Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Nov 2000, Classified, D6

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D6 11 general II help wanted THE OAKVILLE BEAVER general help wanted Wednesday, November 22, 2000 C U S TO M E R SERVICE An immediate opening requires a person with very strong written and oral communication skills, organized with a professional attitude to deal directly with customers, sales representatives and suppliers. Must have good working knowledge of Microsoft Office, and telemarketing skills an asset. Please forward resumes by mail only to: DIRECTORY DISTRIBUTORS Earn money, without selling, by delivering telephone directories in the OAKVILLE area. Start Immediately. Must be minimum 16 years and have own vehicle. FOR MORE INF0RMA TI0N PLEASE CALL: CANW EST D IR E C TO R Y D IS T R IB U T O R S (9 0 5 ) 5 6 5 -9 8 7 5 or 1 -8 7 7 -2 6 5 -1 6 7 4 (T o ll F re e ) Global Medical Products 5 2 3 0 S o u th S e r v ic e R o a d B u r lin g t o n , O N L 7 L 5 K 2 O ro rT G r- LEADING FITNESS CENTER Looking lor mature, reliable people to fill the following full-time / part-time positions C L E A N IN G p o s itio n ......... R iv ie ra M o te l is now a c cepting application for parttim e c le a n e r. $ 8 .7 5 / to s ta rt. A p p lic an t m ust be a b le to w ork w ee k en d s E xp e rie n ce not n e cessary w illing to tra in . Bring re sume in person Riviera onth e -la k e M o te l, 2048 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington T O R O N T O S ta r n e w s p a per looking for independent a d u lt c a rrie rs to d e live r door to door on established route in W a te rd o w n are a. E a rly m o rning s a pprox. 4hrs. 7 days/wk. Vehicle re quired. E xcellent com m is s ions. A pprox. $ 4 5 0 /w k . 519-836-8190______________ A C C E P T IN G a p p lica tio n s for full/part-tim e store help. D u tie s include: S a le s & G e n e ra l S to re up k e ep . Training provided. Apply in person Swiss Interiors. 217 L a k eshore R d .E ., O akville ph#-905-844-3530__________ BUS DRIVERS WANTED For the Burlington, Oakville areas. This progressive family oriented company will provide free training to interested applicants. Enroll now for large or mini bus training. Excellent wages for retirees and all applicants wishing part-time employment. Apply in person or telephone 1-888-749-1515 Attridge Transportation Inc. 5439 Harvester Rd. Burlington, ON L7L 5J7 THE OAKVILLE CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Oa k v il l e · · · · · · M a n a g e rs R e c e p tio n P erso nal Tra in e rs K in e s io lo g is ts M e m b e rs h ip C onsultants M a in te n a n c e Call 905-333-8100 or fax 905-333-1414 Baker! Baker! Baker! required immediately lor our multi faceted cafeteria, Sun. to Thurs., 3:30pm to midnight. Sell-motivated, willing to learn new concepts. B e n e fits C om petitive wage E x c . opportunity APPLY IN PERSON TO LUKE OR MARYLOU... M e tr ic a n S ta m p in g C o . In c . is lo o k in g fo r th e right individuals to join our team . You must be a self-starter able to excel in a past-paced team environm ent and will ing to work rotating shifts. Q U A L IT Y IN S P E C TO R Mature, reliable inspector for the automotive metal stamping industry. Knowledge of QS900, including PPAP, Control Plans & FMEA's Ability to handle a very fast paced environment Capable of using height gauge/venier/micrometer Good communication skills Able to read blue prints PRESS OPERATORS · Must be experienced working with automotive stampings · Must be familiar with quality control procedures · Must be familiar with presses and stamping operations · Must have strong verbal and written skills DIE M A IN T E N A N C E S U P E R V IS O R · Must be experienced working on progressive & Hand transfer dies · Must be experienced in a metal stamping environment · Must have knowledge of a preventative die maintenance program · Must be experienced in die trouble shooting · Must be able to read blue prints We offer an exceptional working environment with opportunities for personal development and growth. We offer comparitive wages and excellent benefits. Please send or fax your resume to: (905) 825-2087 We thank all candidates, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. T R A IN IN G P ro v id e d G re at w orking conditions. Part-tim e. Could suite stay at hom e mom's. C all Thai Satay & More- Fine Dining( 9 0 5 ) -3 3 8 -7 9 3 4 , or apply # 7 -1 8 7 C ro s s A v e ., O a k ville._______________________ W A IT Staff, full & part-time opportunities to work in one of Burlington's busiest restaurtant/ bar. Apply in per s o n ... E m m a's B ackP orch and The W aterstreet C ook e r, 2 0 8 4 O ld L a k e s h o re * Rd.E., Burlington. J U D G E & Jury - requires m ature, e xp erienced Line C o o k s , full tim e . G re a t place to work! S ee Kevin: 1 2 2 2 W a lk e r's L in e , (at M ainw ay) Burlington, 3 1 9 1655.______________________ T H E R ude N a tiv e B istro requires e xp erienced Full time & Part-time Servers for our dow ntow n O akville lo cation. Fax resumes (905)465 -0 68 1 or in person 142 Lakeshore Rd.E C O U N T E R H elp: Tw o p o sitions, weekdays, part time da y s hifts. $ 7 ./h r. A pply w ith resum e: B ean T h e re C a fe . 1 0 6 R e yn o ld s St. Oakville,___________________ S O U S c h e f, s ala d person & d is h w a s h e rs . C a ll b e t w een 10am -12noon for in terview Ask for Barry 319-- 1330 or fax resume to 3198065_______________________ L IN E C O O K S - F u ll-tim e / P a rt-tim e ---A p p fy w ith re s u m e - W in c h e s te r A rm s. 4 50 Appleby Line (at New), B u rlin g to n , o r fax Attn: Michelle 905-634-2778 D IS H W A S H E R S . B ussers. full & part-time, for fine din ing re s ta u ra n t, d o w n tow n O a k v ille . C all (905)339-0888______________ T H E D ic k e n 's R e s ta u ra n t re q u ire s B a rte n d e r/ M a n a g e r w ith 3 y e a rs e x p e ri ence. Fax resum e to 9 05 975-1176 P R O M overs. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H om e/ business. Free estimates. (9 0 5 )9 7 2 -9 7 0 0 . 1-888-2775777______________________ R E L O C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clu d e s 2 professional m o ve rs , truck and in surance Best rates on long distance. 844-8733 C U S T O M -M A D E valances, d ra p e rie s , sh e ers, bed/ ta b le / c h a ir co-ordin ates, fabrics. S herry- 634 -6 70 6 , morganinleriofs@home.com | r / r i | tutorial IS your child falling behind in re a d in g , s p elling, w rit ing? P riv a te tutoring by e le m e n ta ry te a c h e r. 8 2 5 9990 W f iim daycare available R E L IA B L E , full-tim e d a y care. 10 years experience. N on-sm oking hom e. C PR , outdoor play, outings. Ref erences. Receipts. Burlington. 336-6080_____________ F U LL or part time daycare. G uelph Line/Britannia. Ba bies welcome. Bus service to Kilbride PS. References. Receipts. 335-8623________ W O O D L A N D C h ild re n s C entre currently has open ings for 2-1/2 to 4 year olds. W e w h ere voted B urling ton's B est D aycare, come see why. C all today for a tour 336-2063._____________ W A T C H m e grow . E .C .E . mom offering quality day care Daily activities, nutritious meals. 319-6453. L O V IN G childcare by M ary P o ppins-style Mom. Hot nutritious lunches, sto ries. crafts, ABC's. Fenced yard. C P R / First Aid. 319-- office-clerical CALL (905) 844-8532, Mon.-Fri., 9-5 B ea ver Food s Ltd (a C ara C o .) S h e rid an C o lle g e O ak ville C afete ria 14 30 T ra fa lg a r R d., O ak ville L6H 2L1 SALES OPPORTUNITIES IN SPECIALIZED STAFFING WHAT IS YOUR GAME PLAN? In business, you play to win. You want big earnings from your abilities and efforts. Join AccountemjK. We're a division of Robert Half International the world leader in specialized staffing and a NYSE company with annual sales of 2.2 billion and over 280 offices worldwide. Use your top communication ond interpersonal skills to develop new busi ness by prospecting for clients. Fill these positions by recruiting capable people; develop ana maintain strong relationships witn clients and profes sional temporaries. Successful candidates must hove a proven track record of success. We offer excellent compensation that includes base salary, bonus and stock options. Be on top of your game with Accountemps. * * + * requires Travel Agents 515 skilled & techncial help 515 skilled & techncial help HO USE M A N A G E R (P/T Evenings & W eekends) To provide front line customer service to theatre patrons & artists, supervise ushers & bar s taff, nightly bank d e p o s its & reports. Must be a highly motivated, organized individual with outstanding problem solving c a p a b ilitie s . E x c e lle n t c o m m unication, s u p erviso ry & interpersonal skills are required. EXCEL, Word & a first aid certificate are an asset. Fax resum e to D ia n a M cC o y Oakville & Mississauga Min. 2 year exp. * TRUCK T IR E # * PERSON N EL * Earn Top Pay + Bonuses · Full Medical benefits · Professionally managed group RRSP · Amazing team Environment Please fax resume in confidence to Required Immediately Full-Time. Experience necessary. Competitive wages & group benefits. O.K. TIRE 8c AUTOMOTIVE Call 333-9990 Ask for Dave 905-681-8968 (905) 815-2002 M eray M otors M ercedes-Benz V A L E T D R IV E R Contact Debbie Tonkin, Branch Manager Tel: (9 0 5 ) 3 19 -9 3 8 4 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 -2 0 9 5 D A Y C A R E S u p e rv is o r & E C E te a c h e r s e e k in g o p portunities for professional grow th required. C o m p eti tive salary, benefits. Happy B eginnings D a y c a re . B urlington. Fax 631-9226 TEACHER re q u ire d to cover for maternity leave for p rim a ry c la s s from J a n .2 0 0 l-J u n e -2 0 0 2 . P ri vate School. P lease phone 905-8 54 -0 89 0 ______________ E .C .E . teacher required for busy O akville daycare cen tre. F ulltim e position. C all (905)849-3614. I teaching opportunities 0211.____________· L O V IN G reliab le daycare, my hom e for infants and p reschoolers. W est O ak ville. Excellent references available. 827-5724 W W L ft daycare wanted L IV E -O U T nanny required for tw o girls. (1& 4yrs). S o u th -c e n tra l B urlington. E x p e rie n c e preferred. 333-5696 H O W W IL L YO U BE P A Y IN G FOR C H R IS T M A S ? ? ? Our customers have immediate openings for experienced employees with long term commitments in mind. Experienced Full-time. No exp. required. Visit u s @ w w w .D tc o u n te m p s .c o m Tax Preparers needed. Fax resu m es to: (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -3 5 0 4 A.I.S. C ouriers has P/T positions available. Oakville. 5am-8am, to sort parcels. Some heavy lifting involved. S E R V IC E TEC H N IC IA N Required Immediately. Company benefits, Full-time. Class 'A ' License required. S E R V IC E A D V IS O R - F/T Seeking an energetic professional. Experience in ADP computer system. Company benefits. Applicants' should be sell starters with positive attitudes. Apply by (ax specifying position applying tor to: P A R T -T IM E housekeeper/ babysitter needed 15hrs / w eek. R eferences. Driver p re fe rre d , call 9 0 5 -8 4 5 9041_______________________ F U L L -T IM E N anny n e e d ed to care for 2 children, 4 & 7yrs. old. our Waterdown hom e. H ousekeeping also required. 6 8 9 -4 2 3 9 evenmgs, 905-812-5920 daytime. C H IL D C A R E provider w anted, please C all Rose 905-257-4640_____________ L IV E -IN C e rtifie d N an- n ie s / H ousekeepers avail able from Phillipines. Call O ntario Employment Agen cy. (4 1 6 )69 9 -69 3 1 (N o fee to employers)______________ N A N N Y (I iv e -in . nons m o k e r, driver's license), for two precious and ener getic children (aged 5 and 7 ). O c c a s io n a lly odd h o u rs. Light housew ork, children's laundry and nu tritious m eals. 5 yr. old in k indergarten A M . E duca tional gam es and activities expected for children. Call (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -5 3 4 6 · GENERAL LABOURERS: Oak & M il. Long Term. $10./up · BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE: B u r l. P/T to start, leading to F/T. Temp -Perm., $13-$14 · ADMIN. ASSISTANT: Burl., Corp. environment. 3+ yrs exp Word/Excel PowerPoint skills, $15/tir · INSIDE SALES, Experienced: B url, location moving to Miss, in March $34K + commission · BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE: Oak. Data Entry, Word/Excel. Temp to Perm. $14/hr · ENGLISH CUSTOMER SERVICE: B u rl, Computer literate, data entry, $10.34/hr · BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE: B u rl, Computer literate, data entry, $13/hr We are also recruiting for lona/short-term: Reception, Accounting, Administrative Assistants, Clerical & General Labour positions in Burlington, Oakville and Milton locations. $10/hr.+ Dan Burnside- fax 905-844-8890 ELEC TR O N IC S ER V IC E TE C H N IC IA N Cattron C ontrol*- Ltd. a subsidiary ol the world's largest industrial Remote Controls manufacturer is accepting applications for ET's. Candidates with a degree or comparable experience in PLC/ micro processor based component level troubleshooting, repair and knowledge ol industrial controls (crane and locomotive) and radio frequency circuits would be desireable. Position requires both field and in-shop service, so a valid drivers license is necessary, along with good team skills. Please forward resume with experience and salary expecta Cattron Controls Ltd tions to: Office Asst. for small, web-oriented co., downtown Oak. PT/FT (flexible hours) & highly administrative. You are focused & detail-oriented with strong computer skills in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint (Access an asset) as well as QuickBooks and lE/Netscape. Please email resumes to: Jobs@CanadianMgr Search.com or tax: (905)842-2755 FULL TIME LUMBER SALES Full time career opportunity in our Lumber and Building Materials Department. Successful applicants must be organized and customer service oriented. Will offer training if required. Comprehensive bene fit package included. If you are looking for a career in the retail building materials business, mail or fax your resume to: SCHUYLER HOME HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 385 STEELES AVE. MILTON, ONTARIO L9T3G8 FAX (905)-878-4049 PHONE (905)-878-9222 teaching opportunities E A R N E xtra M oney doing com m ericial cleaning. M a ture couples or team s pre ferred. No experience nec essary. Evening and w ee kend work. Must have own transportation. P lease call 905-524-8144_____________ M E T IC U L O U S and e n e r g e tic m o th e r of 6 has openings available for new clients. General housework. & if re q u ire d , la u n d ry & ironing. 6 3 1 -5 23 8 $10 /Hour Phone 2pm-6pm (905) 338-2069 Drop in with your resume or phone our Burlington office for an Interview today!! Authorized Indoor Clean Air Services P /T T e le m a rk e te r hourly wage plus Excellent bonus package Sears E U R O P E A N cleaning lady available. Experienced, re lia b le . good re fe re n c e s provided, reasonable rates. Call Vinka, 567-3903. E X P E R IE N C E D hard w orking E u ro p e a n la d ies available for cleaning your hom e, office or restaurant the w ay you w ould like it done! R e a s o n a b le ra tes . References. (905)639-7175 I personals AFTERNOO N m a s s ag e for th e busy g e n tle m a n . M o n .-S a t. 9 :0 0 -5 :0 0 . C a ll 9 05-312-4945 b (905)634-4445 · FAX: (905)634-0011 a new world at work. 150 Armstrong Ave., Unit 5 & 6 Georgetown, Ont. L7G 5G8 Email: aweslake@cattron.com AdeccoHIRING IM M EDIATELY A Z Drivers for U .S. Long Haul Operation Som e Short Haul also available MUST have Tw o years verifiable U .S. experience P le a s e C all T o m Travelers Transportation Services 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 5 -8 7 8 9 e x t. 2 3 7 905-681-8103 hair, beauty salon help S P A C E to rent, e x p e ri enced haird resser needed in busy spa located in milton. call 8 7 5 -0 5 0 8 or fax 875-3402__________________ H A IR S T Y L IS T w ith c lie n te le re q u ire d full tim e for fas h io n fo rw ard h a ir & m a k e u p stu dio. R eply to Gossip Studio 620 Brant St. or call John at 632-9989 H A IR S T Y L S T S required by B urlington dow ntow n salon. M ust ha v e e x p e ri ence. C all 6 3 2 -4 1 0 0 , ask for Liz. GREAT WAGES FULL TIME Experienced body repair person required for busy collision centre. Full unibody exp. mandatory. Excellent benefits and bonuses. Call (905) 689-8835 Roofing Salesperson Self motivated, driven Individual experience in the industry required immediately. Call for Info. 971-0158 N E W to C a n a d a . E ye C a tc h e rP lu s In d o o r-O u t door D isplay Boards have a rrive d . W e need a g g re s s iv e . e n th u s ia stic sales representatives. H am ilton. Burlington, O akville areas B u sin ess/ M arketin g e d u cation preferred. Self- e m ployment Opp. Com m. Car required. Must be excellent ·C lo s er". Large contracts s ec u red . Fax: (9 0 5 )6 2 8 7 8 4 3 ; e -m a il g p c .e y e catcherplus.com . .............. M U N N 'S CHILD CARE CENTRE INC. Y E S . W e can help! All ty p e s of b usiness fin a n c ing - e q u ip m e n t, re c eiv a b le s . P C s , M o rtg a g e s ... 2 0 K -2 0 m illion. C all C a r men 905-632-3793 Health Services O V E R A C T IV E B L A D D E R P R O B L E M S ? Offers Quality Care for Young Children Requires: Assistant Supervisor Your important contribution will be to en sure high standards of excellence in child care on a daily basis. You will be respon sible for the administration of the centre, the maintenance of the facility and work ing as a leader of a vital team with staff, families and the community. Applicants must hold a 2 year college diploma in Early Childhood Education coupled with mini mum of 3 years related experience. Ex cellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential. The position reports to the Director. Please forward your re sume in confidence by, Dec. 1, 2000 to: The Director of Munn's Child Care Inc. 1123 Glenashton Drive, Oakville L6H 5M1 Only applicants selected lor interview w ill be contacted. Thank you lor your imerest If you experience symptoms of overactive bladder, we may have a.research study with a new investigational medication for you. S ym ptom s m ust include frequent u rin atio n , sudden urges to go to the bathroom and wetting accidents. · You must be over 18 years old. · Have symptoms of overactive bladder for more than 6 months. For more information, please call us today at: 1-800-288-0031 525 office-clerical 525 office-clerical Halton Recycling Limited is now recruiting Sorters/Plant Labourers Day/Afternoon shifts available P lease fax resum e to: (905) 336 -3 03 4 PANGEO PHARMA INC. is a public pharmaceuti cal manufacturing company. We're growing and require an executive assistant lor our Oakville oflice. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT H a irs ty lis ts - FT/P Tj BUSY LOCATIONS BURL.-MIL.-WATERDOWN ] · Min. $8/hr Guaranteed | · C o m m is sio n s starting at 40% · Exc. Benefits · Flex. Schedule · O n -g o in g Advanced T ra in in g (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 -3 1 5 5 M a na g e r W a n te d We require a Manager for a full time position in our Milton location. Applicants should enjoy working with people and have an aptitude for ladies fashion. A c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s a t You w ill work with and report directly to the Chief Financial Officer and be a member ol Ibe finance/ administrative team within a last paced and exciting growth company. You have a post-secondary degree and 3-5 years of administrative experience. It is essential that you have well developed computer skills and a strong orientation to detail. Previous payroll/ benefits ex perience and the ability to work in both French and English would be an asset. Solid communications skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks simulta neously round out your qualifications. This is your opportunity to join a young, aggressive company with signilicant growth opportunities. II interested, lax your resume to: DENTAL/ RECEPTION COURSE HALTON BUSINESS IN ST IT U T E More Employment. B U R L IN G T O N P O S T Is looking for an enthusiastic PEGGY'S 55 O n ta rio S t.S ., M ilto n M a ll L9T 2M 3 Phone (9 0 5 )8 7 8 -1 4 1 4 or Fax (9 0 5 )8 7 8 -7 0 5 5 Q U A L IT Y c o n s cie n tio u s com p a n y s e e k s d e p e n d a b le person for ass e m b ly work with good mechanical ability and experience with hand tools. W age depends on e x p e rie n c e . (M ilto n ). R e p ly by fax only: (905)875-4729______________ G E N E R A L la b o u re r r e q u ire d fu ll-tim e w ith c a r pe n try e x p e rie n c e p le a s e fax re s u m e to 9 0 5 -4 6 5 0633 GEO Fax:(905)465-2811 We thank all candidates lor their interest, however only those under consideration will be contacted. No agencies or telephone calls please. ·C ertified · Full & Part-time · Computerized FERN H IL L Now accepting applications for SCHOOL SU PPLY TEACH ERS DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Our busy distribution department is presently seeking a full-time D istric t Representative. Candidates should have initiative to work well on their own, be innovative, creative and work well with children. Experience not necessary, on-the-job training provid ed for the right candidate. Own car a ne cessity. Good starting salary with auto allowance. Resume to: Fern Hill School is a co-educational school lor students in Pre-school through Gr. 8 who will respond to a chal lenging programme. We are inviting applications tor supply teaching at both our Oakville and Burlington campuses. Please tax or mail resumes to: Office Administrator/ Inside Sales A service-based com pany seeks a self-m otivated p ro fe s s io n a l to p e rfo rm re c e p tio n , a c c o u n ts receivable, data entry and sales duties. Inside sales c o n s is t o f in c o m in g e n q u irie s fro m the re sid e n tia l se c to r. S ala ry p lu s co m m is s io n on s a le s . E x c e lle n t b e n e fit p a ck a g e . M u s t have excellent organizational skills, the ability to m u lti task, good telephone m anner and a "team player" attitude. C om puter lit-eracy is essential. FAX OR E-MAIL RESUME TO: Sandra B ish o p , D istrict M anager (905) 828-4038 * sbishop@abellgroup.com 637*3415 R E P -P H A R M requires a part-time Fern Hill School 3300 Ninth Line Rd, RR #1, Oakville, On. L6J 4Z2 Fax: (905) 257-2002 The Burlington Post M A TE R IA LS C O -O R D IN A TO R For a T ie r 1 & 2 a u to m o tiv e p a rts s u p p lie r. Production/ Inventory C ontrol, MRP, and Future 3 computer related experience would be definite assets. Expo-sure to the automotive industry would also be co n sid e re d and asset. E xperience m a in ta in in g efficient inventories is essential. Related education or experience is essential along with computer literacy and exceptional team player and interpersonal skills. Submit resumes to: H.R. Manager- Dana Corp - Long Manufacturing 1400 Advance Rd., Oakville, ON L6L 6L6 Fax 905-825-8425 No phone calls please. Only those selected for an interview w ill be contacted. ELECTRICIAN AND APPRENTICES required lor industrial/ commercial installation and service work. Oakville/Mississauga and surrounding areas QUALIFIED APIC tor our Hamilton Narcotics Department. This position would suit a retired pharmacist. Please tax resume to Bill at 1-8 00 -66 8-1 34 0 BUSY g e n e ra l de n tal practice. Milton, accepting applicants for a reception ist's position. E xperience with computerized systems necessary, certification as assistant or receptionist an asset. Friendly, outgoing, c are e r-m in d e d applicants are encouraged to submit resumes; Fax 878-0557 or drop off 106 Wakefield Rd. D E N T A L A ssistant- C e rti fied fu ll-tim e re quired for busy Oakville office. Some e x p e rie n c e required. C all 905-845-1031______________ H Y G IE N IS T re q u ire d p a rt-tim e fo r m aternity leave in busy Milton dental offic e. P le as e co n tact Jackie at (905)-878-2837 TIM E FOR T Y K E S requires an ECE For interview, please call (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -4 8 0 0 2321 F a irv ie w S treet B u rlin g to n , ON L7R 2E3 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -1 0 2 4 (F ax) ATTN: K rith ia T ruem an JBK Electrical Services Ltd Please lax resume 905-842-5034 ELEC TR IC IA N & A P P R E N TIC E S required Experienced ' in industrial and com m ercial. Com petitive wages and benefits. Fax resum e to: Students Wanted Delivery Crew In O a k v ille and B urlington RECEPTIONIST re q u ire d im m e d ia te ly M on . to T h u rs., 4 p m to 8 :3 0 p m and Sat. 9am to 5 p m . M u s t be m ature, reliable, have excellent co m m u n ica tio n skills and pleasant telephone manner. Apply to: M is s G ilb e rts o n , 9 a m to 4 p m , at ·Wed & Fri-after school ·Saturday-after 9am -4pm A pply Cedar S p rin g s Health, R acquet & S p o rtsclu b In anticipation of opening soon in Ancaster... We are looking to backfill the follow ing positions in Burlington: · F itn e s s T ra in e rs , f/ t , university trained · P e rs o n a l T r a in e rs , p/ t , certified · S a le s /S a le s M a n a g e r , BUDDS' BMW OF OAKVILLE 2 4 0 0 South Service Rd W, Oakville Tel (905) 8 4 5 - 3 5 7 7 · Fax: (905) 8 2 5 -9 8 8 7 D A TA Entry position avail able immediately. Full-time. O akville a re a. Position re quires computer proficiency and excellent typing skills. 9 m onth contract. Fax resume to (905)827-4395 IN V E N T O R Y A d m in is tra tor for busy mail order of fic e . P osition is P T /F T & highly a dm inistrative. You are a perfectionist & detail orien ted. You have strong c o m p u te r skills & m u lti tasking office exp erience. F a x resum e: T h e A dded Touch. (9 0 5 )3 3 8 -1 4 8 6 ; Attn: Alya or Garrett G E N E R A L O ffic e H e lp Burlington company; P/T, 23 days a w ee k (no w e e ken d s); F le x ib le hours. D uties include filing, m ail ing and general office help. P lease fax resume to 905681-5190 B O O K K E E P E R required im m e d ia te ly . P art-tim e. B urlington. E xp e rie n ce in Sim ply Accounting 8 re quired. P lease fax resume (905)^631-5167. N o w i M a in w a y Electric Ltd. 9 0 5 -6 8 9 -8 9 3 1 CLASS A M ECHANIC Required Immediately. Competitive wagesgroup benefits available O .K . T IR E & A U T O M O T IV E Join the Water St. Cooker & Emma's Backporch KITCHEN TEAM We are now hiring for the following positions: Sous Chef Kitchen Supervisors Line Cooks A p p ly In P e r s o n : Emma's Back Porch 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd. Burlington, ON o r F a x : 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -1146 A t t n : K a lin o r S c o t t Join the Team in one of the most fun kitchens!! Great staff bene fits. No experi ence necessary. Apply 531 Brant St. Burlington H A M P T O N 'S in the O u a lity S u ite s H o te l, in O a k v ille , re quires e x p e ri enced hands-on chef. Must be cap able to work buffets and banquets. C all 9 05 8 4 7 -1 5 6 6 or fax resume to 905-847-7447 A p p ly in p e rso n to e ith e r: S a n d y C o le s , O a k v ille B e a ve r U n it 21 - 4 2 7 S p e e rs R d ., O a k v ille o r L a u ri S im p s o n B u rlin g to n Post 4 0 5 7 F a irv ie w S t., B u rlin g to n (E a s t E n tra n c e - G le g g C lass B u ild in g ) HELP WANTED · M A IL R O O M IN S E R T E R S * -Safety shoes required Tuesday to Saturday Different shifts available New membership sales & retention · M /F H o u s e k e e p in g S ta ff, f/ t & p / t H e a lth y In s p ira tio n s W e ig h t Loss & L ife s ty le C e n tre Weight loss experience a plus. F/T & P/T. F ax re s u m e A ttn: C in d y L o lu a ( 9 0 5 ) 6 3 2 -4 0 4 1 Call 333-9990 Ask for Dave! B IG B uck's M ountain Lodge now hiring kitchen help. Looking for fun, ener getic. enthusiastic and e x p e rie n c e d in d ividuals! S ubm it resum e to; 3 3 3 0 South Service Rd. Burling ton. L7N 3M 6 ( 9 0 5 ) 6 8 1 - Applications available at: © z O T O L L g U IA Y IS it Unit 21 - 427 Speers Rd., Oakville 9am-5pm Mon-Fri No phone calls please!

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