Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 17 Mar 1999, A7

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Wednesday March 17, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 COMMENT Copps deserved b e tte r trea tm ent We're with you, Sheila. In this house, for once, it's unani­ mous. Strange as this is, we agree on a topic we almost always never agree on - Canadian Heritage Minister Sheila Copps. For some reason, the lines are drawn about this politician - and they are mostly drawn along gender lines. But while the male faction of the household admits it's often difficult to warm to this minister, these days they're in her comer in her libel suit against Hustler magazine. We are unanimous on this one. Why? Because when a magazine like Hustler chooses to feature the Canadian Heritage Minister in such a base way no one should have to put up with it. There really is no doubt about what actiftn should be taken. Choosing the public life of a politician shouldn't mean setting yourself up for such a vile attack that has nothing to do with poli­ cy and everything about sexism. In this instance, the defenders of Hustler favouring freedom of the press sound pretty hollow. There is only so far that freedom should extend after all and certainly not into the area of pornography. But even Copps admits it was a struggle. What do you do with something like this? Do you decide to look the other way, opt not to react at all? After all, a politician's hide must be pretty tough after a number years of often intrusive coverage. DIANE HART She says she was torn between wanting to bring the magazine to account and not wanting to give it more publicity. At first, Copps said she wouldn't dignify the magazine with a response. She was away at the time and hadn't seen the issue. And sexist remarks are not uncom­ mon to Copps - throughout her career she has had to respond to them and she has with wit and energy. But this was far different. What pushed the minister over the edge? Her daughter. Her 11-year-old daughter came home in tears after being teased at school about the maga­ zine, her classmates saying her mother had posed for the magazine. Despite the fact Copps had spoken with her daughter about having to face all kinds of stuff in the press, this one stood out from the pack. It was crude. Copps has called it base and very pornographic. She decided after much thought to launch a suit. Having her photo with other photos of female genitalia and then asking readers why they would want to have sex with Copps is, as she said in an arti­ cle in the Globe and Mail, "absolutely beyond the pale." And it is. It's beyond distasteful; way beyond acceptable. Think, for a minute, if this were a man. Let's say, for argument's sake, Paul Martin Jr. had the same job as Copps and was involved in the same policy about magazines, the same policy that has raised the ire of U.S. magazines. It is doubtful that a magazine like Hustler would have responded in a similar vein - running a photo of Martin with vari­ ous other photos of male genitalia. It just wouldn't happen. But they did it very deliberately with a woman politician. After a discussion in the Senate, a unanimous resolution was passed con­ demning the magazine. Copps launched the suit two weeks ago. She has stated part of her justifica­ tion was that she owed it to her daugh­ ter. She doesn't believe that attacks like this in a magazine like Hustler can be shrugged off. Nor should they be. It is one thing to constantly put up with casually dismissive sexist remarks. Don't sweat the small stuff, as I say to the kids. But in public life, women should not have to put up with the kinds of non­ sense that she has had to withstand. It was, as she said, time to draw a line. Good for her. Too many people get away with vile, mean-spirited attacks on public people and never pay for it. Maybe, just maybe, this time someone will. O akwood School needs renovations After reading Kim Amott's piece in the March 14th Beaver 'Trustees get earful from Oakwood supporters', I had to see this school for myself. After all, as a River Oaks resident, I Re: Chamber o f Commerce faxed notice fo r Oakville by-law on home- based business Thanks for publishing the concerns expressed in my letter regarding the by­ law related to "home-based business­ es." I found the fax from the Chamber of Commerce somewhat ambiguous with its reference to Ancaster and its request for response being like a peti­ tion of sorts. I have since received response from Don Crossley at the Chamber, from the Mayor, and from Tedd Smith, my council member, clari­ fying the intent of the issue. Apparently, I misunderstood what the fax was try­ ing to communicate. I was assured that this was really about enforcing by-laws, preventing "undesirable" home-based businesses in residential contexts. An example being a person setting up an auto shop out of their home. However, it seems that those who Letters to the Editor should at least make a visit before I write letters and make speeches that support the closing of Oakwood Public abuse their privileges in society often necessitate legislation for the excep­ tion. Sometimes, later, this gives lever­ age for the government to justify fur­ ther exaggerative actions and laws in the community for their own interests. The bottom line being -- complexity and loss of the freedoms we currently have, or have had. Ric Riordon CF tourney a success A big "Thank You" to supporters of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation who came together on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14th, at Classic Bowl in Mississauga, for our 2nd annual kids and adults bowling tournament. A great time was had by all and $3,500 was raised to help further the research needed to continue "The fight of a life-time for CF kids." Anyone wishing to become involved in our bowling event or would like more info, call 825-2370. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation School. Sol on a bright Sunday afternoon the kids and I headed south. I got a few immediate impressions as we drove into the Bartos Drive parking lot. The first being that it was to River Oaks' detri­ ment that the trustee meeting held here on Thursday was held at night. For if it was held during the day, the trustees would have been in a state of shock upon seeing the dilapidated state of the building's exterior and would have probably decided right then and there that the children of this neighbourhood would be better off elsewhere. The lack of renovation funds for this school is probably a result of threats concerning its impending closure year after year. I also wonder if mould is a problem lim­ ited to portables and if there is any lead in that paint peeling off the fascia? I know it is not fair to judge a school by its outside. The quality of its teachers and volunteers are what is most impor­ tant. If the Board of Trustees decide to keep Oakwood open for yet another year I encourage them to make the nec­ essary inspections and renovations to ensure its students have a healthy and safe learning environment. Its time to get off the fence. Fix it or lose it. But if I lived in the area, I think I would prefer to bus it. Henry Tudor B y-law cou ld be easily m isin terpreted S U N & Canadi>n Airlines AmericanAirlines a L e f r iM t & e 'T fe a n t A b e n e f i t f o r C a m p T r i l l i u m - R a i n b o w L a k e AND T H E ROSE CHERRY H O M E y \ y t M " p i SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1999. 8 p.m. Oakville Centre - 1 30 Navy Street,, Oakville lw JU ' ^ . . . . r ^ J |jp a< osta lo in ftocVO / *N T r L ive a u c t io n o f c e le b r ity co lle c ta b le s Stirling Print(J) T H E C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H E 1 TOWN OF OAKVILLE 845-6601 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE PRE-QUALIFICATION OF : CERAMIC TELE SUBCONTRACTORS PRE-QUALIFICATION-2-99 FOR TILE REPLACEMENT AT CENTENNIAL POOL The Corporation of the Town of Oakville invites prequalification proposals from interested Ceramic Tile Subcontractors. Prequalification submissions will be received in the sealed Town of Oakville prequalification envelope addressed to the attention of the Town Clerk, Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1, Reference: Prequalification 2-99 - Tile Replace­ ment at Centennial Pool. DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF SUBMISSIONS will be no later than 12:00 noon, local time on Tuesday, March 30, 1999 LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED The project consists of the supply and installation of approximately 8,000 square feet of 2" mosaic floor tile on the pool deck, men's and women's showers, changerooms, washrooms, stairs, program office and inner office areas. The tiling includes the pool rim and coping face. The pool tank is not part of the scope. Wall tiles in the showers are also included. Pool deck will include various locations of 1" mosaic tile lettering. Epoxy grout will be used throughout. NOTE: There will be a MANDATORY site visit on Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. at Centennial Pool, 120 Navy Street, Oakville. Prospective bidders must attend in order to have their preoualification considered. Submitted proposals shall be based upon Standard CCA Document No. 11 as well as mandatory supplementary documentation (pickup from Purchasing Department of the Town of Oakville) to demonstrate technical, managerial, and financial capabili­ ties. Ceramic Tile Subcontractors interested in being prequalified to bid the work of this project must submit the following: • Completed CCA Document No. 11 (*) • Resumes of management personnel who would be assigned to this project, with full account of their involvement in similar projects (No substitutions will be permitted!). • Letter authorizing the Town of Oakville or Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc. to obtain information from applicable financial institutions (used as references), regarding the applicant's financial position (Line of Credit, Length of Experience and general financial position). • A detailed description of the Contractor's Heath and Safety Policy and written confirmation that all health and safety policies will be followed for the duration of this project. • Submission of form "CAD7 - Experience Rating Assessment" as calculated and issued by the Workers' Compensation Board. Only those prequalified Ceramic Tile Subcontractors will be listed within the subsequent Tender documents to General Contractors. The prequalification process will include an assessment of the Ceramic Tile Subcontractor's previous performance in a number of areas, including but not limited to: similar previous work, Health and Safety management, workmanship, site supervision, correction of construction deficiencies and final completion. Separate General Contractors' tenders will be received on or about April 27, 1999. Commencement of construction will follow shortly thereafter. The final completion date is no later than October 2, 1999. Draft construction documents are now available for viewing at the offices of Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc., 287 MacPherson Avenue, Toronto Tel­ ephone. (416) 927-1992. •Please pickup "Prequalification Information Package", from the Town of Oakville, Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing & Office Services TOWN OF OAKVILLE The Corporation of the Town of Oakville reserves the right to accept or reject any or all prequalification proposals. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE PROPOSAL FOR A STRATEGIC LAND USE OPTIONS STUDY FOR THE LANDS NORTH OF HIGHWAY #5, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO PROPOSAL NUMBER PROP-15-99 SEALED PROPOSALS for the above will be received by the Clerk's Department, on or before 12:00 NOON, local time on TUESDAY, APRIL 20,1999 Address: 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, or by mail to PO. Box 310, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6. Telephone (905) 338-4197. Specifications, Proposal forms and Proposal envelopes are available at the office of the undersigned. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the lowest or highest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. A project briefing meeting will be held as provided within the Proposal documents. R. J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing & Office Services Proposal advertising may be viewed on the O.P.B. A. website, 1 http:\\vaxxine.com\opba. C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e M e e tin g s Monday, March 22, 1999 C o u n c il M e e tin g C o u n c il C h a m b e r s 7:30 p .m . Monday, March 29, 1999 Planning & D e v e lo p m e n t Council C o u n c il C h a m b e r s 7:30 p .m . Tuesday, March 30, 1999 C o m m u n ity S erv ices C o m m itte e 7:30 p .m . - O akville R oom A dm in istra tive S erv ices C o m m . 7:30 p .m . - B ron te R oom Tuesday, April 6, 1999 C o u n c il M e e tin g C o u n c il C h a m b e r s 7:30 p .m . C ouncil & C ommittee Touchtone Phone L ne 815-5959 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE QUOTATION Q-10-99 FOR THE SUPPLY OF TURF FERTILIZER QUOTATION Q -ll-99 FOR SODDING AND SOD SUPPLY BY THE ROLL SEALED QUOTATIONS on forms provided will be received by the Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 until 12:00 noon, Local Time, on MONDAY, MARCH 29,1999 Specifications, quotation forms and quotation envelopes are available at the office of the Purchasing Department, telephone (905) 338-4197. The Town of Oakville reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the highest or lowest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R. J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing & Office Services 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD»OAKVILLE, (MARIO * L6H 2L1 Tickets available in person at Oakville Centre or by phone at ( 9 0 5 ) 8 1 5 - 2 0 2 1

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