Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Jul 2017, p. 46

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9171 L T O Z ` 9 ' W `Aepsjnm | H 3A V 3a iT IIA V IV O I woo'uoiieijapisurMMM Masonry & Concrete Masonry & Concrete Moving & Storage Roofing Tree/ Stump Service STUMP REMOVAL, tree and hedge removal. Fence repairs and builds. Fully insured. Tim berwood Property S ervices. Call for your free esti mate. 905-6 59 -2 65 7 info@ tim berw oodps.ca LO ST & FO UND YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Office/ Administration Office/ Administration > Office/ Administration Technical/Skilled Trades N Technical/Skilled Trades TERRA FIRMA Interlocking & Masonr Specializing in New installation of Driveways, Patios, W alkways, Pool Surrounds and Steps. Exterior Parging & Restoration of all aspects of interlocking brick w ork. Highest quality w orkm anship and products only. PECI MOVING DELIVERY Insured & Bonded, Residential & Commer cial Moving Service. Free Estimates on site. Flat and hourly rates. Local mover. 905-320-9379 www.pecimoving.ca RE- ROOFING, Roof installations and re pairs, C him ney and bricks. Quality work. Reasonable prices. Call First Roofing, 4 1 6-6 24 -2 63 0 for a free estimate. The Ham ilton Spectator, a division of M etroland Media Group has an opening fo r a Full-time Accounting Administrator reporting to the Manager of Billing Services. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES · First point of contact in a custom er service role, answering general phone inquiries and providing solutions w ith a professional and courteous manner. Responsible fo r the analysis, maintenance and processing of custom er accounts on a daily basis, daily verification of billing and balancing revenues. Responsible fo r the organization and maintenance of im portant docum ents in the filin g system . Input inform ation and accurately updating data on spreadsheets using M icro so ft Excel. M etroland Media is a PCI com pliant com pany and requires people in this role to take PCI training to handle cards in a safe and com pliant manner. Degree or Diplom a in A dm inistration or in related field. H ighly com petent in m athem atics and reconciliations. Strong com m unication skills both w ritten and verbal as well as an active listener C ustom er focused professional w ith strong interpersonal skills. Proficient com puter skills in M icro so ft W ord and Excel. Capable of taking initiative and can w o rk independently w ith m inim al direction. A bility to excel in a fast-paced, deadline driven and dem anding environm ent. M e tr o la n d is c o m m itte d to a ccessib ility in e m p lo y m e n t a n d to e n su rin g e q u a l access to e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s fo r ca n d id a tes, in c lu d in g p e rso n s w ith d isa b ilitie s. I n co m p lia n ce w ith A O D A , M e tr o la n d w ill e n d ea v o u r to p ro v id e a c co m m o d a tio n to p e rso n s w ith d isa b ilitie s in the re c ru itm e n t process u p o n request. I f y o u are selected fo r a n in te rv iew a n d y o u req u ire a c c o m m o d a tio n d u e to a d is a b ility d u r in g the re c ru itm e n t process, p lea se n o tify the h ir in g m a n a g e r u p o n s c h e d u lin g y o u r interview . Other trade mechanics or apprentices considered. 35 year old forklift shop. Excellent wages and benefit package. Located in OAKVILLE ONTARIO A pply by fax or email to LIF T T R U C K M E C H A N IC S R E Q U IR E D FULL TIME Lim ite d T im e D isco u n t 1 5 % off C all Today 647-701-7507 w w w .terrafirm ainterlocking.com Waste Removal Waste Removal TIRANA ROOFING & DOKAJ CONTRACTORS LTD. Our services are available to residential & com m ercial clients. We use advanced installation techniques and the latest roofing m aterials. We provide free estim ates, senior discoun ts and offer competitive pricin g. 647-7 73 -7 24 3 Found S o m e t h in g ? P la c e y o u r " F o u n d " ad F R E E o f c h a rg e . C a ll 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 F a x : 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 e m a il: c la s s ife d @ m e tr o la n d w e s t .c o m Halton Lift Truck · · · · Fax: 905-849-3515 Email: Glendon@halton-lift.com ALWAYS CHEAPEST! All Garbage Removal! Home/ Business. Fast Same day! Free Estimates! Seniors Discounts. We do all Loading & Clean-ups! Lowest Prices. Call Jo h n : 416-457-2154 Seven days Masonry & Concrete HANDYMAN COMPLETE Bathroom/ Kitchen renos, Painting, Drywall/ General Repairs, Hardwood/ Tiling, etc. Sm all or Large Jo b s. Call Cristian: Painting & Decorating ABSOLUTELY AMAZING painters at bargain prices! Summer special $100/ room (WALLS 1 COAT) Fast, Reliable. Free estimates! Second-To-None Painting 905-265-7738 Construction Estimator Qualified office m a n a g e r with min. 3 y rs c o m m e rcia l c o n stru ctio n exp. m ust read blue p rints. W ages 2 0 -$ 2 5 /h r to sta rt. O akville. E: richard@ re so u rc e c o n tra ctin g .co m Labourer/ Vacuum truck Operator/ Plumber P lu g g e d P ip e r D rain S e rv ic e in Burlington full tim e , m ust have clean d riv e rs a b s tra c t. b u aro .jo e @ g m a il.co m WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR · · · · · · · call an expert home services FRAMING, DRYWALL, TAPING Over 30 years experience. Reasonable, reliable professional. Licensed & insured. AP General Cont. Ltd. Concrete, Interlocking, Pool Fill or Installation. Basem ent leaks, Drainage, Fence & D ecks 905-792-7778 ap.general@ hotm ail.com **B U R L O A K ** PAINTING Se aso n Special Book now & $ave up to 35% off!!! Prep & Paint Specialist Home Renovations ^ Home Renovations Call Frank 289-339-1686 647-281-2084. Home Renovations SPECIA LIZIN G IN: Basement Finishing · Bathroom Renovations · Windows & Door Installations · Ceramic & Hardwood Flooring · Drywall & Painting 3 Insured 3 Bonded 3 Warranty 00 BATHROOM Renova tions, basem ents, kitch ens, plum bing and drains, electrical, floor ing. From A to Z. Call Arek, 416-6 02 -2 39 4 . A1 A MIKE'S DRYWALL and Renovations Licensed and Insured Certified Tradesman Total Home Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation Paint, Trim, Doors. 30 Yrs Exp./ Free Est. 905-515-5505 BRICK, B LO C K NATURAL STO NE Chimneys/ Flag Stone. For Free estimate, call Roman Over 23 yrs exp. Residential, commercial & industrial DECK REFINISHING ALL DECKS SANDED, STRIPPED & REFINISHED BY HAND H ighe st Q uality N on -p eelin g or Flakin g, Stain S ea le rs. 416-684-4324 www.fadom constructioninc.ca Insured/ Licensed Call Jake for Free Estimate 905-330-9968 Great W ork! FEMALE INTERIOR Paint Specialist- Internationally Trained, Canadian Pride, Reasonable Rates, Licensed. Ready to Roll. April through October only. 905-483-3398. superior.renovator@gmail.com Alex: 905-730-7766 Accounting/ Bookeeping BOOKKEEPING AND A c counting Service s. C o m puterized bookkeeping for sm all and medium sized b u sin esses. A s s is tance with governm ent remittances. Prepare fi nancial statem ents and corporate. Affordable fees. Call Alicia at 2 8 9-9 83-7450. Summer 2017 Special 3 0 % OFF NOW OFFERING One application preserves & seals all wood from decay, for a lifetime. Services L im ited fY p fe ^ d h a f Electrical If this sounds like a fit for you, please apply by July 6, 2017: https://careersen-metroland.icims.com Jo b# - 2017-2683 BRICK, NATURAL STONE & CHIMNEY WORK Flagstone, Tuck Point ing, Windowsills & Much More! For Free Estimate DG ELECTRICAL SERVICES Call (41 6 )3 57 -1 72 9 or find us at www.dg electrical.ca E C R A /E SA # 7011330 We thank you for your interest however only those candidates receiving an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. Call Peter: 647-333-0384 www.stardust construction.com SPECIALIZING IN drywall, stucco, concrete, tiles and brick restora tion. C him ney repair and all cement finish work. Professional and re liable. Free Estim ates. Call Evan 905-9 21 -5 22 6 \ metrolandmedia · * JUST PAINT IT... MIKE'S WAY!! Fast Reliable service. Free Estimates! Interior and Exterior! No job too big or too small Give us a call!! 416-786-3631 PERFECT PAINTING & Repair Highend Craftm anship Professional Painters Residential custom painting/kitchen cabinets painting, water dam aged ceilin gs repair, complete interior renovations. Fully insured/References S en iors discounts/free estim ates. 6 4 7-7 02 -9 50 2 Call 519-774-8277 905-616-6588 FENCES, DECKS and Renovations. Free Estim ates. Call Mike, 905-6 30 -0 60 6 Megan, 90 5-4 66 -2 31 5 . Connected to your community® Salon & Spa Decks & Fences 0 ALL decks built in 1 day. H ighest quality. Sprin g discount! Free design and estim ates. Call Mike 41 6-7 38 -7 75 2 w w w .griffindecks.ca Receptionist/ Customer Service International m a nu factu re r is now hiring fo r the position of c u sto m e r se rv ic e /a d m in istra tio n . L o g is t ic s e xp e rie n ce and F re n c h -sp e a k in g are a s s e t s . B enefits and opp ortu nity fo r grow th offered P le a s e em ail re su m e s to: jobs@ Restaurants/ Hospitality MONASTERY BAKERY Oakville now hiring FT perm anent positions: Aesthetician W anted fo r a b u s y location in Milton. M ust have w o rkin g e xp e rie n ce in E y e b ro w th re ad in g W a xin g , fa c ia ls . C a ll Bern ad in e 4 1 6 -6 2 4 -3 6 2 9 ALPINE DECK BAKER (with oven exp.) DECKS, DECKS Seasonal Specials! 25+ yrs experience Reliable fam ily business. Free Estimates Photos, references. MASTER ELECTRICIAN Licensed / insured, ESA#7011197. 18 years experience. Evenings / weekend appointments available. Seniors Discount. Competitive pricing. Call Titan at 905-979-9779 , mturner @titangeneral.com MASTER ELECTRICIAN, HOUSEMYHOUSE RENOVATION Services Bathroom, Kitchen, Base ment, Drywall, framing, plum bing, carpentry, doors, outdoor stru c tures. Call Paul at 4 1 6-8 06 -9 84 2 or 28 9-2 08 -4 75 4 or visit w w w .housem yhouse.ca Moving & Storage Plumbing MEAT CU TTER S A LE S C L E R K Fax resum e: 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -1 5 6 7 o r Em ail: tonyp@ HAIRSTYLISTS F T & P T fo r b u sy S alo n in Milton. Avail. im m ed. S a la ry + c o m m issio n . lockwood1878.com Your Best Source For Local Jobs monasterybakery .com Hair Expressions Call 905-693-1003 905-338-0665 www.alpinedeck.com Spa Receptionist S e e k in g an e n e rg e tic , p o lite, co m p u te r literate p erso n to join our te am . K n o w le d g e of M ilano an a s s e t. Full tim e. C o n ta c t E d yta 6 4 7 -2 6 7 -2 7 6 1 or em ail: e k e p a 2 2 2 2 @ g m a il.co m 20 years experience, li censed and insured. E C R A 7006786. A lu m i num w iring, panel, service upgrades, trou bleshooting, 24/7 ser vice calls. Credit cards accepted. A CE Electric 4 1 6-8 33 -3 00 6 KARMI INTERLOCKING B&C POSTS Fences/ P o sts /Holes Fence repairs/ Pergolas, Concrete Footing. Call us for a free estimate. Nelson: 416-5 05 -2 70 0 . Visit us at: w w w .bcposts.ca Concrete, Lan dscaping, Driveway, W alkways, Patio, Flowerbeds. Low Prices. Fencing and Decks. Free D esign/ E stim ate s. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Over 21 Years Experience. Call 6 4 7-8 95-3435. 416-889-5167 www.Aleksmoving.ca Best Rates/ Flat rates in Ontario. Local or long Distance. Free E s timates. Family Owned Business. Senior & student Discounts SERVICE UPGRADES N e e d t o s e ll y o u r c a r? We can help! C a ll: 1-800-263-6480 F ax : 1-866-299-1499 L o c a lw o ik c a 100 or 200 am ps. Fuses to breakers. Residential w iring (garage, base ment, hot tubs). C o m mercial w iring, standby generators, potlights. L i censed and fully insured. E C R A /E SA License # 7011350. 647-2 74 -6 86 6 Sell your no longer used items with a fast working Classified ad 1-800-263-6480 Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies 0 ALL Land scap in g and Law ncare. Sod installa tion, property clean-up. Garden beds, M ulching. Trim m ing, Tilling. Prop erty Maintenance. More services. Fully insured, owner operated. Oakville M ississa u g a . 9 0 5-2 79-5614. S m all jo b s, p lu gged dra in , fa u ce t repairs, etc. Be it big o r be it sm a ll, do it w e ll o r n o t at all. Lez (9 0 5 ) 2 7 1 -1 7 8 3 . Roofing find us online at yourclassifieds.ca yourclassifieds.ca AC MOVING & Storage & Delivery: Experi enced Residential, Commercial, Piano Movers. Local and Long Distance. 24 hours. Please Call 416-949-2117 or 416-616-2995... or visit www.acmoving.ca $$ AAA ROOF! All types, new roof installs and repairs. Lifetime warranty on shingles. Available 7 days a week. Great rates. Free Estim ates !!!! 4 1 6 -9 95 -4 10 5 9 0 5-6 93-9950.

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