Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 7 Jun 2000, A8

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A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday June 7,2000 Games would leave lasting legacy (Continued from page A1) New councillor will serve te rm u n til fall election (Continued from page A1) S o c c e r's p o p u la rity in O ak v ille is at an a ll-tim e high. M o re than 10,000 yo u th s are e n ro lle d w ith the O ak v ille S o c c e r C lub and n u m b e rs c o n tin u e to grow . T h e to w n an d the clu b h av e b een w o rk in g to g e th e r fo r fiv e y ears to d ev elo p a m a jo r so ccer co m p lex . " We hav e an e x istin g p la n th a t w e 'v e b e e n w o rk in g o n w ith th e O a k v ille S o c c e r C lu b for a n u m b er o f y e a rs," said P erk in s. " It w ill d e v e lo p the first 85 acres o f the p a rk in to so c c e r field s, w h ich w ill a c c o u n t fo r ab o u t 15 fie ld s. O ne o f the fie ld s is d e sig n a te d as O ly m p ic -siz e ." M u lv a le is e c s ta tic a b o u t O a k v ille 's p a rtic i p a tio n in th e G am es. "T h is is tre m e n d o u s n e w s," she said. "W ith th e 407 c o m in g th ro u g h w e w ill h av e th e tra n s p o rta tio n a v a ila b le , th e site is id eal, an d w e as a to w n g et a la stin g le g a cy." ' Photo by Barrie Erskine If Toronto hosts the 2008 Olympic games, Oakville will be the site of some soccer games, Town officials were told yesterday. Holding the Olympic banner are (1-r) Mayor Ann Mulvale, Debbie Low Director Sport Toronto 2008 Olympic Bid, Steve Martin President Oakville Soccer, Rick Morandini Oakville Soccer, Helen Stoumbus and Curtis Hibbert. heavily involved in the community and/or have previous political experience. Others, though, appeared less seri ous about the seat: Greeneagle Drive resident Christopher Walker was a no-show while Vance Drive homeowner Cam McDougall appeared in the council chamber at the start of the meeting, but was gone when it came time to speak. The remaining candidates included former Catholic school principal Carolyn Hilton; Ward 2 businessman and Ward 5 resident Jeff Knoll; lawyer Anwar Naqvi; former Catholic school board trustee Kevin O 'Connor; former Oakville police chief and Ward 2 councillor Fred Oliver, area businessman and 1994 mayoralty candidate Ed Schuermer; and former Ward 6 councillor Jim Smith. Mayor Ann Mulvale told the candidates that their combined strengths would make it hard for council to make the right decision. "I'm absolutely delighted. This is not an easy process for us," she said. The voting process itself proved to be somewhat con voluted, with several councillors nominating one, and sometimes multiple candidates. Those that remained were given a blanket nomination by Ward 3 councillor Keith Bird. In the first round, Sharda received four votes - the most - but needed more than 50% to win. The three can didates who received no votes in the first round - Naqvi, Oliver and Schuermer - had their names written on paper and drawn from a box. Schuermer was selected and was dropped from contention. In the next round, Sharda received seven votes and won. The Municipal Act states that when a vacancy on council occurs after March 31st of an election year, coun cil is required to fill the seat through appointment or elec tion should there be more than one nomination within 45 days after the vacancy occurs. Oakville goes to the polls on Nov. 13th. Day was a success (Continued from pageA1) You've seen the price of gas... 993 She rem em bers when she first "came out" that it was very difficult to meet other gay people in the communi ty"For the longest tim e peo ple (who are gay or lesbian) didn't know where to go or how to meet anyone or what to do. You had to go out o f tow n to meet people. We should have some place in our com munity where we can feel safe and just get together and celebrate^ Hannah said. Toronto play w right Sky Gilbert, who also serves as the Toronto Pride P arade's Pride M arshall said events like these are important to increase aw are ness and expose people to positive images of the gay and lesbian com munity. "People feel happy to see a positive image of an effem inate man," he said. Gilbert's plays and novels are infused with his personal experi ences as a gay m an, a drag queen and what he calls a "fringe" elem ent in gay society. E vent goers got to see Gilbert "perform " pas sages from his latest novel St. Stephen's, which is about a man e x p e rie n c in g summer love. He read a passage about gay city life, teachers and his personal experience meet ing Ethan Hawk. E ntertainm ent for the day also included folk singers Julie & Friends, Lynn Bebee and the Sapphire Fly Band, Finnean C ole reading poetry and D J's Dave and Tango. with every new vehule ii PREMIUM TOO GRADE REGULAR $1 LOTS 450 LITRES GASS OVER MILLION DOLLARS OF OWNED VEHICLE INVENTORY IN STOCK SIJLh'J CADILLAC P O N T IA C B U IC K L td CADILLAC PONTIAC BUICK INC. R D . W. ir on selected models "O ffe r applies to new vehicles sold from June 7th until June 20th/2000 only. 2 -- HAM . Q .E .W . TOR. N ................ ............ WYECROFTRD. SPEERS RD. f |W + E " S 410 S O U TH (JUST W EST OF DORVAL) r

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