Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Nov 2000, Arts & Entertainment, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, November 22, 2000 A R TS & EN TER TA IN M EN T `The Trip to Bountiful' best play to hit Oakville B y C a r o l B a ld w in ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR oyce G rant had audience m em bers laughing, crying, and em pathizing w ith M rs. W atts the character she plays in The Trip to B ountiful - on the opening night o f this w onderful dram a that is currently on stage at the Oakville C entre for the Perform ing Arts. G eraldine Page may have w on an O scar for that sam e part in the 1985 m ovie version o f this play, but G rant would certainly win a Tony if that prestigious aw ard included The O akville P layers' productions. The actor who portrays M rs. Watts in this play definitely controls its suc cess. A nd G rant had audience m em bers praising her perform ance during both interm issions and afterw ards, as well as w hispering support and sym pathy for her character w hile she was on stage. I d o n 't know where local theatre groups have been hiding this gem all these years, but I have never seen such a brilliant perform ance on the O akville stage in all the years I 've been enjoying com m unity theatre in this town. G rant delivers a staggering num ber o f lines w ith such genuine sincerity that it is difficult to see them as part o f a text rather than portraits o f a life - her life. She is absolutely am azing, and I look forw ard to seeing this fine perform er act in m any m ore produc tions in the future. T his seasoned actor, how ever, is not the only shining star in this stellar production that tops all others so far this year, if not all in the past five years. H er co-stars Chris Ragonetti and Susan A pplew haite, who play her son L udie and her daughter-in-law Jessie May, respectively, are also stage talents that seem ed to appear out o f now here for this production. T h e a tre R e vie w T heir flaw less supporting roles only serve to strengthen the story and m ake the life o f M rs. W atts seem even m ore realistic. T he couple sitting next to m e was quite incensed at the daughter-inlaw 's behaviour, w hich attests to the authenticity o f A pplew haite's perfor m ance. In fact, there was not a w eak link in this acting chain. Each charac ter, from the young w om an who befriends M rs. W atts at the bus sta tion to the ticket-takers, blends into the story like a suitcase in a luggage shop. D irector Paul G roulx has m anaged to attract a superb cast o f actors to anim ate this poignant story o f a w om an who, before she dies, d esp er ately w ants to return to her hom e tow n, w here she fell in love, m arried, gave birth, raised her son and buried her parents, her husband and her daughter. D espite the roadblocks she encounters on her pilgrim age, this feisty w om an proves that ingenuity and determ ination are the ingredients for success. G roulx not only selected the tal ented cast that brings this tale to life, © Ontario Request for Public Opinion on the Proposed Nursing Home Annual Licence Renewal of Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Extendicare Long Term Care Unit, Oakville In accordance with the Nursing Homes Act, public opinion is being requested prior to a final decision being made on the above. If you have comments or opinions and wish to bring them to the attention of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, you may submit them by December 27, 2000 to: Director, Operational Support Branch Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care d o Manager, Monitoring Standards and Evaluation Unit 5700 Yonge Street, Mezzanine Level North York, Ontario M2M 4K5 Phone: (416) 327-7359 Fax: (416) 327-7364 Please indude the name of the nursing home and quote Project #138-01 on all written submissions. The Director will consider all submissions before making a final dedsion. he adeptly fashioned the characters and their parts in this story to unfold at a pace that enhances the lives o f the southern folk w ho call Texas their hom e. A nd he, along w ith the set designer, carpenter and construction team , put these characters on a stage that adds to the authenticity o f their situations. T he final act in B ountiful, in particular, w as played out in the fallow fields o f a deserted farm , co m plete with rundow n h om estead and country swing. D ram as are often m ore difficult than com edies to sell to the tick et buying public, but theatre-lovers will be doing them selves a disservice if they pass th is one up. It is definitely the hit o f the year and a d ram a w ell w orth seeing. The Trip to B ountiful con tin u es at 8 p.m . today (W ednesday), tom orrow , Friday and Saturday. T ickets are $16 and are available through the O akville C entre box office at 130 N avy St., 815-2021, w eekdays from noon to 5 p.m ., S atur days from 2 to 5 p.m . or tw o hours prior to perform ances. Floral, spicy and citrus fragrances (Continued from page B7) "T h is ty p e o f pillow o rig in ated w hen m y grandson w as ill and in the hospital. I m ade one and to o k it to him , hoping he w ould find it co m fo rt ing. Now, I find parents buying them for their grow n children to take aw ay w ith them to college," she says w ith a laugh. A long w ith the floral fragrances, there are invigorating, spicy and citrus ones, found in such item s as p epper m int foot lotion an d tangerine lipgloss. E ach container o f bath salts, m ade fro m a co m b in atio n o f b o tan ical ingredients and herbs, com es w ith its ow n gauze bag to prev en t the herbs from clinging to the skin, a solution deV illiers-C ollins arrived at through personal trials and experim entation. T h e p o t-p o u rri m ix tu re, created from a recipe developed and perfected by d eV illie rs-C o llin s, in v o lv e s an eight-w eek process from tim e o f co m bination to com pletion. "We really believe in our products and w e use them all the tim e," she stresses. F or those unable to attend the O ne o f a K in d C hristm as Show , deV illiersC ollins can be contacted by p hone at 465-0879, by fax at 465-1586, or by em ail at sendem ail@ sprint.ca. O ther locally based vendors at this y e a r's O n e -o f-a -K in d show w ill include M arcia Sm all, show casing her unique hom e decor products and lin gerie; Jo a n n e C u rrah , d isp la y in g m ixed m edia and w atercolours; C hristel W ille, designer o f w oven fashion accesso ries; G reg M cG ib b o n , w ho creates hom e deco r accessories from m etal; and G abriel C ortez w ith his handcrafted stone hom e accessories. T h e O n e-o f-a -K in d C h ristm a s Craft S h o w a n d Sale will be open w eekdays from 11 a.m . to 10 p.m ., Saturdays from 10 a.m . to 9 p.m . and Sundays from 10 a.m . to 7 p.m. A dm ission is $9 fo r adults, $6.50 for seniors and youths aged 13 to 17, and free for children aged 12 and under. T h ere is u n lim ited free re adm ission. Sears stores close to you, close to home SALE PRICES END SUN., NOV. 26, OR WHERE SEARS IS CLOSED, SAT., NOV. 25,2000 Major Appliances are available at the following locations: North Georgian Mall, Barrie (705) 726-4451 Upper Canada Mall, Newmarket (905) 898-2300 Markville Shopping Centre (905) 946-1866 Promenade Shopping Centre (905) 731-3388 Woodbridge Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy 7 & Weston Rd. (905)850-6406 microwaves on sale featuring Kenmore®, Panasonic, Sanyo, KitchenAid®*, Whirlpool® brands and more [Registered trademark of KitchenAid USA. KitchenAid Canada licensee in Canada Markham Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvements Store Don Mills & Steeles Ave, Shops on Steeles & 404 (905)881-6600 Richmond Hill Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 and Yonge (905) 762-0870 Barrie Furniture & Appliances Store 400 & Molson Park Drive (705) 727-9287 East Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-8000 Scarborough Town Centre (416) 296-0171 Oshawa Shopping Centre (905) 576-1711 Scarborough Furniture & Appliances Store Kennedy Rd & 401, Kennedy Commons (416) 332-8577 Central Fairview Mall (416) 502-3737 Now 479 99 KENMORE 15-CU. FT. MICROWAVE 1 ,0 0 0 watts. Dual distribution system . Stoppable turntable. #85910. Sears reg. 54 9 .9 9 . Gerrard Square (416) 461-9092 Woodbine Shopping Centre (416) 798-3800 Yorkdale Shopping Centre (416) 789-1105 Allen Road Furniture & Appliances Store Allen Rd & Sheppard (416) 398-9947 Available In White and Black West Bramalea City Centre (905) 458-1141 Erin Mills Town Centre (905) 607-2300 Now 119" KENMORE 0.7-CU.FT. MICROWAVE 7 0 0 watts. One-touch cook feature. #86020, Sears reg. 12 9 .9 9 . Square One(905)270-8111 Oakville Place (905)842-9410 Sherway Gardens (416) 620-6011 Mapleview Centre, Burlington (905) 632-4111 V* Hamilton Centre Mall (905) 545-4741 Limeridge Mall, Hamilton (905) 389-4441 Lynden Park Mall, Brantford (519) 756-7451 Silent auction helps crisis line T he O akville D istress C entre is holding a fund-raising S ilen t A uction on Nov. 30th, at 7.3 0 p.m . in the R am ada Inn, 360 O akville P lace Dr. T he public is invited to bid on the m any item s that will be on display, ranging from theatre tickets and restau rant vouchers to w eekend getaw ays and household item s - big and small. A dm ission is free, and m usic and light refreshm ents will be provided. F or m ore inform ation or to RSVP, call 849-4559. T he O akville D istress C entre is a free, confidential telephone service for those w ho are lonely o r have a problem , big or sm all, that they may w ish to discuss w ith a com passionate listener. People o f all ages, econom ic and cultural backgrounds call when they have a problem they c a n 't share w ith those close to them , or w hen they need ongoing support through trou bled tim es. T elephones are staffed by highly trained volunteers. C hristm as tim e can often be partic ularly stressful or lonely. By support ing the Silent A u ction, m em bers o f the public can enjoy a fun-filled evening w hile indirectly helping the centre support those in need. Now 149" KENMORE 1.0-CU. FT. CAPACITY MICROWAVE Quick-touch cook and reheat feature. #87010. Sears reg. 169.99. Mississauga Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy 5 & 403, Erin Mills Power Centre (905) 820-6801 Ancaster Furniture & Appliances Store Meadowlands Business Parkway Golf Links Rd. & Legend C rt (905) 304-1440 or 1-800-358-5537 Now 169" SANY01.1-CU.FT. MICROWAVE 1 ,0 5 0 watts. A uto return turntable. #19622. Sears reg. Now 199" SANY01.1-CU. FT. SEN SOR MICROWAVE 1 ,0 50 watts. 6 sensor selections. #19632. Sears reg. 21 9 .9 9 . Now 229" KENMORE 2.1-CU. FT. CAPACITY MICROWAVE Quick-touch cook and r e h e a t. #89020. 199 .9 9 . Major appliances online at www.sears.ca SANYO Sears reg. 269.99. SANYO Sears. For the many sides of you. Sears Oakville Place Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9 pm. Sat. 7 am-7 pm. Sun.10 am-7 pm. Sears Furniture & Appliance Store Mississauga Mon.-Fri. 10 am-9 pm. Sat. 10 am-6 pm. Sun.12 am-5 pm. NPl 141800 Copyright 2000. Sears Canada Inc.

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