Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 20 Apr 2017, p. 9

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9 | Thursday, April 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com A nnual Earth W eek C leanup is th is S aturday The 26th annual Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights (OCCPEHR) Earth W eek Cleanup of nature sites in Oakville will take place on Saturday, April 22, from 9 to 11 a.m. The one exception is Clearview Oakville Community Alliance, which will hold its cleanup on Saturday, April 29, at Clearview Park. The cleanup will feature hot air balloon rides from a local realtor. "We look forward to everyone pitching in as our local environment truly needs your attention and support," said Stephen Dankowich, executive director of OCCPEHR, in a media release. "Help clean up a park, trail, ravine, green space, woodlot or lakefront near to where you live. There are 45 locations throughout Oakville now confirmed for clean up," Dankowich added. To find out where Earth W eek cleanups are taking place visit: goo.gl/bfFvzx. This year, community cleanups are being staffed by: neighbourhood residents associations, church groups, realtors, the Girl Guides, seniors' organizations, environmental groups and government representatives. Dankowich said OCCPEHR volunteers w ould staff all other locations. On April 22, the Oakville Museum, on Navy Street, is holding a morning cleanup, then inviting everyone to join them from 1 to 4 p.m. to celebrate Earth Day by participating in a nature scavenger hunt and playing outdoor games on the grounds of Erchless Estate, 8 Navy St. This free event is for all ages and registration is not required. Children and families can participate in Earth-themed art including bird feeders made of natural and recycled materials and geocache containers. People can also participate in a m ilk bag mattress weaving project. The Town of Oakville' s Parks and Open Space Department, sponsors the annual Earth Day cleanup by providing bags and gloves. see Forty-five on p.11 Interlocking & Concrete Specialists Landscaping Ltd Pebble Concrete · Stamped Concrete Interlocking · Flagstone · Walkways Garage Floors · Patios · Driveways Curbs (French) Call Mario 905.842.7171 sunm arlandscape.com BAEUMLER A PPR O ED OAKVILLE PA R E N T-C H ILD CENTRE PRESENTS D Bf 6 ANNUAL Learn & Grow Toget S a tu rd a y , M a y 1 3 , 2 0 1 7 P A R E N T IN G CONFERENCE 9 : 0 0 a m - 4 : 0 0 p m | H o ly T r in ity H ig h S c h o o l ( 2 4 2 0 S ix th Lin e, O a k v ille ) Large Patio Suites 24 Hour Supervision Planned Activities 3 Meals A Day Daily Maid And Laundry Service Quiet Suburban Setting Adjacent To Mall A D a y w ith D r . Gordon N e u f e ld W h a t Children N eed to Thrive and Flourish We a ll w an to u r children to thrive but in a society that has become outcome driven and a culture that has lost its intuitive wisdom; how do we help children become all they were meant to be? Join D r. Neufeld as he guides you through an exploration of the childhood experiences that are critical to growing happy, successful children that are ready to engage with the world and reach theirfull potential. D r .N e u fe ldisth ea u th o rofH o ldO ntoY o u rK id s A d e lic io u s lu n c h w ill b e s e rv e d c o u r t e s y o f: co ffee c o u r t e s y o f f T C C Who Why Cost A ll p a r e n ts a n d c a re g iv e rs o f c h ild r e n (a g e s n e w b o r n t o 1 0 y e a r s ) T o g a t h e r in fo r m a tio n a n d e x p lo r e n e w id e a s T o m e e t a n d n e t w o r k w it h o t h e r p a r e n ts $ 3 0 - E A R L Y B IR D S P E C IA L * (*in effect u n til M arch 24, 20 17 ) $ 4 0 - A fte r M a rc h 2 4 , 2 0 1 7 T icket in clu d es $400 g ift c a rd to O ne H ealth C lu b fo r e v e ry g u e s t ® pcc } C a ll ' Learn & Grow Together S e rv in g th e O a k v ille c o m m u n ity s in c e 1987, V is ta m e re w a s d e s ig n e d w ith th e a c tiv e s e n io r on m in d . W e o ffe r a w o rry fre e life s ty le w ith a c o m m u n ity feel. Dus event is sponsored bff K eyn o te S ponsor G old S ponsors E x p e rt m o rtg a g e a d v ic e 8 R e g is tr a tio n b e g in s M a r c h 7 , 2 0 1 7 a t w w w .o p - c c .c a o r t h r o u g h j I ^B ASEM ENT -STORE K n o x O A K V IL L E Nachla L a w O ffic e Banisters &Solicitor s |Notary Public For more information f * 0 9 0 5 .8 4 7 .1 4 1 3 www.vistamere.ca 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 6 3 6 6 f o r m o r e in f o r m a t io n # O P C C L e a r n a n d G r o w T o g e th e r 380 Sherin Dr., Oakville (near Third Line & Rebecca)

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