Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, a5

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Wednesdsay March 1, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A5 A n ti - p o v e r t y c o n d e m W o r k s n s g r o u p PARKS O n ta r io e Bronte Creek M A R C H IS s c h e m M a p l e S y r u p But Halton Chair says program working well here By Irene Gentle SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER A nti-poverty activists opened fire on Ontario's social assis tance legislation, but it was regional councillors who reported feeling burned. A slew o f delegates confronted Halton's health and social services com mittee last week to lobby for changes to Ontario Works programs. But they should have done their hom ework on Regional efforts first, said Halton Chair Joyce Savoline. "W hen we hear criticism that w e're not doing enough, it would behoove them to see w hat we are doing first and then com e back and say w e can do better," she said. "Are we per fect? No. B ut w e're good. W e're dam n good. And w e're work ing to be even better." O akville M ayor Ann M ulvale also felt deflated by the dele gates. "I really feel a little de-motivated. Almost depressed," she said. "I'm sorry if you can sense a little frustration here, but no one likes being judged. We on this committee feel as though w e've been judged unfairly." B ut that didn't stop the com mittee from passing a series o f recom m endations submitted by Oakville Councillor Kathy Graham. She appeared as a private citizen in hopes o f persuading the committee to lobby the province on the issue. If approved by council, the Region will ask for a widespread review o f social assistance rates and benefits, the definition of disability and the re-establishment o f a program for the work ing poor. Specifically, Graham suggested that the cost o f prescription eyeglasses and some drugs be covered to help the working poor keep their jobs. She also battled for a return o f the national child tax benefit supplement, which is currently deducted from the monthly social assistance payouts. Critics o f the legislation were lining up to speak, including President o f the Oakville and District Labour Council Willie Lambert. He soundly condem ned Workfare, the controversial provincial program that puts social assistance recipients to work. "This program is conscripted forced labour for free enter prise," he said. "W e're in the infancy o f the advent o f fascism. This program is the advent o f a new fascism in the new mil lennium ." But Lam bert made no com m ent when told that participants toil exclusively with non-profit organizations. Lam bert also called for an increase in the minimum wage, and accused councillors of not representing their less wealthy constituents. "I'd say this council doesn't represent the people on the low end," he said. "N o, not at all." A nd the com m ittee got an earful from co-chairs of the Halton Anti-Poverty Coalition, Fred Stewart and Deanna G oodine. Both gave first person accounts o f having to get by on slight social assistance cheques. Currently, single people on social assistance receive $520 per month. A single m other o f two, such as Goodine, pockets $ 1,100. She charged the com mittee with not understanding the im pact of poverty. M ONTH Weekends and M arch Break (13th - 17'h ) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm H orsedraw n w agon rides, pancake house, gift store, logging theatre, candy snanty, syrup trail, m aple sugar dem onstrations, costum ed interpreters and tours o f the tum -of-the-century farm house. 827-6911 D O N 'T M I S S Photo by Peter C. McCusker SPRING FUNG: GRAND at OPENING ~ n fo o d the Scott Tait takes advantage of the beautiful w eather Sunday and does a board flip at the skateboarding park in O akville's Shell Park. Police chorus in M arch 5th benefit The Halton Regional Police Chorus will be am ong the perform ers at the M arch 5th "Safe Schools - Som ething to Sing A bout!" benefit concert. The event - w hich takes place at 7 p.m. at M ississauga's Caw thra Park Secondary S c h o o l. Tickets are $12 each w ith proceeds going to the Canadian Safe School Netw ork, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing youth and school violence. Call 848-0440 ext. 3079. The school is located at 1305 Caw thra Rd. B asics Best Prices Everyday!!! (dettvered to targeted hom es only). S 3 5 3 L a k e s h o r e R d ., B u r lin g t o n Sales Start & D oors Open S atu rd ay M arch 11th a t 8 :0 0 a .m . Look In sid e y o u r F rid ay M arch lO Oi e d itio n o f th e B eaver fo r y o u r FOOD BASICS flyer. ENNISCLARE INTERIORS A Tr adi t i on STORE WIDE of El egance W i n t e r S a le CONTINUES From sofas to suites... you get u n s u r p a s s e d S o l i d O h s s r/y O .uavii 'J\-'. 4 selection, service and quality. f/ J n u t / i y / o t t Q < i/ tr> t7fe Five Year Anniversary & Renovation Sale ON NOW UNTIL MARCH 18* Everyth ing 10- 70% OFF 191 L a k e s h o r e R d . E . D o w n to w n O a k v ille !C o m p ute r ca b in e t R e g .p rice$ 2 2 5 9 . 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