Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 5 Jul 2000, A4

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 5, 2000 H A L T O N C A T H O L IC D IS T R IC T S C H O O L B O A R D ESL LINC CLASSES AD ULT & L E A R N IN G C EN TR E Your Link to the Future SUMMER SCHOOL ENGLISH AS A SECON D LANGUAGE Photo by Peter McCusker Kimberley Ford and Erryn Wilson help a client sort through the new gun legislation under the watchful guise o f Lisa Hodgson and Debbie McDowell. Speak, read, an d w rite b e tte r E nglish M O R N IN G &. E V E N IN G CLASSES O akville, B u rlington an d G eo rg eto w n Students reach out this sum m er to explain new firearms legislation B y H ow ard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF While the requirements under new federal gun legislation may appear confusing to some, the Outreach Firearms Program 2000 is now in place to help smooth the waters. The Outreach team in Halton is part of a Canada-wide, Department of Justice initiative to assist the public in filling out the paperwork required for compliance with new federal firearms legislation. They can answer questions, help complete application forms and take photos for licenses. Not only will they travel the region this summer, the students will assist neighbour ing municipalities as well. "If you have a firearm, we're here to assist," said Halton Regional Police Provincial Firearms Officer Sherrie McAdam-Sadauskas. At the core of the legislation is the fact that every firearm owner must register before Jan. 1, 2001 while all guns - including war trophies and old firearms no longer used - must be registered by Jan. 1,2003. The enthusiastic members of the team - all of whom are university or college students - will provide an approachable bridge between the public's concems/queries and what is expected of them by law. As a result, the students will be popping up everywhere through the end of August from the Waterfront Festival to the Olympic equestrian tri als at Hendervale Stables on July 22nd. "Having the students out there ... will help the system move a lot faster," said McAdam-Sadauskas. According to student Debbie McDowell, the teams will also be at Midnight Madness on July 21 st as well as Burlington Mall, Mapleview Mall and Milton Mall. "We're pretty excited about it," said McDowell. While all team members received appropriate training and even had a turn in the police firing range to pre pare them for their task, the Outreach program will prove to be invaluable experience for team members' chosen Q tik vocations. McDowell, for example, completed her fourth year undergraduate studies at the University of Western Ontario in Sociology and plans to follow up with post graduate work in Corporate Communications at Seneca College. Lisa Hodgson will soon be in her first year at McMaster University taking Psychology, while Kimberley Ford will embark on second year Labour Studies at McMaster. Erryn Wilson will be her second year of Private Investigation at Sheridan College this fall. McAdam-Sadauskas said if any service club or other organization wishes a more formal pre sentation, she and her staff can make the neces sary arrangements. Team members are also well-versed in firearm storage, display and transport. "You are responsible for your firearms 24 hours a day," said McAdam-Sadauskas. It must be stressed, however, that guns must be left at home and not brought along to kiosk locations or information sessions. Anyone with questions is encouraged to call 878-5511 ext. 5200. Registering all firearms would help reduce black market sales, McAdam-Sadauskas contin ued, as well as help police fight crime, increase personal accountability and more. It is not, she stresses, an avenue for police to confiscate legally owned firearms. 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