feltmate 2, Michael Tuske, Taylor Wood. A ssists to Kira Hanley 2, Dari Dalby, Kyle McGirr, Michael Trbovich, Tom Csima, Jonathan Pasco); CORRESPONDENT NET WORK WINGS 3 (goals to Daniel Desjardins 2, Stephen Kaplan. Assists to Jeff Hartford, Thomas Sellars, Paul McKenna, Michael Traynor, Brandon Pasta). MOORE'S FIRESTONE TIRES VIKINGS 4 (goals to Luke Sullivan, Derek van den Boom, David Josefik, Karson Johnson. A ssists to Daniel Cadeau 2, Daniel Keresteci, Chris Power); SUSUKI CITY HO UND-DO GS 4 (goals to Anthony Greco, Nathan Caughlin, Brett West, Riley Moore. A ssists to Caughlin 2, Brett Marshall, Moore, Greg McKay, Ashlee M ichie, Kyle Howitt). T.D. B A N K GATORS 4 (goals to Matthew Ozimec 2, N eil Revell, Patrick McKinlay. A ssists to Terry Card 2, Tyler Van Lierop, Ben Russell, James Savelli); ROLTEK WOLFPACK 4 (goals to Michael Syer 3, Kyl^ Watkinson. A ssists to Jordan Daniels 2, Watkinson, Bradley Savelson, Michael Syer). NAIM SALES & MARKETING LUMBER JACKS 7 (goals to Jason Buckley 2, A lex Huras, Paul Rousseau, Jesse Herman, Robert M cLeod, Matthew Grunwald. A ssists to Rousseau 2, Michael Robinson, Michael Bakaic, Grunwald, Chris Patterson); FRON TIER/W ESTBURNE W RANGLERS 2 (goals to Justin Di Tranil, Matthew Gulliver. A ssists to Gulliver, Scott Donnelly, Connor Gamble). TYKE WHITE PROFORMA C A N A D A WOLF PACK 3 (goals Jeffrey Delorey, Spencer Sloane 2. Assists to Scott Thompson, Hayden Cook, Spencer Collaton); LANSING BUILDALL LUMBER JACKS 2 (goals to Zachary Carlan, Jeramy McLellan. A ssists to A lex Wolski, Kurt Spivak, Jack Watson). OAKVILLE HYYDRO WINGS 4 (goals to Trevor Clarke 2, Wesley Brown 2. Assists to W esley Brown, Gareth Insker, John Murry, Justin Turner), THE CONSILIUM GROUP HOUND DOGS 2 (goals to Trevor Allman, Andrew Maganja). MOMS COWBOYS 6 (goals to Edward Tupy 2, Eric Vice, Eliott Cheeseman 2, Daniel Pickett. A ssists to Eric Vice, Daniel Picketet 2, Justin Beatty), NESBITT BU RN S VIKINGS 2 (goals to Branden Lane, Pat Feric. A ssists to Ryan Moore, Mike Louth). TRAFALGAR VIL LAGE GATORS 6 (goals to Jordan Smith, Michael MacArthur, Peter Copland 2, John Nardozzi, Dalton N ew som . A ssists to Dalton N ew som , Peter Copeland, Garrett Peddigrew 2, Benjamin Walsh, Kevin Berk, Enoch Lam, Mike McCurdy), HARRY ROSEN EAGLES 2 (goals to Danny Hawthorn 2. A ssist to David Robinson). I T he B ell E xpressV u N ovice A g a n g ers have m ade it all the w ay to the O n tario M inor H ockey A ssociation (O M H A ) final four. · A fter elim inating the Flam borough Sabres in gam e five o f a best o f five series this past Sunday these Rangers w ill now m ove on to play either A n caster or B urlington in O M H A sem ifinal play. ' T he Flam borough series w as all that w as ex p ected -- fast, rough and aggressive play, every m inute o f every game. The first four gam es w ere all decide3 by a single goal before the Rangers opened things up in Flam borough in g&me five, w inning 4-0 in a spectacular total team perform ance. ^ A fter splitting the first tw o gam es (previously reported on) the Rangers vjere defeated in F lam borough 4-3 in gfrme three. O akville goals w ere scored by Jo n ath on B rand (2) and M ax M ihaichuk. A ssists w ere recorded by T aylor Z iesm ann, D arren Q uan, M atthew F illm an and G len NJacDonald. ·-A fter a scoreless first period things fell com pletely apart for the Rangers for a six m inute span at the start o f the second w hen Flam borough scored all four o f their goals -- two o f them on pow er plays another o ff a skate deflec tion on a pass. Still, the boys did not let up. They fought back relentlessly scor ing three goals to m ake a statem ent in the third period. The fourth game in O akville was m ore o f a w ar than a hockey gam e with Flam borough called for eight penalties, m any o f them flagrant assaults that required retaliation. A total o f thirteen penalties w ere called, w hile m any w eren 't in this 4 0 m inute gam e. Oakville won the gam e 2-1. A fter another scoreless first period, M ichael M cG ilvery got things going to open the second period, assisted by M atthew Fillman. P atrick Irish then m ade it 2-0 m om ents later, nicely assisted by M ichael Baird and Brian Coules. Flam borough scored their only goal in the third to create a few tense m om ents to conclude the game. In the fifth and deciding game, O akville w ent into a building they had ju st lost tw ice before in, and cam e away with a 4-0 shut out to ice the series. It was actually their only lead in the series. Head Coach Paul Douglas and assis tants Ed Ziesm ann and Rob Fyfe, as usual, did a fantastic jo b in preparing these boys for this kind o f hockey game and it was a highly m otivated bunch who hit the ice to represent O akville in this series final. After yet another scoreless first peri od Jonathon Brand opened the scoring, and little did they know, then, that it would also prove to be the Winning goal. Insurance m arkers were added by Taylor Ziesmann, M atthew Lynett and M ichael Baird. Assists were nabbed by Ziesm ann, Brand, Gabriel D i'RoIlo, Brian Coules and Patrick Irish. G oaltenders M atthew Fyfe and G rayson Douglas both played trem en dously throughout the series but partic ularly in the last two gam es when things mattered the most. This tandem allowed only one goal in the final two gam es while facing elim ination. W hat a performance! These Rangers will now m ove on to the next round where only one thing rem ains certain -- they will represent Oakville well. Golf show is on tap Thursday through Sunday S w ing the new est designs in clubs, putt for prizes, take a lesson or try to win a trip the T he M asters -- it's all hap pening at an annual g o lf extravaganza in Toronto. T he 11th annual Toronto S tar G off and Travel Show com es to the M etro C onvention C entre this w eek running from T hursday through Sunday (M arch 2-5). N early 4 00 exhibitors are expected at the show, repre senting retailers, g o lf m anufacturers, teachers, teaching aids, resorts, local courses and clubs, schools and the O ntario PGA . Am ong the attractions is a W ilson Clubs for Kids pro gram. E ach day a W ilson Sports Equipm ent club will be given free to the first 5Q0 youths, aged 5-12. T he first 8,000 golfers, age 10 and over, w ho attend the show Friday will be given a free round o f golf from a Barrie area course. Junior players can get a free one-on-one lesson from an O ntario PG A pro w hile adults can pay a nom inal fee to receive a 15-minute lesson from an O ntario PGA pro. T he Toronto Star is organizing a putting contest with daily prizes and a grand prize o f three sets o f W ilson clubs -- tw o adult and one junior. V isitors to T he S tar's booth will also have a chance to win a trip aboard a private je t to A ugusta, G eorgia, to see the final round o f the 2000 M asters tournam ent. Event hours are noon-9 p.m ., Thursday and Friday, and 10 a.m .-6 p.m . on Saturday and Sunday. C ost to enter the show is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors 65 and over and ju n io rs 8-15 and free to anyone under eight. T here is free parking at H arbourfront C entre, 200 Q ueen's Q uay West. BALL HOCKEY Halton BHL M en's (18+) & Old-Timers (30+) only $1200 for team registration get the most games in the top Oakville arenas at the best price M inor Summer H ockey League May - August Schedule Including "vacation week to assist with holiday planning. " O O O O O O ( 905) 849-0980 Non-contact 14-game schedule N o weekends or Fridays Prime time evening games Games on brand new Olympic size River Oaks surface Balancing of teams available at O Divisions for boys & girls ages 5-15 O Trophies & awards O Certified officials O Coaching & sponsorship positions available O No fundraising arenas . g A pplications R iver O aks, G len A bbet, M ainway & A ppleby C ol l eg e Fo r i n f o r m a t io n o r t o r e c e iv e a n a p p l ic a t io n Members of (905) 510-1447 T h is is n o t affilia ted w ith th e M O H A . Ontario Ball Hockey Association A staff with several years of coaching, officiating & league administration experience guarantees a well-organized & quality league for your child. Registration: Sunday. March 5th, 1:30-3 p.m. at River Oaks Community Centre K jO lf 3* .£-- · &T ENTER TO ^ 2 - A TRIP FOR TWO TO THE FINAL DAY OF THE MASTERS IN AUGUSTA ON A PRIVATE JET! PRESENTED BY i Visit the Toronto Stor Booth for details ond entry forms! MINOR ATOM RED NAIRN SALES & MARKETING LUMBER JACKS 1 (goal to Taylor MacLellan. A ssists to Chris Patterson, A lex Huras. Shut-out to Gord Frenke); ROLTEK WOLFPACK 0. MOORE'S FIRESTONE TIRES VIKINGS 3 (goals to Andrew Novakowsky, Steve Crawford, Daniel Cadeau. Assists to Cadeau, Daniel Keresteci, Novakowsky, Taylor Nagle, Karson Johnson, Derek Van den Boom); CORRESPONDENT NETWORK W INGS 1 (goal to Andrew Lupton. A ssist to Zachary Holder). ACROBAT EAGLES 4 (goals to Dan Dalby, Kira Hanley, Taylor Wood, Michael Tuske. Assists to Scott Johnston 2, Thomas Csima, Kyle McGirr, Justin Sasso, Michael Trbovich, Karl Feltmate); SUZUKI CITY HOUND-DOGS 1 (goal to Karalyn Da Rosa. A ssist to Riley Moore). ATOM WHITE CGC LUMBERJACKS 5 (goals to Sam Reber 2, Daniel Arcano, Andrew Thompson, Ash Reber. A ssists to S. Reber, A. Reber 2, Adam Sellors, Scott Darosa, A lex Pappas. Shut-out to Adam Godfrey); TIGER BALL WRANGLERS 0. FICEL HOUND-DOGS 2 (goals to Joel Smith, Ben Bennett. Assists to Joshua Gryschuck, Tim Delany, Michael Mori. Shut-out to Stephen Bala); ENERGIZERS GATORS 0. SHOPPERS DRUG MART VIKINGS 3 (goals to Thomas Kerr 2, Peter Morrow. Assists to Graham Duckers, Geoffery Enright, Nathan Lovell); PROFOR MA WOLFPACK 3 (goals to Michael Vespasiani, Jason McConville, Jesse Martyn. Assists to Joe Fowler, Sean Barrett, Kevin St. Jean). W ENDY'S EAGLES 3 (goals to Steven Rinaldi, Jordan Selinger, Mark Smith. Assists to Justin Quinton, Scott Richards, Jim Morrison); STELLAR WINGS 2 (goals to Spencer Waugh, Matthew Jones. Assists to Waugh, Matt Rogers, Corey Longo). (Feb. 12) NOVICE WHITE PINNACLE HOUND-DOGS 5 (goals to Daniel DiBattista 2, Andrew Dennis, Michael Richardson, Jordan. Assists to Adams, Willy MacNaughton, Nicholas Leyer, Michael Stofko, Richard Langendock, Stephen Shaw, Richardson); HALTON ROLLER HOCKEY EAGLES 2 (goals to Ryan Pignatelli, Jake Edmiston. Assists to Paolo Sabatino, Carlton Barrons, Devon Hayashida). IMAX WOLFPACK 4 (goals to David Mitchell, Mitchel Cook, Nicholas Edwin, Steven Hawthorne. Assists to Chris Laurignano, Cook, Mitchell, Daniel Tomlinson, Kevin Quinlan; NATIONAL CAR RENTAL GATORS 1 (goal to Matthew Padmore. Assist to Adam Zamora). CORNING WRANGLERS 9 (goals to Domenic D eBellis 4, Justin Pauteux, Mark Taylor, Matthew Blake, Mike Verrisimo 2. Assists to DaniekBoudreau 2, Chris Keating, Matthew Diederichs, Blake, David Montelpare, Taylor, Michael Savoie, Sean Harrison 2); CALIBER INDUSTRIAL LUMBERJACKS 1 (goal to Patrick Collaton). ASTRA CAPITAL WINGS 3 (goals to Aaron Percival, Matthew St. Jean, Nick Frid. A ssists to Frid, Daniel Macgillvray, Christian Carlucci); RED LOB STER VIKINGS 2 (goals to Tim Pastink, Austin Heffelfinger. Assists to mark Nicholl, Stephen Hale). NOVICE RED ROYAL BANK LUMBERJACKS 2 (goals to Brian Schmeer, Matthew Carrique. Assists to Jason Brown, Taylor Dunn, Eric Charron. Shut-out to Calvin Wain; GRIFFITHS MCBURNEY & PARTNERS EAGLES 0. HUB GROUP WOLFPACK 6 (goals to Kevin Denley 3, Shane Wilton 2, Nathan Banton. A ssists to Wilton 2, David O'Neill 2, Banton 2. Shut-out to Jeffrey Burton); CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL ICE DOGS 0. REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS VIKINGS 3 (goals,to Jonathan Grennan 2, Christopher McGuire. Assists to Kyle Black 2, Jeffrey Peebles, Justin Goodhew, Ryan French, David Bums); DISCOUNT CAR RENTAL WINGS 2 (goals to Anthony Creo, Scott Asselstine. Assists to Kyle McFall, Jordan Russell). NOVICE BLUE WOLFPACK 3 (goals to George Sarantakos, Jannick Hercksen, Dillon McBain); HOUND-DOGS 2 (goals to Joseph Bickerton, Jaike Daymond). VIKINGS 3 (goals to Paul Harding 2, Adam Laquintana); LUMBERJACKS 2 (goals to Gordie Inn, Tim Mulligan). EAGLES 4 (goals to Scott Bowen, John Tudor 2, Fraser Stewart); WINGS 1 (goal to Jeff Kotchie). MINOR ATOM WHITE HILL'S PETS & NUTRITION EAGLES 7 (goals to Paul Romano 4, Michael Stockermans 2, Justin Gray. Assists to Troy Bell 2, Stephen Peters, Stephen Kirby); VOLVO CAN A DA LUMBERJACKS 2 (goals to Justin Tang, Chris Wells. Assists to Tang, Wells, Kyle Becker). SOBEYS GATORS 3 (goals to Michael Zanarella 3. A ssists to Spencer Maveal 2, Charlie Munro, Brett Kelly, Rory Thompson); ALL SEASO NS SPORTS WINGS 2 (goals to Jonathan Sweeney-Bergen 2. A ssist to Allyson DeBolster). G & G TOOLS WRANGLERS 4 (goals to Andrew Lypko, Chris Elliot, Stephen Springgay, Dylan Falco. Assists to Lypko, Elliot, Rob Hunter, Michael Lawrence, Robert Barsevich); RED LOB STER VIKINGS 3 (goals to Bradley Rusheleau, Jonathan Ravouris, James Rippin. Assists to Rusheleau, Ravouris, David Budd, Chris Wickens, Brandon King). PWC HOUND-DOGS 4 (goals to Chris Edwin, David Robertson, Jonathan Newton, Nate Ferguson. Assists to Edwin 2, Robertson, Ryan Watt^-Kevin Lord); HANNAH, HENDERSON WOLFPACK 1 (goals to Corbin Keith. Assists to Andrew Mijatovic, Mank Rastiw). MINOR ATOM RED MOORE S FIRESTONE TIRES VIKINGS 4 (goals to Stephen Crawford, Garrett Kirk, Tyler Nagle, Karson Johnson. Assists to Chris Power, David Josefik, Kurt Deschner, Lukas Sullivan, Derek Vanden 5 » Clubs for Kids! MARCH 2-5, 2000 : & SOUTH BUILDING | METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE JH f BIGGEST DISPLAY OF GOLF YOU'VE EVER SEEN! | The first 500 children* aged 5 -lZ entering I the (rolf Show each day will receive < j a WILSON GOLF CIUP FREE) ·M ol It Kctrrpnd b y msdi Are you between 6 & 14 yrs of age? (§s_of Aug. 31)_ m II II j· ^ i Giant Driving Ranges! · New Equipment Jhe World's Best Golf Courses & Resorts! fre e Clinics & Demos! · Ontario PGA les&Qns on Site! · FREEJunior Lessons! $h$p for All your Golfing Needs! .... {I ADMISSION WITH THIS COUPON Compliments of .. II_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For BOYS & GIRLS Saturday March 4 9 am - 3 pm Birth Certificate and Health Card Required REGISTRATION TRIDAY IS GOlf BARRIE DAY! j T i ^ r s f 8,000 golfers March 3rd receive a f f S E ROUND Of GOLFt-- _ AW CANADA C S N tlW 3 Z J S : s T H U R S ,F R I.N O O N - 9 PM SAT., SUN. 10 A M - 6 PM "j Pw M ni i J L id . t Frra P irtd a j Fundraising fJ ^ L L Commitment LE M U E LS Required LOCATION: Equipment Centre (behind Nelson High School) " O Seniors (65+) $10 Juniors (8-15yrs) $10 a£&°x °ffice opens one hour before show time www.premiefconsumersliows.coni A D D IT IO N A L S P O N S O R S 200 Queen's Quay Vi. \ Look (or Golf Show Parking signs FREE PARKING sponsored iyx T i m r e .com waterfront entertainment complex y Z 'f/ TRN590 M $#WtS KatflG mtnnifA iG O if BURLINGTON MINOR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION For more information check out our website at www.leaguelineup.com/burlington or 637-2055 | y m G o ttP lu s B e ll Mobility OASSIC Q xsa f.mfk pRCWEEO BY PREMIER CONSUMER SHOWS, A DIVISION OF METROIANO PRINTING, PUBLISHING » DISTRIBUTING LTD. ________ REGISTER EARLY

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