Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Feb 2018, p. 34

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8 in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 22 , 2 01 8 | Teen Drivers 9 0 5 - 3 3 7 - 8 7 7 6 www.ateendrivers.ca AAA TEEN DRIVERS, MTO APPROVED BEGINNER DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE $424.77 + MTO FEE + tax = $499.99. ($100 OFF THE REGULAR PRICE) LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 HOUR LESSON 1 HOURLESSON AND G2 ROAD TEST ANDGROADTEST $155 NO TAX $170 NO TAX____________________________ A Class Room Instructions on Weekends, Weekdays, School Holidays and Long Weekends Individual Driving Lessons G2 and G Road Test Packages PLEASE CALL 905-337-8776 ORVISITOURWEBSITEAT www.ateendrivers.ca FORCOURSESINFO AND REGISTRATIONS. 407 Speers Road, Suite 213, Oakville HR T h e C e n tr e l_J l_J fo r Skills Development & Training G O T A T R A D E ? G O T I T M A D E ! RESERVEYOUR SPOT fo r FEB 26.2018 PROGRAMS Get job-ready in under 6 m onths at The Centre for Skilled Trades! Small class sizes with hands-on practical training, 75% shop time. Indus try c e rtifie d in s tru c to rs teach our Home Reno, Electrical or Millwright and Machining Programs. O ver 90% job placem ent rates. *Each program is limited to 20 students C O N N E C T W IT H US O M c N a m e e P @ th e c e n t r e .o n . c a Q 9 0 5 .3 3 3 .3 4 9 9 x :3 1 5 □ th e c e n t r e . o n . c a / s k i l le d t r a d e s NEWS Oakville PC candidate critical of Liberal spending l Continued from page 5 the long-term effects of their bad decisions every single day." Crawford, a married fa­ ther of two sets of twin girls, was a little more harsh dur­ ing his brief speech. "This is atrocious man­ agement in terms of the overall economy. We used to be the engine of the Cana­ dian economy here in Onta­ rio; we're not - we are a have-not province," he said. "We have to get Ontario back on track." He said the Wynne Lib­ erals have left the province in worse shape than it was 10 years ago, citing things such as a $300-billion debt, where it formerly took 150 years to get to a $100-billion debt - the Liberals tripled that in 15 years. He slammed health care, calling it "a complete disas­ ter." He said the brand new Oakville hospital is already filled to capacity with 20 per cent of in-patients clogging up emergency rooms - peo­ ple who should be in long­ term care facilities. He said the unemploy­ ment numbers is the big­ gest increase it has been since 2009, while calling the energy and gas plant scan­ dal "the billion-dollar boon­ doggle." "They're spending mon­ ey like drunken soldiers," he said. He shared a joke he re­ cently heard, to the plea­ sure of the Conservative crowd. "It's late at night and a mugger jumps in front of a well-dressed man, putting a gun to his stomach and de­ manding money. The man says, but I'm an Ontario cabinet minister. So the mugger says, 'well in that case, give me my money.'" He said a PC govern- ment demands change, and that Mulroney will be the next premier of the prov­ ince. Former Ontario PC lead­ er Patrick Brown stepped down from the position in January following allega­ tions of sexual misconduct. He has vehemently denied the claims, which he calls absolute lies. Roughly 30 minutes before the regis­ tration deadline Feb. 16, Brown registered as a lead­ ership candidate. The leadership race in­ cludes Mulroney, Brown, former Toronto city coun­ cillor Doug Ford, former provincial legislator Chris­ tine Elliott and social con­ servative advovate Tanya Granic Allen. Voting in the leadership race will take place online in March, with results an­ nounced on March 10. The provincial election is set for Thursday, June 7. Bring in this1 ad for $20 OFF your first reg. priced facial! SIMPLE B e G it t 'i-Pu! Sfcn, hlatutajly FalVonu 'S f" i,h Achieve smooth + clear ^ skin>with this purifying + hydrating facial, combining intense natural peels + LED light treatment with relaxing massage.environm ental defence INSPIRING CHANGE Offers va lid un til Feb 28, 2018 Pure + Simple Oakville-Mississauga More Facial + Product Specials at 3-1140 Winston Churchill Blvd. 1905.829.2055 WWW. p u r e a n d s i m p l e . C a OM@pureandsimple.ca @PureAndSimpleOM m n http://www.ateendrivers.ca http://www.ateendrivers.ca mailto:McNameeP@thecentre.on.ca http://WWW.pureandsimple.Ca mailto:OM@pureandsimple.ca Teen Drivers www.ateendrivers.ca $424.77 + MTO FEE + tax = $499.99. 407 Speers Road, Suite 213, Oakville Oakville PC candidate critical of Liberal spending Pure + Simple Oakville-Mississauga More Facial + Product Specials at

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