Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 5 Apr 2000, Classifed, D4

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D4 T he Oakville B eaver THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 5, 2000 BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C la ssified houses for sale H O USE fo r s a le , q u ie t street, m all, n e a r park & lake. 4 bedrooms, marble entrance hall, ce n tra l air, central vac., stained glass windows, fireplaces, 2 car g arage, p o n d s -w a te rfa ll, fla g s to n e p a tio , la rg e garden $410,000 Call (905) 827-5329__________________ RANCH B ungalow on 1/3 acre, near O akville Place. New ro o f, w in d o w s and central air and many more upgrades. 2 baths, 3 bed rooms and office on main floor. Basement bachelor apa rtm e n t w ith se p a ra te entrance. Asking $238,900. Call 844-9272 for details 12523 6th Line Lime house. 2-miles W est G eorgetown, Hwy.7 & 22nd Sideroad. 4/5 b e d ro o m s, b ric k s p lit bu n g a lo w , 1.9 a c re lo t, treed and secluded. Asking $349,900. Open House Sat. & Sun. April 15th & 16th. 24pm . In q u irie s : 9 0 5 877-7022 4-7pm__________ QUAD in Waterdown. 1-1/2 b a th s , 3 -b e d ro o m s , sp a c io u s e a t-in k itc h e n , built-in dishwasher, w /o to fenced yard, ceramic floors, C/A, C /V , fin is h e d basem ent w ith bar fridge. 1300sq.ft. No c o n d o fee. $ 1 4 7 ,5 0 0 . O pen H o use, Sat. A p r.8, 2-4 p m . (9 0 5 ) 690-1594_________________ WATERDOW N-Fabulous 4 bed roo m , 2 -1 /2 b a th s , 4pce. e n s u ite in M a s te r bedroom w /fireplace. Must be seen to be appreciated. C e ra m ic s , A /C , C /V , 2sid ed FP , w /o to fe n c e d yard w /d e c k in g , in te r lock patio, pond with water fall. Closing in July. Asking $227,500. (905)689-9755 P R IV A T E S a le - 2 b e d room, 9mos. old, spotless brick end unit condo townhome. W alke r's & U pper Middle. Ceramics, vaulted ceilings, 1 1/2 baths up g ra d e d , ba y w in d o w s , walk-out to backyard. Ask ing $ 1 5 7 ,0 0 0 . 9 0 5 -3 3 1 5221______________________ O PEN H o u s e - 127 8 6 th Line O akville, next to golf course. Saturday April 8th & 9th 2:00-4pm. 3-4 bed room detached 2 storey. 2 baths, finished basem ent. 6 car parking. $207,000. 905-844-5991_____________ BRONTE Harbour- execu tive 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths on la rg e tre e d lo t w ith private p erenn ial garden . Only steps to shop ping & bea ch. $ 3 0 9 ,0 0 0 . No age nts, c a ll 8 4 7 -1 9 3 1 , between 6-9pm IM M AC ULATE 5 bedroom b a c k s p lit- 2 -1 /2 b a th s , hardwood floors & natural trim thro ughout. Finishe d basement. Quiet cul-de-sac street on w o oded ravine . No a g e n ts . $ 3 3 4 ,9 0 0 . 827-3966 F U R N IS H E D B u rlin g to n Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $ 1 ,2 9 5 /m o , a ll u tilitie s included. Immediate. (905) 632-8354; (905)632-6189 HaltonSea Antique The site your community clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. - Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 400465 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 1870 SQ . F T OF PRIME MODERN OFFICE SPACE Clean, attractive, ground floor access, free parking. Dorval/ QEW $12 all inclusive F c u tu fif /.im p ; / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited IDENTIFICATION CLINIC IDENTIFICATION CLINIC Bring your items or photos H O S TED BY By Owner 905-338-3444 O A K V IL L E , 3 -b e d ro o m condo for rent. Marine Dr. U tilitie s in c lu d e d .$ 1 ,1 0 0 / mo. References. Available May. 1st. (905)827-1232 BR A N T new 1-bedroom + den overlooking lake, East Burlington. 5 appliances. A/C. $1500/mo. + available May 1st. (905)637-0573 Bring your items or photos H O S TED BY I shared accommodation articles for sale C A R P ET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new S tainm aster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do liv in g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 ·yards). Steve. 639-2902 DIAMOND solitaire ring ap praised @ $2,000. Asking $12 75. n e g o tia b le . 6 3 1 8676______________________ DINING table with 4 chair with buffet and hutch, medi um oak, excellent condition $550 Obo (905)335-0565 FR E E E s tim a te s ... G ot w o b b ly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood fin is h e s ? W e do it all! Custom wood refin ish in g / fu rn itu re re p a irs . F ie ld s C u s to m F u rn itu re , 9-9, daily! 632-9090___________ F R ID G E , 2 -d o o r; S tove, 30"; A u to m a tic W a s h e r/ Dryer also apartment size. R e a s o n a b le . U n der w a rranty. C all (905)-5 491911______________________ JACUZZI/ NEW, never in stalled, gray with motor (2 person) matching new toilet paid $1800 obo (416)8320686______________________ L O V E S E A T - good condi tion, $125. 30 vid e o s - $3$5/each. Call between 1pm8pm, 631-5145.___________ MOVING1 Y o rk w e ig h ts , weight bench, wood grain coffee table, 2 end tables. 2 b la c k g la s s to p ta b le s . Captains bed w/m attress, ste re o c a b in e t, o ff w h ite le a th e r s o fa , lo v e seat. S in g e r s e w in g m a c h in e . 6in ben ch g rin d e r, W om e n 's c lu b m e m b e rs h ip , fridge, stove. 827-4203 M U S T s e ll! E n g a g e m e n t rin g .6 3 d ia m o n d , 18 b a g u e tte s , s iz e 5 -1 /2 . $3500/obo. 333-5277 P IA N O - L esa ge uprig h t, excellent condition, $800. 469-1068 after 7:30pm PO O L, 4' deep, 21' round with accessories. Excellent condition. $1600. Please call 689-3259_____________ R H O D E G ear b ike tra ile r, brand new, $200. 4 lounge chairs, $20 0/ea ., Reliegh bik e , 21 sp e e d , $50. W eight bench. $50.. Delta 10in. table saw. $150. 849 1566 or 416-418-0938 R O Y A L D o u lto n - 3 0 y e a r c o lle c tio n fig u rin e s and to b y m ugs m in t, a s k in g 6 0% o r B ook v a lu e , c a ll 905-227-9458_____________ SIT On I t - Don't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t fo a m fo r cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 d a y s / w e ek! 6 3 2 9090______________________ SOLID oval oak table with 1 p e d e s ta l & 4 c h a irs . $500.335-8622__________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no G S T! Lo ve yo u r fu rn itu re ... hate y o u r c o lo u rs ? S o fa & m a tc h in g chair from $788. Loveseats from $ 4 4 8 . C h a irs from $ 1 9 9 . F re e E s tim a te s . S e n io r D is c o u n ts . F ie ld s Q u a lity C u stom U p h o ls te rin g . 9 -9 , (905) 632-9090_________________ ANTIQUES & Collectibles, doors galore. Color m oni tors, toilet/ sinks, gardening supplies, movies and tapes. Crutches. Great deals! Re use C entre, 3335 N.S erv ic e . B u rl. W /T h /F -1 2 8 p m ;S a t-9 -5 p m ; S u n -1 24pm. V IN T A G E G re ts c h drum s e t- 4 piece, mint condition, m aple shells. $1200/obo. 632-1524_________________ W A T E R B E D - queen size. 4 poster canon ball style. $150/obo. 336-3632 WEDDING band or anniver sary rin g - 7 diamonds set in c h a n n e lin g , s iz e 5. $1000/obo. 333-5277 Burlington Towers T h e H o te l A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES · Furnished Designer Apartments LUXURY Condo for rent. 2 b e d ro o m s w ith s o la riu m . 2 4 h o u r s e c u rity . Non sm okers only. M ay 1st or June 1st. $ 1325/month Call 339-0162 Burlington_______ T A N S L E Y G a rd e n s . 2bdrm. 2 bath, 5 appliances. C/A. Underground parking. Im m a c u la te . M a y .1st. $1.150Vmonth, 905-319-1069 F O R E S T C h a s e - 1 -b e d room* with den. 5 applianc es, parking. Available June 1st $925/mo+ utilities. 1st & last. (905)335-1086 f l U l houses for rent B U R L IN G T O N / O a k v ille : Renovated 3-bedroom brick b u n g a lo w . U p gra des g a lore! New doors/ windows, 6 5 ' fro n ta g e . O ak h a rd w o o d . CA C . Q u ie t s tre e t n e a r a m e n itie s . Q EW . W a lk o u t fro m k itc h e n to large deck, huge cedared yard, shed. Partial ravine. (905)625-7026 / (905)6371634 for appointm ent. No agents. $186.900._________ O AKVILLE- Oak Park-New3 b e d ro o m s em i. F u r nished. $1.700./month/ Un furnished, $1,400./m onth.. July.1., 1-2yr lease. References. 905-257-7800 S P A C IO U S 3 bed ro o m country on pond, deck, hot tu b , c e n tra l a /c /h . T o ta l property 24 acres. Com p le te h o rs e s ta b le s on premise. Multi-use, poten tia l w in e ry . W ill le a s e s e p a ra te ly or to g e th e r. Beamsville 905-563-0256 B R O N T E im m a c u a lte 3 bedroom , 2 bath, finished basem ent, no pets, refe r ences. June 1st. $1,350/ mo. 338-8834_____________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative financing a v ailab le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc.. Realtor S H A R E la rg e 2-bedroom apartment. Trafalgar/ QEW/ Sheridan. Suit professional male. Parking,. Im m ediate $500/mo. (416)832-4344 O AKV ILLE- male to share large house. A/C. F/P, ca ble. parking. $510/mo. in clusive. M a y ls t. call 905849-5730_________________ M ATURE person to share large im m aculate O akville executive home. All facili tie s . Im m e d ia te . $500/ m o n th ly . 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -6 9 6 1 , 905-676-2031_____________ SHARE 2 bedroom A part ment Bronte. Available May 1st /OO. Call 469-0906 Mike NORTH Burlington- Bright ro o m , c o u n try s e ttin g . P a rking, cable, in clude d. $400. call (905)-331-8799 YOUNG Metro Toronto CHARLTON ANTIQUES Ivm vcn APRIL 7 & 8 Convention Centre 9:30am to 5:00pm ADMISSION FREE FRIDAY, APRIL 7 courtesy o f M aalox CHARLTON ANTIQUES APRIL 14 & 15 Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum H am ilton (Mount Hope) ng] BO P L U S 255 Front Street (Nor* SuM · Fully Equipped Kitchens · Magnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. L lffS T y L f nfiflva S H O W S ! cars for sale 9:30am to 5:00pm Admission Only $2.00 For more information, coll 905-815-0017 or 1-800-265-3673 ext. 302 or check out our website: www.premierconsumershows.com Admission $2.00 April 8 639 · 8583 M o n -F r i: 9 a m -8 p m S a t.: 1 0 a m - 5 p m S un: lla m -5 p m For more information, call 905-815-0017 or 1-800-265-3673 ext 302 or check out our website: www.premierconsumershows.com w w w .ontim .com · btow ers@ lara.on.ca 400 cars for sale 500 career training 500 career training 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Lofts · Studios · 1&2 Bdrms · 1-Bdrm + Den · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access IcTiVJrtem su n < jef5100. 4 kitchen chairs, goods condition, $20/all. 637-5922 A IR W A L K E R e x e rc is e r. $50. 639-0542____________ A W N IN G S , (o u ts id e ). B row n c a n v a s , 4 8 "x 3 2 ` , four. $100. 639-0542 BARRYMORE sofa, downfilled, pale blue, excellent cond itio n $100 (905)3197410 X221________________ CRIB linen, classic W innie the Pooh, good cond ition $60. (905)335-3955 E L E C T R IC ra n g e - Kenmore self cleaning, almond excellent condition. $100. 639-0361_________________ EXERCISE bike- BMI Elec trom agnetic programmable bike. Good condition. $100. 336-0941_________________ GE 2-door refrigerator $85 (905)815-0428 G O L F C lu b s - v a rio u s Taylor made wedges, Call aw ay 5 w ood. $10 0 obo. 319-2170_________________ G O L F - 3 m e ta l w o o d s , 1 ,3 ,5 . G ra p h ite s h a fts . $100. 332-7707___________ K E N M O R E d is h w a s h e r, a lm on d. G ood c o n d itio n . $85 obo (90^)639-1237 LARGE deep freezer, $95. 847-1048 leave message LOVESEAT, beige pattern, goo d c o n d itio n . $100. 905-633-1265_____________ M ATC H IN G coffee & end tables, oak finish, excellent cond ition, $600/set. 8 4 4 7639______________________ MOUNTAIN Bike, many al lo y c o m p o n e n ts , over $400. new. $100. 634-9879 PING Pong table- Excellent c o n d itio n . S in g le p la y e r option. Accessories included. $100. 319-2170 PLUSH arm chair, excellent c o n d itio n $50 (9 0 5 )6 8 1 3019______________________ SIMMONS, hide-a-bed, tan stripe m aterial c/w original instructions to reassemble. $75. (905)681-1827 TO R O N TO Rock Lacross ticket 1st row gold, April 8th $30. (905)637-1123 TR EN C H c o a t, K h aki g re e n , s iz e 42, Lon don F og . (re m o v a b le lin e r). $100. 333-3476__________ TUBULAR m e ta l bed fra m e only, red. D o uble bottom, single top. $100. firm. 335-8401 after 5pm. WINDOW: 51" x 63". $100. 335-9245_________________ W O O D S u p rig h t fre e z e r $85 (905)815-0428 1999 FORD Mustang Con vertible, V6, Yellow, black top, black le ather interior, C D M ach S y s te m , s ta n dard,A/C. 30.000 km. Very well taken care of. Excellent condition. Oil changed al ways with Synthetic. Ask in g $ 2 5 0 0 0 or b e st o ffe r (905) 333-9171____________ 1967 M E T E O R C o n v e rt ib le . 1980 F o rd . LT D 4 door (c u s to m m ade) Please call anytim e (905) 844-3184__________________ 1999 V olksw a gen Beetle, navy b lu e , lo a d e d , automatic, lady driven, low KM , w o rth $ 2 9 K a s k in g $24K. call (905)815-0545 1991 Honda EXR -360K. 4 door, sun roof, good condi tion. $3,200 obo (905)8259174_________________ · 199 5 N is s a n p ic k -u p b la c k . 4 c y lin d e r. 5 sp d ., k in g c a b , 105K. c h ro m e package. CD. tonneau cov er, $10,000. certified. 3 3 2 9167______________________ 19 9 2 S a tu rn S L I, am /fm c a s s e tte , e m is s io n approved. G ood condition. C e rtifie d . A skin g $4,000. 689-4818_________________ 199 3 T o y o ta T e r c e l- 4 doo r, auto, a/c, c e rtifie d / em ission tested. Excellent condition. 336-2801________ 1989 Mazda MPV L X - sil v e r. 7 p a s s e n g e r, g re a t condition. $4500/obo. Call (905)335-6191____________ 1994 Plymouth Voyager, 7 passe nger, P/S, P/B, air, new brakes, new tires, ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n 160K. askin g $6500. (9 0 5 )3 3 1 8006______________________ 1997 P o n tia c G ra n d P rix 3 8 0 0 V6. lo a d e d . 72K. Jade. Excellent condition. E m is s io n / C e rtifie d . $15,500. (905)335-0964 1998 Camaro RS, black, Tb a r, a u to . 6 c y , a ir. Cd, $22500 (905)331-4647 1994 Chevrolet Lumina- A/ C, AM/FM stereo, PL, silver w ith blue interior. $3,500. obo. 905-921-3989________ 1993 Ford Taurus Wagon, excellent conditions, A/C, P/ W , P/L. S a fe ty- em ission te s te d . A s k in g $ 4 5 0 0 . (905)257-4764 EN R O L ^*1 Nnui Certified Courses: · Micro Computers r D a y & " MS Office Internet/E-mail B U R L IN G TO N SQ UARE (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7p«n; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm L O V E L Y , s p a c io u s , im m aculate 1 bedroom bright base m en t apa rtm e nt. P ri va te . p a rk in g , u tilitie s $ 6 8 0 /m o in c lu s iv e . O akville. 905-827-8768________ B U RLING TO N- One bed room basem ent (n e w home), gas F/P, private en trance. Suite working sin g le / s tu d e n t. M a y .1st. $ 6 5 0 ./u tilitie s in c lu d e d , 905-637-0934_____________ BU R U N G TO N - 1-bedroom, frid g e , s to v e , n e w p a in t, new w o od flo o r, parkin g . $675/mo. Call 920-8089 or 516-9968._________________ J U N E 1 s t- 2 b e d ro o m , ground floor of duplex in vil lage of W aterdow n. 4 ap pliances, parking. $690/mo & HH&W , fir s t/la s t. 689-5297 after 6pm_______ B U R LIN G T O N - upper d u plex, near Fairview GO. 2bed roo m s, M a y ls t. $740/ m o. in c lu d e s h e a t, ho t water, parking, no smoking/ pets. (905)634-7319 5200 Lake shore. B u rlin g ton. 2 -B e d ro o m s .... m a g nificent view of lake! 681712 6 P ro fe s s io n a lly m an a g e d by L .T . G re e n w in Property Management. U P PE R le ve l of h ou se- 3 bedroom , parking, u tilities included. C lose to S h eri dan. A va ila b le m id -A p ril/ M a y .1st. $ 1 ,2 0 0 ./m o n . F irs t/ Last, call Jim 905842-2676 after 6pm DO W N TO W N , B u rlington. 2-Bedrooms freshly painted with new cabinetry available im m e d ia te ly . W e ll m a in tained, quiet building. Walk to shopping. Hospital, Lake. 637-0321__________________ O A K V IL L E . 2 -b e d ro o m apartment, triplex bldg. All amenities, laundry, May. 1st. From $925/m o+ electricity. P a rk in g a v a ila b le . (9 0 5 ) 845-9088 2 -B E D R O O M S u ite s am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in lu x u ry b u ild in g s c lo s e to B u rlington M all. C all "The Princess", 639-8009 or "The Regency" 681-8115._______ W H IT E O a k s , O a k v ille . S p a c io u s 2 -b d rm + den, $1190- $ 1290/m o.; Im m e d ia te . W e ll- m a in ta in e d com plex, fu ll rec. facilities in c lu d in g in d o o r p o o l, sunken livingroom ... som e w ith fir e p la c e ! C a ll Jeannette, (905)815-1628 1&2 bedroom apartm ents in well-located, quiet build in g n e a r d o w n to w n B u r lin g to n , b u s e s , e tc . C a ll (905)634-3635_____________ W ATERDO W N: John St.W . W alk to everything . N e w a p p lia n c e s & w in d ow s. L a rg e 1 .2 & 3 B e d rooms from $695/mo. Brenda: (905)690-4454_________ O AKV ILLE Pface/ Sheridan College, X -large bedroom / k itc h e n e tte (b a s e m e n t). Share b a th ro o m / laundry, all inclusive, $470/mo. May 1st., (905)849-5987 O AKVILLE. Bachelor base ment apartment. Furnished. $ 4 9 8 ./m o n th ly in c lu d e s utilities. Suit quiet gentlemen. Call (905)849-4782________ T r ir ir T P B r 3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 o r 3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 : Tyandaga T e rra c e , B u rlin g to n . F re s h ly decorated 2& 3-bedroom s, April/May. Low-rise building, G a rd e n lik e s e ttin g . Private landscaped patios. 2 bedroom s; May. 1st. and June. 1st. No pets, R efer ences. Speers Rd. & Kerr area. 905-842-2153 2-BEDROOM apartment at 110 S o u th F o s te r P a rk , O a k v ille . M ay 15th. $825/m o u tilitie s in clude d e x c e p t h y d ro . (9 0 5 )8 4 9 8411, 6pm-8pm____________ KE R R / Rebecca. O akville 2 -b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t, p a rk in g in c lu d e d . A v a il able M ay 1st C all (416) 407-3556._________________ BURLINGTON Core 2-bed room apt. in 4-plex. $670./ m o. a v a ila b le J u ly . 1st. Adult building, leave message, 905-634-3479 DO W NTO W N O a k v ille . N ice , c le a n b u ild in g . Fabulous view to lake. 3bed roo m s, $1050 /m o. 2bedroom, $875/mo. utilities included. (905)339-3320. G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . M ay/June/July, 1,2&3 Bed ro o m s . H e a t/ h y d ro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm 8f,6:30-8pm O A K V IL L E . Kerr/ Speers. 2-bedroom apartment $828/ mo. in cludes utilities. May 1st. Call (905)849-4782. B U R L IN G T O N .P a rk -lik e s e ttin g . P re s tig io u s area near T y a n d a g a G o lf C o u rs e . M ust S ee! Bachelor apartment... heat, hydro, appliances included. M aylst. (905)335-3001 R E F U R B IS H E D A p a rt ments. Downtown Burlington. E liz a b e th M a n o r, 477 E liz a b e th S tre e t. 1 .2& 3 Bedroom Apartm ents with spectacular view. 634-9374 S P A C IO U S b rig h t 1 b e d room basement apartment. U tilitie s . p a rk in g , 5 a p p lia n c e s in c lu d e d . No s m o k in g /p e ts . M ay 1st. $750/mo. 631-9868 BU R LIN G TO N Downtown. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl S treet. N e w ly d e c o ra te d 1,2&3 Bedroom Apartments w ith s c e n ic v ie w s . 632-1643_________________ LA R G E 1-bedroom apa rt m e n t in s m a ll, cle a n building near lake, (Bronte). Available May 1st. Parking included. (905)827-9153 1-B E D R O O M , June , from $ 7 7 0 .10/m o.; 2-B edroom , June, $877.20/m o. (+$30/ car). (2% prompt payment d is c o u n t) S u n k e n liv in g room, eat-in kitchen. Quick Q EW access, G uelph Line near New St., Burlington. (905)637-9725_____________ CENTRAL B u rlin g to n Spacious 2-bedrooms, quiet low-rise. Balcony. June 1st $ 8 3 0 /m o . a ll in c lu s iv e (905 )8 7 5 -6 8 3 8 ; (416)3349494.______________________ 2 -B E D R O O M and 3+ d en suites av a ila b le June 1st. Q E W / T rafalga r Road. In door pool. From $1,000/mo. 844-1106__________________ BU RLIN G TO N 1 & 2 bed ro o m s - $ 6 2 0 /m o . and $695./mo utilities included fro m M ay. Q u ie t, n e a r la k e 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -8 0 8 9 (36pm)______________________ 7 5 S te w a rt: 2 -b e d ro o m . M ay & June. N e ar dow ntow n O akville/ QEW. W e ll-m a in ta in e d cle a n b u ild in g . C a ll (9 0 5 )8 4 4 4294______________________ S P A C IO U S 1 .2 & 3 B e d ro o m s . F re s h ly p a in te d , b rig h t. C o m p e titiv e rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellm a in ta in e d . C o n v e n ie n t lo c a tio n . (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm_________________ 2-BEDROOM apartment for s u b le t. O n ta r io / M ap le . $1010/mo. inclusive. Pool/ re c -ro o m , u n d e rg ro u n d p a rk in g . $ 5 0 0 m o v in g allowance. (905)633-1309 * 2 -B E D R O O M A p a rt m ents $790. (U tilitie s in clu d e d ). 238 6 N ew St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 LA R G E 2-bedroom - close to lake. G uelph Line/N ew S t. a re a . A p r il. 1st. $780/mo.+ hydro. No dogs. (905)634-0865_____________ B IG b a s e m e n t b a c h e lo r apartment in clean building at 50 S p e e rs R o ad. $625/mo. utilities included. May 1st. (905)339-1154 LUXURY 2 level Penthouse a v a ila b le n e a r D ow ntow n Burlington. Private laundry, la rge roof terrace, 2 bath ro o m s . $ 1 6 5 0 /m o . C a ll (905)639-4677 PROFESSIONAL Typist for a ll y o u r h o m e & o ffic e needs. Fast reliable work, g u a ra n te e d to s a tis fy . Affordable rates, no job too small or big. Single sheet or fu ll m a n u s c rip t, p re p a re re s u m e a ls o . F o r fre e c o n s u lta tio n , c a ll R o bin (416)832-4344 · · · · Accounting Office Administration Medical/Legal Asst. Dental Receptionist ! Evening ! ! Sessions ! i____________ j H A LTO N BUSINESS IN S TITU TE ( 905 ) 637-3415 460 Brant St., Burlington J ^Registered M inistry o f Education and Training (1982)J y careers 505 careers 505 B U R LIN G TO N , R oseland Green. 3333 New St. #38. $165,000. FIRM. No real estate agents. Prestigious, quiet, garden home. Premi er End Unit, completely fin ished to p -to -b o tto m w ith two finished bedrooms, two 3-pc baths, A/C, private pa tio. Call for appointm ent. 632-9580._________________ W A L K E R S L in e / N ew S treet, S p a c io u s 3b edroom , fin is h e d basement, C/A, appliances and g a ra g e . $1400, references. May 1st (905) 637-7789 F R E E H O LD T ow nhom e In c re d ib le buy. P rice just re d u c e d b y $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 fo r quick sale. Large fenced lot, 4 bathroom s, finished basement. Great financing available. Call Jim Young, Sales representative Sut ton Group People & Prop e rtie s R e a lto r 8 4 4 -5 0 0 0 . W ont L a s t!!_______________ B U R U N G TO N - Central Lo c a tio n , 2 bed roo m , 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, familyroom, fireplace, new decor. $1075/m o + utilities. June 1st. (905)319-1918________ BURLINGTON: June/ July: 2-bedroom from $915.60/ mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 b a th s . O ne o u ts id e p a rk in g . N e ar s c h o o ls , shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190._________________ O A K V IL L E - 3-B ed roo m s a v a ila b le M ay 1st. 4 ap p lia n c e s . H o p e d a le M all area. Lakeshore Management. (905)876-3336__________ UPPER M iddle/ Walker's. 2 -b e d ro o m co n d o . Large k itc h e n , gas fire p la c e , 5 a p p lia n c e s , one p arkin g. References. First/ last. May 1st possession. $950/mo.+ utilities. Call (905)689-6106 after 7pm O AKVILLE, Glen Abbey. 3bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, fin ished basement, fireplace, 4 appliances, C/A. Immacu la te. J u n e ls t. $1575/m o. Chris C larke. Sales Rep., Trafalgar (Oakville) Realty Inc., (905)338-1130 E A S T B u rlin g to n - 2 + 1 b e d ro o m to w n h o m e 1.5 baths, includes 4 applianc es, cable, 1 parking. $885/ mo. + utilitie s. June 1st 335-4564. 634-9213 BRONTE townhouse, steps to lake and shops, 3 bed rooms, 2 full baths, 2 sepa ra te p o w d e r ro o m s , fin ished b ase m en t, garage, v is to r's p a rk in g . $1,3 0 0 . p lu s u tilitie s . A v a ila b le J u n e 1st. (9 0 5 )8 9 7 -6 5 2 4 w e e k d a y s or (9 0 5 )8 4 9 8 0 5 9 e v e n in g s & w e e kends. BURUNG TON Plains/Fran cis, 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, gas fire place, s p lit level, g a ra g e , c a rp e tin g , redecorated, 2 appliances. Available May 1st. $975+ utilities (905)803-9267 apprariito Opportunity is now one click closer in Halton with. Tap into an excellent resource on information about the trades and apprenticeship. If you are an employer, apprenticeship candidate, you may also connect on-line! Halton employers are urged to visit our website to: · Register on-line · Post a job vacancy · Initiate a live search for suitable apprentices Halton apprentices are welcome to: ^ .· Register on-line · Post a personal skills profile · Initiate a live search for suitable apprentices For m ore in fo rm atio n a b o u t apprenticesearch.com , p lease visit http://www.apprenticesearch.com. Residential Window & Door Installer F/T, to conduct all levels of fieldwork & supervise team mem bers. Self-motivated, service oriented and experienced in the installation ot retrofit & new windows & doors. Fax resumes to: (905)333-1208 ENNISCLAIRE II Sub-pent house condo $437,700.00. W rap-around view of lake; 218 0 M a rin e D riv e , O a k v ille . 1969 s q .ft. M a je s tic sky to p v ie w . S e p a ra te D in in g R oom . Large E n -suite , 2nd B e d room . p lu s den and 2nd Bathroom . Large W a lk-in closet. Unique Recreational F a c ilitie s . P riv a te sa le . (905)847-1771_____________ FO R E ST C h a s e - 2 0 3 0 Cleaver. Spacious 'B re n t w o od' m odel, 2-bedroom c o rn e r u n it, lo w e r le v e l, quiet ravine setting, 5 ap pliances, a/c. O ne und er ground parking. $127, 500. 331-8673___________ ____ WE s p e c ia liz e in C o n d o m inium Sales. L in d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor. 333-4347, 827-7728 dumpsites DUMPSITES wanted: clean fill or excavation materials. Will grade. Call 634-2684 or 844-4330 or contact the Halton Industry Education Council at (905) 634-2575 Canada 1*1 Human Resources Development Canada Oiveloppanwntdcs rassourccshumaines Canada Ml FT/PT Front Reception M ust excel in c u sto m e r service and be a m ature team p la ye r! Evgs & w kn ds a m ust. Cash exp. an asset. Apply: ? iil ECNG Inc. "13 yea rs o f service" AN TIQ U E S how & SaleC ity of Guelph C entennial Arena, C ollege Ave., April 7-8-9.. Friday 1-9pm, Sat.10-5pm , S u n .- 11-5pm . Admin. $4.; Lectures: The J o y o f C o lle c tin g O ld Books. (905)-335-0511 FOUR buildings, 9.600 sq. ft.. 2 x 3.000 sq. ft., bam and apartment; pond w/wate rfa ll C u rre n t u ses: H orse o p e ra tio n w ith 30 stalls, arena and paddocks, or potential w inery. Spa cious c o u n try hom e a lso a v a ila b le . 24 a c re s . Beamsville. 905-563-0256 DOW NTOW N O akville In vestm ent... Prim e C o rne r C om m ercial. 8 units, fu lly leased . $155,000. net in come Asking $1,500,000. C ontact T e rry H utchison, Assoc. B ro k e r. R e /M a x Aboutowne. (905)338-9000 V p W T in d u s tr ia l I L h j /commercial space 3 couches for s a le - good fo r b a s e m e n t / s tu d e n t. $ 100/for all. 331-6666 3 -S E A T sofa & m atch ing chair, good quality in good c o n d itio n . $ 6 0 0 ./o b o . (905)633-9271____________ 75 & 65 gallon aquarium 1 w ith T ro p ic a l and 1 w ith Cichlids. 2 fluval filters, air pumps and several acces sories. $700. 690-0686 af ter 6pm. AIR conditioning unit (wind ow) extra large capacity. 5 y e a rs old . e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n , $20 0. M an u a l treadmill. $80. 827-6003 A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e , 2 d o o r; S to v e ; a u to m a tic w a s h e r & d ry e r. A lso, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 A S S O R T E D b ab y item s. Carseats, swing, extra sau cers, crib, stroller, change table, and much more, eve rything must go. (905)3325549______________________ B E A U T IF U L hand woven w ool rug, 6 '6 "x 9 '. Cream colour with delicate pastel flo ra l design. U nder pad included. $400. 634-8665 B E D S , N e w - C o m p le te : D o u b le . $ 22 0; Q ueen, $240. Complete with frame. Free D e live ry. (9 0 5 )6 8 1 9496______________________ B U N K bed- N avy tu b u la r steel. Double bottom, sin gle top. Mattresses, excel lent condition. $200. 3 3 2 1977_______________ . C A M P IN G equ ipm ent: 2 person tent. $40.. kitchen te n t, $ 4 0 ., (2) s le e p in g bags, 3 C o lem an la te rn s $ 1 0 -2 0 ., C o lem an stove, $4 0 ., 2 C o le m a n c h a irs , $ 1 5 /e a . C a r to p c a rrie r. $40. 331-- li4 1 AN TIQU ES wanted- furni tu re . gla s s c h in a , s ilv e r, je w e lry , clocks, w atches, p a in tin g s , o ld p h o to s ,. canes B e s t c ash! (905)-522-4727____________ A N TIQ U E S C h ina Silver-. Singer Portables... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watch es, dolls, estates, Collecti bles. John/ Tracy (905)331-2477_________________ A N T IQ U E S & P a in tin g s W anted- Furniture, Glass, China, etc. Addison radios, E s ta te s p u rc h a s e d . Karl (905)681-6939 Burlington. ANTIQUES Wanted: dining room, bedroom suites, indi v id u a l p ie c e s in c lu d in g linens, lamps, silver, china, books, etc. (905)639-3639 W A N T E D m e n 's E n g lis h s h o w ja c k e t, s m a ll s ize . C all Jackie at 1-800-8100000 ext. 4301 CEDAR SPRINGS Health, Racquet & Sportsclub 960 Cumberland Burlington ECNG is the leading provider of objective energy consulting and m anagem ent services to ind u stria l, com m ercial and institutional consumers. ECNG is known for its focus on client needs, fairness and honesty, energy expertise, influence in the regulatory forum and commitment to service excellence. ECNG was founded in 1987 and is located in Oakville. We require the following growth-oriented electrical engineers to service ECNG's expanding electricity clientele. TECHN IC AL SERVICES LEADER Reporting to the Director, Electricity Services, you w ill supervise the collection and processing of client load data to prepare supply tenders and track actual hourly consumption for bill verification and payment. You will recommend metering strategies and implem ent remote interrogation systems. You will assist in the design of IT systems for client account management and supervise the Technical Services section, which will expand with client needs. J iH ifk lttc H jS . STOREFRONT Full/ Part-time -All ShiftsEnjoy a friendly, caring fast paced environment. Apply in person, 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville 1)-D E L IV E R Y D rive r and 1)-W arehouseperson/ O c cassional d rive r required. P le a s a n t w o rk in g c o n d i tio n s, e x c e lle n t b e n e fits . T ruck d riving expe rience, cle a n a b s tra c t. M ust be physically fit, to lift/ carry up to 100lbs. Apply in person: Royal Mattress, 5041 Fair view St., Burlington, MonFri, 8am -4 p m , Fax- 905 681-2294___________ ' O AKV ILLE based cleaning company requires Full-time Cleaning Technician. Jani torial or carpet cleaning ex perience an asset, but will in g to tra in rig h t pe rso n . Person requires flexibility, c le a n / tid y a p p e a ra n c e , and clean driving record. If yo u 'r e n e rg e tic, ea g e r to work, bondable. call 905825-4256__________________ S A T IS F A C T IO N S tu d e n t W indow Cleaners requires university students for pro d uctio n m anage r (car re quired) & W indow Cleaner, positions. Burlington, Oak ville, Mississauga. Send / fax resume: 257 Gatestone Avenue, Oakville. L6J 2G2 Fax: 905-338-3829. Phone (905)842-3581.____________ D R Y C LE A N IN G Plant re q u ire s e x p e rie n c e d S h irt presser, C o u n te r person. D ry C le a n e r A sst. G ood wages, com pany benefits. Call 905-338-9695 TEC H N IC AL SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE You w ill analyze client loads, develop metering strategies, design and d is trib u te c lie n t re p o rts, a s sis t in IT system developm ent, client consumption monitoring and financial accounting. You will support client service personnel in customer presentations. FAX your resume to: (905) 825-1066, Attn John McGinnis or EMAIL: jmcginnis@ecng.com We regret only candidates selected for interviews w ill be contacted. FR ESH LY Painted 3-bedroom to w n h o u s e m a is o n e tte s . 1 p a rk in g . A p ril/ M ay/ June. S ta rtin g $85 0/m o.+ utilitie s. North Burlington. (905)319-9104 E X E C U T IV E T o w n h o u s e New/ Freehold- 1500sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths, garage, e n s u ite w /rom a n s te p up tub/ seperate shower, gas F/P, hardw ood/ ceram ics, s tu n n in g ro m a n co lu m n kitchen, A/C, 5 appliances, P riv a te y a rd . M ay.1 , $1,690./+utilities. 3rd Line/ U p p e r M id d le , c a ll 905 4 6 5 -1 4 8 1 E m a il: ken c @ p rim e s o u rc e s c o m ponents.com 4 room offices 403 & Dundas $ 1 100/mo. in clude s tax, MTI. Imm ediate. 9052 7 5 -3 2 9 2 o r 8 4 4 -5 1 1 3 Nick or Angela. N D U S T R IA L U n it fo r lease 2 0 0 0 ' 30% o ffic e space, A/C. Oakville. Rea sonable rent 828-7544 or 844-5182 B EA U TIFU L W ATERDO W N! Edith Court 1-BDRM APTS Available May 1st Ravine View! Includes utilities. Parking Available (905 ) W O R LD H E A D A C M E A I T ! A M I pets, supplies CHOCOLATE/ Black Labs. Registered, tattooed, vacci nated. g u a ra n te e d , hips, e yes, e lb o w s c le a r, cham pion parents. Sherri 905-634-3322_____________ PUREBRED- Doberman 6 months. Female black/ tan, T a il/ e a rs d o n e , s h o ts . Crate/ accesories included. $500(905)319-1359 SHITZU puppy for sale, all s h o ts , n e u te re d , w ith kenn el, c o lla r and leach. Please call 858-5505 Ext 17 (day) or 469-8422 evenings ask for Suzie YOUNG, beautiful "Babe", very a ffe c tio n a te , fre e to good hom e. P lease C all lle e n or C h ris 9 0 5 -8 2 5 2100 to get all my particu lars. r F. LO VE J e w e lle ry ? E a rn Cash. Work at home. Earn $ 100's per week. Call Tara 905-823-6443_____________ ICE C ream P a rlo u r, S /E Oakville, also specializing in Subs & S o u p s. F u lly equipped. G reat location. $ 29 ,000 . C o n ta c t T e rry Hutchison, Assoc. Broker. R e /M ax A b o u to w n e . (905)338-9000____________ B i e l I franchises S U B W A Y S a n d w ic h e s & Salads for sale. Great loca tion, Burlington area. Leave message: 1-877-738-6368 ext. 2 , 690-1896 ROOM, mini kitchen, cable, parking, share laundry and bath. $375./mo. Available im m e d ia te ly . B u rlin g to n . 332-3943__________________ B U R LIN G T O N - furn ished room & sunroom, separate entrance, air. Available im m e d ia te ly . No s m o k in g / pets. (905)634-1201. U P P E R M id d le / E ig h th L in e - room in townhouse, $400/mo, all inclusive. May 1st. 845-8693_____________ LARG E Basem ent bedroom private entrance & bath. $400/mo. 1st & last. M a p le A ve . Im m e d ia te . 634-8630 I rentals FU R N IS H E D L u x u ry ! 1-3 B drm C o rp o ra te C o n d o s Homes. 6 appliances. TV, V C R , s te re o . 1-3 b a th s , h e a lth c e n tre , s e c u rity. D a ily . W e e k ly , M o n th ly . From $ 1 2 95-2795 m onth. Visa. MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7368) L/M The World Headache Alliance is an international umbrella organi zation uniting the efforts of 43 lay-based member groups in 27 coutries to raise the profile of headache disorders. It's operation al offices are located in Oakville, Ont. EXECUTIVE A S S IS TA N T to the Chief Operating Officer required for half-time self emplyed contract work. An organized, energetic multi-tasker with outstanding problem-solving capabili ties and people skills required to manage projects and events, assist with international meeting planning, respond to inquiries from member organizations worldwide, and support staff and council of management. Must not be allergic to the phrase "other duties as assigned." Superior written and verbal skills in English essential. Candidates must have Internet savvy, be computer lit erate and willing and equipped to work from own (home) office on PC platform. Occassional international travel. Please send resume with salary expectations by April 14, 2000 Fax: (905) 257-6239 E-mail: WHAmail@aol.com We thank all candidates lor their interest, however, only those selected lor an interview will be contacted.

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