Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 13 Apr 2017, p. 37

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37 |Thursday, April 13, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Kevin Nagel, Oakville Beaver Sports Editor, knagel@burlingtonpost.com Sports second s to regain the lead, though. Oakville w ould take the lead into the final period after scorin g tw ice in the second. Sean E ccle ston e tied the gam e and late in the period, off a faceoff, C h ecch ia lifted a sh o t over the shoulder of N orthum berland goalie to give the Rangers their first lead. It rem ained 3 -2 Oakville until the final m inutes of the third w hen a shot from the hashm arks found its w ay through a crow d and into the Oakville net w ith 1:41 remaining. Oakville nearly w on it in the dy ing second s w h en the puck cam e to E cclesto n e at the top of the crease. He fired quickly but the goalie spraw led to get his pad on the p u ck as the buzzer sounded. Oakville generated som e good ch an ces during an overtim e pow er play b u t it w ould be N orthu m b er land' s N oah R ichard, w ith his sec ond goal, w h o w ould n et the w in n er w ith 1 :3 7 left in OT. "It's a gam e of inches and it com es dow n to w h o gets those b reak s," Pavao said. "G ood team s always find a w ay b u t hopefully ou r guys learned about com peting. W e had a blast getting here, w e ju st fell one goal sh o rt." N orthum berland needed a thirdperiod rally to earn a 4 - 4 tie w ith Oakville, w h o got a pair of goals The G eorgetow n Raiders scored tw ice in the third period as they sh u t ou t the Oakville Blades 2 -0 last Saturday to advance to the O n tario Ju n io r H ock ey League final. The Raiders too k the best-ofseven series in six gam es to w in the S ou th-W est C onference final and will face Trenton, the N orth -E ast "Connected to your Community " PeeweeAA Rangers earn OHF silver after overtime loss in final By Herb Garbutt Oakville Beaver staff H osting a provincial cham pionship is both a blessing and a curse. W h ile the role guarantees you r team the op p ortu n ity to com p ete for an O n tario title, there are also the lingering questions of w h ether or n o t y o u belong there. T h e Oakville Rangers answered emphatically. Oakville scored a con vin cin g w in over the p rovince's top-ranked team Saturday and then cam e w ith in one goal of captu rin g the O ntar io H ock ey F ed eratio n peew ee AA cham pionship Sunday. It too k a late goal by N orth u m berland to force overtim e, w here the N ighthaw ks scored to edge Oakville 4 -3 for the O H F title. "You d on 't h ost unless yo u think yo u can w in ," said Rangers' coach N elson Pavao. "W e cam e in w ith a purpose and w e p u t it all together this w eek en d ." The O ntario M inor H ock ey As sociation cham p ion , N orthum ber land, opened the sco rin g in the O H F final but L u cian o C h ecch ia scored on a shorthanded break away, following up on his ow n re bound after his original sh o t was denied. It too k the N ighthaw ks ju st 19 Oakville Rangers' Jack Churchill celebrates Sean Ecclestone's second-period goal in Sunday's Ontario Hockey Federation peewee AA championship game against Northumberland. The Rangers lost 4-3 in overtime to finish with silver medals. | photo by Riziero Vertolli - Oakville Beaver from Ryan G regoire, in the tou rn a m en t opener. Liam Glover scored both Ranger goals in a 3 -2 loss to Tim m ins and the R angers' late rally cham ps, in the O JH L cham pion ship series. The series schedule had n o t been released as of the B eaver' s press deadline. Brendan M cG lynn stopped all 2 0 shots he faced th rou gh tw o periods but the Raiders' K eegan Blasby fi nally beat him on a pow er play 2 :3 5 into the third period. cam e up sh o rt as W oo d stock held on for a 3 -2 victory. T h at left the Rangers needing a w in over the p rovince's top-ranked G eorgetow n held on to th at lead until A ndrew C o u rt scored an in surance goal w ith six m in u tes re m aining. The loss, in front of Blades sup p orters at Sixteen Mile Sports C o m p lex, ended Oakville' s longest playoff ru n since 2011 w h en it reach ed the O JH L final. team , V aughan, in order to ad van ce. G regoire set the tone w ith a goal 22 second s into the gam e and G lover added an oth er on a pow er play tw o m in u tes later. Ja c k Churchill added a pair of insurance goals and n etm in der N ico M arandola held Vaughan to one goal to earn the win. In the sem ifinals, Oakville avenged its earlier loss to Alliance cham p W oodstock . Checchia and Joseph Natale scored 1:32 apart in the second period and Jasper Van Schie carried a shutout into the final minute in a 2-1 win. It had been a trying season for the Rangers. T h ey w en t 1 8 -4 -6 , b u t injuries conspired against the team as it m ade an early exit in the OM HA playoffs. Oakville w as n o t the only casualty as the top three team s w ere all elim inated by the seco n d round. T h ey con tinu ed on in the Tri C o u n ty playoffs, reach ing the final w here they fell to first-place Burl in gton Gold. The O H F tou rn am en t represent ed a new start for the team. "It' s the first tim e w e've had our full lineup in 2 1/2 m o n th s," Pavao said. "W e've had a good group all year b u t w e've been plagued w ith injuries. But w e knew w e could co m p ete." The Blades forced a G am e 6 w ith a 4 -3 w in in G eorgetow n two nights earlier, ending the Raiders' 2 5-g am e h om e w inning streak. C h ris B rill-M o rgan sco red tw ice, Ja c k R ick etts and M att H ayam i h ad on e goal each and goalie M cG ly n n m ad e 4 0 saves to lead the Blades. Raiders end Blades' season after Blades end Raiders' streak .la Y v o u r ib e s T g o l f . P ro g ra m s p re s e n te d b y P G A P ro fe s s io n a ls G o lf f o r B e g in n e r s , G o lf f o r W o m a n I & II, A c tiv e 55+ G o lf f o r K id s , S h o rt G am e, A d v a n ce d , C o m p a n y G ro u p s , PR IV ATE L E S S O N S , c r e a te y o u r o w n g ro u p YOUTH SOCCER0® ® 2 OUTDOOR HOUSE LEAGUES AT APPLEBY COLLEGE b ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 2003-2013 LEAGUES: $207.96 2014/15 SOCCER TOT! PROGRAM: $97.35 U FOR BOYS & GIRLS BORN 2003-2015 LEAGUES AVAILABLE TUES-SAT 4* 12 weeks of games, starts May 30 4 Soccer Tots program for players born 2014/2015 includes parents & kids in fun 30min sessions A Teammate requests accommodated A Paid, certified coaches A Team uniform included 4 Each player receives a BSC ball 4 Team photograph included & End of Season Awards 9 0 5 -9 4 9 -8 7 6 4 c o n ta c t@ p u m a g o lf.c a · w w w . Pum aGolf .ca B U R L O A K S P O R T S C E N T R E .C A 952 C en tu ry D rive, Burlington, O N L 7 L SP 2 905-631-0000 ext. 200 or kristin@ burloaksportscentre.ca

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