Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Nov 1999, B02

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B2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, November 3, 1999 'v Corporate sponsors weigh in By B ill Roebuck You-- the resid en ts o f the O ak v ille, B u rlin g to n and o th er H alton and Peel reg io n s-- are the lifeb lo o d o f the annual O ak v ille R otary A uction. T h is y e a r's au ctio n takes p lace on C o g e c o C able 23 and on the In tern et at w w w .o ak v illero tary .o rg on the w eekend o f N ov. 19-21, and featu res th o u sands and th o u san d s o f d o llars w o rth o f p ro d u cts and services. It ju s t ta k e s a q u ick p h o n e call to place y o u r ^ id and catch a b argain. T he M ajo r S p o n so rs o f th e O a k v ille R otary A uction d eserv e a special m en tio n as w ell. It's an im p ressiv e list o f co m p a n ie s, in clu d ing T im H ortons, C o m p u te r N etw o rk S ervices, P ru d en tial T ow n R ealty, L o ckw o o d C h ry sle r an d N ov artis. A nd, o f course, w e c a n 't forget the array o f serv ices provided to th e A u ctio n by T h e O ak v ille B eaver and C o g e c o C o m m u n ity T elev isio n -- as w ell as o th e r m a jo r su p p o rters too n u m ero u s to list here. T h e fo llo w in g b ack g ro u n d ers w ill fa m il iarize you w ith so m e o f th e m ajo r sponsors. Prudential Town Centre Realty, o n e o f H a lto n 's largest real estate com p an ies, p re p a re s to c e le b ra te its 11th y ear o f successful operation in 2000. T h e c o m p an y h as a staff o f o v er 50 p ro fessio n als w ith tw o offices in O ak v ille and a th ird in M ilton. "O u r su p p o rt o f the A uction is a w in /w ip /w in /w in situ a tio n ," says p resid en t A llan B ain. "F irst, it helps R otary raise fu n d s w h ich , secondly, go to support w orthw hile causes in th e co m m u n ity . T h ird ly , the auctio n allow s the public to buy great p ro d u cts an d serv ices at b arg ain prices. F ou rth, the business sponsors and d o n o rs can g iv e b ack to th e co m m u n ity w hile p rom oting th eir co m p an ies." W e c o u ld n 't h av e said it better. C a n a d a 's largest national coffee and fresh bak ed g o o d s chain, Tim Hortons, started out in 1964 w ith only tw o p ro d u cts-- co ffee and doughnuts. D id you know the A pple F ritter and the D u tchie w ere original Tim H ortons creatio n s? Today, you can find m uffins, cak es, pies, croissants, cookies, soups, chili, sandw iches, bag els and m ore. A nd its legendary coffee is even availab le in can s for brew ing at hom e. N ot only does the co m p an y su p p o rt the O akville R otary A uction, it also operates the n o n -p ro fit T im H orton C h ild re n 's F o u n d atio n , p ro v id in g cam p in g adventures fo r thousands o f ch ildren from m onetarily u n d er-privileged hom es. Its goal is to giv e ch ildren co nfidence in their ab ilities and p rid e in th eir acco m plishm ents, pro v id in g them w ith a p o sitive view o f this w orld and th eir fu ture in it. W orthw hile en d eav o u rs indeed. Computer Network Services, know n as CNS Canada Inc., is a m ajo r force in fo u r areas o f the co m p u ter industry-- they build and sell co m p u ters; they offer the largest w alk-in rep air d ep o t in the O akville and surrounding area fo r co m p u ters, prin ters and m onitors; they install co m p lete N ovell and N T netw o rk s; a n d they are the authorized w arranty centre fo r several m ajo r m an u facturers, including C anon, C itizen, P anasonic and S tar M icro n ics printers, Q uantum hard drives and T oshiba L C D p ro jectors. W atch fo r articles about L ockw ood C hrysler, N o v artis, T h e O ak v ille B eaver and C o geco next w eek. Bill R oebuck is a m em ber o f the R otary C lu b o f O ak v ille-T rafalg ar, one o f three clubs-- w ith the O akville N orth and O ak v ille W est clu b s-- organizing the 1999 O ak v ille R otary A uction. O a k v il l e Ro ta r y A u c t i o n N ovem ber 19th, 20th Roberta Brooks C FU W m em ber s n o m in a te d fo r n a t io n a l p r e s id e n t Roberta Brooks of Oakville has been nominated for the position of president of the Canadian Federation of University Women 2000-2001, by her local chapter, CFUW-Oakville. She is one of only three life mem bers of CFUW-Oakville. Brooks has 30 years experience with CFUW at all four levels of the organization. She has been a member o f CFUW -Oakville since the early 1970s and has held a number of execu tive positions including president 1981-1982, and honourary president 1996-1999. Brooks has served at the provincial level as legislation chair 1982-1985, and Ontario Council president 19881990. She has been active at the nation al level as vice-president Ontario and forward planning chair 1988-1990, and as a m em ber o f the International Relations Committee and the nomina tions committee. In the International level she has served as minuting secretary of the International Federation of University Women Triennial Conference in Graz 1998, the Council Meeting in Geneva 1997, and the Triennial Conference in Yokohama 1995. CFUW-Oakville unanimously sup ports Brooks' candidacy for CFUW president for the New Millennium. S u p p o rt your com m u n ity. Tune in to C o g eco T V 23 N ovem ber 19 & 2 0 f o r the R otary A uction. SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1999 Save on all Kenmore* major appliances C a n a d a 's KENMORE SUPER CAPACITY LAUNDRY TEAM Save $ 350 ,,*»«. W p <** | Washer features 19 cycles and extra rinse setting. #20922. Sears reg. 899.99. $699 Dryer features 12 cycles and Wrinkle Guard. #60922. Sears reg. 649.99. $499 Gas dryer available; extra KENMORE / W r o n g d a te s f o r C h r is tm a s c o n te s t The dates for Hopedale M all's Christmas Card Design Contest for children at Hopedale Mall, publicized in the Oakville Beaver Weekend of Sunday Oct. 31st, were incorrect. It will be held on Saturday Nov. 20th and Sunday Nov. 21st - not next weekend as originally publicized from 1 to 3 p.m. in the former Customer Service Centre. First, second and third prizes will be awarded. The Oakville Beaver apologizes for this error and any inconvenience it may have caused. #1 selling B eta Sigm a Phi used book sale The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Preceptor Pi Chapter, is holding a Used Book Sale at Trafalgar Village, on Cross Avenue across from the Oakville CO Station, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Hours are Nov. 5th, 6 to 9 p.m.; Nov. 6th, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Nov. 7th, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Proceeds will be donated to charity. In past years, the sorority's used book sale has supported Oakville Trafalgar M emorial Hospital, The Lupus Society, Hospital for Sick Children, and Child Find. brand" * R a -4 * (l o n i i i ( l ( > |H > ii( k > n ( n a tio n a l s u r v e y s c u r r e n t a t tim e o f a d v e r tis in g p ir | > a r u t io ii U s e y o u r S e a r s C a rd a n d r S a v e s1 4 0 KENMORE DISHWASHER With direct-feed wash system and Quiet Guard. #17772. S a v e *2 7 0 KENMORE EASY-CLEAN RANGE Features flush fit and 2 appliance outlets. #60190. Sears reg. 7 9 9.99. $529 Optical glass door and self-clean available; extra Save?300 KENMORE 19.9-CU. FT. FRIDGE W ith 4 split-glass shelves and 2 clear crispers. #60092. Sears reg. 1199.99. Sears reg. 739.99. $599 Also available in Black $899 Available In White. Black and Almond p a y no interest til Jan u ary 2002 plus earn double Sears C lu b points on all Keimioie major appliances D u k e o f E d in b u r g h w in n e r c o r r e c tio n In last week's papier, Wednesday Oct 27th in the Focus section, informa tion about one of the five Oakville recipients of the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award was inaccurate. Recipient Laura Jane Bradfield, 18 (not 17 as reported), has been a volun teer coach for the Oakville Marlins Special Olympics Swim Team for two years in addition to volunteering in the maternity ward at Oakville Trafalgar M emorial Hospital. She not only canoed in Algonquin Park but also sp>ent two weeks on a work project in Costa Rica. She swims with the Oakville Aquatic Club, and also enjoys running, field hockey, roller blading and Tae Kwando. After meeting all of the require ments, she was required to write a diary of her activities to qualify, having reached all of the criteria for the award independently over the past 2 1/2 to 3 years. The errors and omissions are the result of incorrect information provid ed by the Duke of Edinburgh Awards office. Kenmore Kenmore Kenmore `Pay No Interest' offer: Pay in 26 equal m onthly paym ents, interest free, until January 2002. M inimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Excludes Catalogue purchases and items in our Liquidation/O utlet stores. Double Sears Club points offer: Use your Sears Card and get double Sears Club points on all major appliances. For orders from our current cata logues, state this bonus offer num ber: 94 16 22213 to get your double Sears Club points. Both offers: On approved credit, w ith your Sears Card. Offers end Sunday, November 14, 1999. Ask for details. NP1112299 Copyright 1999. Sears C anada Inc Come see the many sides of Sears " V is it $ e a rs O a k v ille P la c e Mon.- F rt 9:30 am-9:00 pm. Sat. 8:00 am-6:00 pm. Sun.11 am-6 pm.

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